December 2014

A Message from Phyllis

Dear <<First Name>>,
Happy Holidays and thank you for your readership through the years.

As 2014 comes to a close let’s take some time to reflect. What was this year like for you? What worked? What were some of your successes? We often don’t take time to acknowledge our efforts.  Did you have a good year? What were some of your wins? Make a list and celebrate. What were some of your challenges? What did you learn from them?

I’ve had this conversation with all of my coaching clients this month. It’s an important exercise. After reviewing the wins and challenges of this year we look ahead and come up with a plan for 2015. What do you want to see happen? Do you want to increase your productivity? Do you want to build new relationships and referral sources?

Take some time to write down the outcomes that you want in the new year.  Having a plan gives us direction and focus. On a personal note, have you made new acquaintances? Read more books?  Gone to the gym?  Find a colleague or friend to hold you accountable and make 2015 your best year ever! 

Feel free to send an email to me with your plan. Make it a great year!

Best Always, Phyllis



2015 coming soon!

This Month's Article

Excerpts from Market You Must: Proven Strategies for Marketing


We usually begin the day with a full calendar and the best intentions. However, with constant interruptions, it’s easy to lose focus. Every time you’re distracted you lose the flow of the project you’re working on. Every distraction sets you back. 

When you start a file or project, block out a realistic amount of time to work on it. Don’t let yourself get side-tracked by interruptions. Close your door. Send your calls to voice mail. Check your e-mail when you’re finished. 

Focus on your objective and stick to it until it is accomplished. It takes discipline to stay on track, but the outcome is worth it. 

Coach’s Action Step: Review your calendar twice a day to be sure you stay on track. If you don’t complete the work you planned, evaluate the choices that you made. 



Think of six or seven qualities that describe your ideal client. As examples, who are the clients who appreciate your expertise and pay their bills on time? Which clients are responsive and cooperative? Who gives you quality referrals? 

The more you know about your ideal client, the more you can tailor your marketing plan. Clients want to work with people who know them and speak their language. 

Think about the kind of work you want to do and the type of person you want to attract. Once you describe your ideal client, you’re ready to create a plan to find them. 

Coach’s Action Step : Describe the qualities of your ideal client on a three-by-five card and keep it visible. Evaluate your prospects using this criteria. 



If you’re one of many people who cringe when you hear the word “network”, let’s reframe your definition of networking. 

Networking is simply a way to let other people know who you are. 

If you want to bring in new business, the more people who know you, the better. So, rather than thinking about networking as walking into a room full of strangers, look at it as a chance to make a new friend or two. Begin by selecting three or four groups that have attendees you’re interested in meeting. 

Very often other people in your profession become your best source of referrals, so you might want to include any organizations or groups that you belong to. 

Beyond networking in your professional community, many other groups are great resources, including chambers of commerce, community groups and even your local gym. Consider attending a variety of meetings until you find the ones you want to join. 

Coach’s Action Step : Make a plan to attend at least three networking meetings this month. Put them on your calendar today. 



Do you have a clear intention when you attend a meeting or go to a networking event? Do you think about the results you want to achieve in advance? 

Do you create an intention to meet certain people or achieve certain outcomes? Some people go to monthly meetings, collect a few business cards, don’t do anything with them and wonder why networking isn’t working for them. 

Set your goals in advance. Do you want to build relationships? Do you want to create a good source for referrals? Do you want to develop a new friendship? Whatever your intention, be sure you are clear about it before you arrive at your destination. 

Your time will be spent more efficiently. Your results will reflect your intention. 

Coach’s Action Step : Spend ten minutes to plan what you want to accomplish before your next opportunity. 



Get to know the people in your community who know everyone. Consider the president of the Chamber of Commerce, the Chancellor of the Bar Association or anyone who is well known. 

The more influential people you know, the easier it is to build an effective network. Do you know the centers of influence in your city? Look for those who are well respected and known for their integrity. 

Coach’s Action Step : Make a list of five people who are well known and make a plan to meet them.

Have a great holiday!
Best always, Phyllis


Published by Phyllis Sisenwine, Master Certified Coach, Motivational Speaker and writer. She works with clients to earn more money, improve time management and stay focused. To schedule a powerful coaching conversation send an email. Her website is located at

Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
Phyllis Sisenwine, Master Certified Coach



Phyllis Sisenwine

(215) 968-2424

Ph: 215-968-2424
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