Mass Street Music Email HeaderJULY 2014
JULY NEWS -  We had some special guests stop by the store in the past month – Dave Rawlings came by at the end of June, before putting on an amazing show in Kansas City. He was kind enough to let us take a quick video while he was hanging out with Jim.

Just Louis Meyers of Folk Alliancelast week, Louis Meyers of the Folk Alliance stopped by and we caught up on news about the February 2015 Folk Alliance Conference, which is going to offer even more surprises than last year's great event. Louis is pictured here giving a new Collings 01 acoustic a spin.

August 23 is the Kansas State Fiddling and Picking Championships at South Park in Lawrence, Kansas. We'll be there, watching the incredible musicians give their all for a shot at glory, plus we're sponsoring one of the stages this year. We'll also have a booth, so stop by and say hello.

Other Great Events Coming Up:
WINFIELD WARM-UP Sept. 12-14, Overland Park, KS
A special Flatpicking weekend workshop with Jim Hurst & Jeff Guernsey
WINFIELD! Sept. 17-21, Winfield, KS
with Dan Miller, Brad Davis, Tim May & more!
Read More Mass Street Music News Here! Ticket Giveaways, New Pedals, New OM acoustic guitars & more!

STAFF PICKS - Most of the staff favored unusual or custom-made items this month, from a modded amp to a guitar made with old-school hide glue. Find out what instrument Eric M. claims he can't play, but is addicted to anyway and what guitar "about blew the barn doors off" when Mike H. played it.

Josh BaldridgeAnderson Raven Electric Guitar
The Raven is a more sleek take on the classic offset Jazzmaster body design and I for one am a big fan! READ ALL THE STAFF PICKS HERE

July Staff Picks Banner with guitar and amp
Pickup Test Drive Guitar Graphic
New Pickup Test Drive Guitar! We captured Eric M. on video giving it go, surf style.
Guitar String Sale - Buy 2 Get 1 Free
Now through August 31, we're having a  Buy 2 Get 1 Free Deal on select strings!
Ticket Giveaways Graphic
Win tickets to see bands like Trampled By Turtles at the Crossroads in Kansas City!
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