The newsletter of webLyzard technology explores and analyzes the latest trends in Web intelligence, knowledge extraction and visual analytics.
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Needles in the Virtual Haystack

Semantic Search

Web intelligence and media analytics applications require powerful search technologies to explore unstructured big data archives. The August release brings a new query engine with a more granular advanced search dialog, including auto completion and entity support. Test all the new capabilities with the Media Watch on Climate Change, including the recently introduced Entity Map.

Data Services

Search | Feature of the Month. Our team has overhauled the platform's query engine for further gains in speed and usability. A central part is the new auto completion drop down, which suggests related keywords, locations, people and organizations. Users can screen these related items on the fly, before triggering the actual search. The drop down is available in the search box at the top of the page and in the advanced search dialog.

Open Source

eWRT | Extensible Web Retrieval Toolkit. Our open source library for collecting and pre-processing online content has found a new virtual home at the GitHub repository. eWRT is written in Python and supports large-scale knowledge acquisition by aggregating digital content from a wide range of sources including Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and YouTube. eWRT also includes various helper classes for effective caching and data management.

August 2014

New Release
Eastern Fence Lizard

Media Coverage

Aug 20
Big Data and Multilingual Content Analytics (in German)

Upcoming Events

Sep 11-12
Knowledge Sharing
TourMIS 2014 Workshop
Vienna, Austria

Sep 16-19
Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business
i-Know 2014 Conference
Graz, Austria

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webLyzard technology