Ways to support our brave soldiers and families in the South
20th July 2014
Hi Everyone,
There are lots of brave soldiers and families from the South who need your help!
If you want to support them, there are lots of amazing organizations who are collecting donations - feel free to pick a charity from the list below, and show the soldiers and the families in the south that you appreciate everything that they are doing. If you can, also forward this to your friends and family back home.
* The Lone Soldiers in Memory of Michael Levin Fund are collecting for lone soldiers - people like us, internationals who have moved to Israel. So far they have raised $15,700, donations to buy gear and food - http://www.razoo.com/story/Operation-Protective-Edge
* Operation Undercover! War Stinks, our soldiers shouldn’t have to! Operation Undercover has already collected over $45,000. This translates to 6,300 pairs of socks, 1,800 boxer shorts, 1,800 green undershirts, 1,800 fresh wipes, and 900 bath towels - half of this delivery is going to Golani, who lost 13 soldiers last night. To donate click here - http://www.dkatom.co.il/under
* The same organization are also collecting to deliver pizzas to the front line - join us in getting straight to the hearts of these boys and girls... through their bellies. So far they have delivered over 2,000 pies, when he tanks were rolling into Gaza, the drivers were eating their pizza - http://www.dkatom.co.il/pizza .
To get an idea of why we are doing this, check out this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-kYB_9cOOQ
* A former American lone soldier is collecting money for pizzas for his unit Givati, and all soldiers currently fighting in Gaza. Let the soldiers know you love them - http://www.gofundme.com/biqmd0 . Your donations can also go to equipment or a specific unit, simply state that in the comments of your donation.
* To all the French people, you can’t let the Americans collect more than you! You can donate via https://www.leetchi.com/c/solidarity-idf---soldiers , so far over 7,500 euros has been raised - funds will mainly be used to buy food, cakes, drinks, shampoos, toothpaste, candies, soap, underwear, and presents to soldiers who were injured and are currently in the hospital
* If you live in Tel Aviv, and can’t donate money, you can stil help - company Balamuth are collecting home-cooked meals for the soldiers - it can be brought to their offices in Hamasger 39, 20th floor, opening hours between 9:00- 18:00. If you can't get there, call 0546717024 and they will send someone to take it from you. The shipment goes on Tuesday the 22nd at 10am.You can also bring sweets for our boys - help us collect sweets and cakes, deliver to the X Ray cafe - https://www.facebook.com/groups/903222123027722/
* The soldiers are not the only one who are fighting - a large portion of the burden also falls on their families. So far over $10,000 has been raised, and over 100 families helped -help includes hiring babysitters, providing cleaners, and of course providing food - you can donate here - http://www.gofundme.com/b8155c
Families from the South:
* Secret Tel Aviv Sublets, in cooperation with Roomixer, have heavily discounted apartments available in Tel Aviv for families in the South who want to escape the rockets - studios are available for 150 NIS a night, 1 bedrooms for 200 NIS, 2 bedrooms for 250 NIS and 3 bedrooms for 300 NIS. Cleaning and electricity is included. If you know of any families who would like to take advantage, please email sublets@secrettelaviv.com (thank you to all the landlords who are donating their apartments)
* Israeli Humanitarian organization Latet have collected $7,500 already - all packages are bought from small business in the south and distributed to families under fire and in need - you can donate here - http://www.isupportisrael.org/
* Amazing organization Yad Eliezer has distributed food and supplies to residents of Southern Israel living under a constant barrage of rockets. So far over $25,000 has been raised to provide food and treats for families stuck at home in bomb shelters - http://www.yadeliezer.org/program_info.php?program_id=38
* The Jaffa Institute, another amazing organization that looks after children across South Tel Aviv and Jaffa, have relocated 170 at-risk children from communities hit hardest from rockets - donations go to recreational activities, learning materials, food and treatment - http://www.jaffainstitute.org/home/the-jaffa-institute-responds-to-state-of-emergency-declared-in-south/
* The JNF are collecting funds for mobile bomb shelters to new communities in the Negev, an indoor recreation centre in Sderot, equipment to Israel’s Fire and Rescue Services, taking children out of harm’s way, and lots more - you can donate here - https://secure2.convio.net/jnf/site/Donation2;jsessionid=8592C85A5800B144E5EACE8427FDF5A7.app201a?df_id=5881&5881.donation=form1
* Natal is an organization that provides hotlines for people who are suffering anxiety and need to speak with someone - both for people in the North and the whole of Israel - you can donate here http://www.natal.org.il/English/
Thank you to all these amazing organizations for all the great work you are doing - Secret Tel Aviv supports you!
Thank you to Benjy Singer of MySteiblech (http://www.myshtieblech.com/ ) who has contributed to this list.
There are loads more amazing organizations that are collecting donations - we are sorry we have not included you all in this list. Please continue to post in Secret Tel Aviv - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secrettelaviv/ . If you have any questions, please feel free to email thelist@secrettelaviv.com.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Secret Tel Aviv
Secret Tel Aviv is Israel’s largest International community, helping Internationals settle in Israel. Our Facebook group has over 40,000 members, and receives over 200 questions a day. We are not political, and do not allow political comments in the group. We also send out a weekly events newsletter and are building a website to provide services for Internationals in Israel.