Sydney-Los Angeles, London-New York, Moscow-Barcelona, Paris-Berlin,
Rio-Auckland, Washington-Atlanta, Gold Coast-Mumbai, Melbourne-Perth,
We are the global team behind the
supernatural-fantasy, 'Journey of the seeds'
Dear <<First Name>>,

Head of Development
Presence Films
A personal invitation
I write to you today to personally invite you, to join the development team behind, 'Journey of the seeds'.
A new mythology
Welcome to the revolution
The digital revolution is making it possible to gamify, monetize and merchandise content.
The Journey project taps into the digital revolution and employs a new hybrid model of collaboration, distribution and remuneration.
Who are you?
Are you a story-teller or digital revolutionary?
Are you a sponsor or a visionary investor?
Perhaps a developer or social media specialist?
Whether a fan or film professional, we seek visionaries, disrupters and the heralds of change to join and support our community.
It starts with a hero
Presence Films’ tagline is, ‘It starts with a hero’.
‘It starts with a hero, a challenge they must face and a journey they must take.’
Begin your journey today.