An invitation from your LinkedIn connection 

David Steinhoff


Sydney-Los Angeles, London-New York, Moscow-Barcelona, Paris-Berlin,
Rio-Auckland, Washington-Atlanta, Gold Coast-Mumbai, Melbourne-Perth,

We are the global team behind the
'Journey of the seeds'

Dear <<First Name>>,

Head of Development 
Presence Films


A personal invitation

I write to you today to personally invite you, to join the development team behind, 'Journey of the seeds'.


A new mythology 

Battlestar Galactica was a successful TV franchise that provided long-term employment and created an amazing new mythology.
Presence Films’ supernatural-fantasy, 'Journey of the seeds' can achieve all of that and more.

What’s it about? - Synopsis
How does it work? - The guide
Join our Global development community - Register
Crowdfund - Get stamp

Sponsor - Feel the love

Check out our Intellectual Property tracking system - Leaderboard
Contact – Phone, email or Skype the head of development


Welcome to the revolution 

The digital revolution is making it possible to gamify, monetize and merchandise content.
The Journey project taps into the digital revolution and employs a new hybrid model of collaboration, distribution and remuneration. 


Who are you?

Are you a story-teller or digital revolutionary?
Are you a sponsor or a visionary investor?
Perhaps a developer or social media specialist?
Whether a fan or film professional, we seek visionaries, disrupters and the heralds of change to join and support our community. 


It starts with a hero

Presence Films’ tagline is, ‘It starts with a hero’. 
‘It starts with a hero, a challenge they must face and a journey they must take.’
Begin your journey today.


Got stamp?


Thanks to our sponsor


Begin the journey