December Newsletter 2014
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Wobo in 2014: What a Year!

As the year is coming to a close, we want to share how busy we have been making Oakland an easier, safer, and more accessible place to walk and bike. 
  • WOBO produced two car-free Oaklavia events 
  • Corralled bicyclists to ride with Mayor Quan and City Councilmembers on Bike To Work Day
  • Welcomed national leaders to Oakland for a 3-day NACTO Roadshow
  • Carved out serious design options for three major walking and bicycling corridors (Telegraph, 14th Street and Park Blvd)
  • Pressed on the city to re-open the Parklets pilot project,
  • Led another year of well-attended Second-Saturday walks through hidden stairways and pathways via Oakland Urban Paths
  • Placed two board members (and 3 members) onto the City’s first Bicyclist and Pedestrian Advisory Commission,
  • Hosted a Winning Campaigns Training weekend for Bay Area advocates-in-training.  
And speaking of winning campaigns...

We won a major step forward on building a continuous separated, and parking-protected bikeway on Telegraph Avenue and helped pass a City Ordinance that allows civil suits against drivers who harass, threaten or assault bicyclists and pedestrians.

Let’s also not forget that Oakland voters successfully passed Measure BB, a four-fold increase in funding for better transit, better bicycling and better walking facilities for Oakland.

2014 was a bellwether for what is to come in 2015!

These hard-earned successes need great, ongoing stewards like WOBO to ensure that Oakland delivers. 

Your membership supports WOBO’s ability to stay true to its mission: supporting every Oakland community’s ability to improve neighborhood vitality, livability and sustainability by making walking and bicycling safe, easy, accessible, and fun.


Oakland's First Parking Protected Bike Lane!

A better Telegraph Ave is a unanimously good idea, Oakland City Council decided December 9, green-lighting Oakland’s first parking protected bike lane.

By Spring 2015, you will be able to ride on new bike lanes on Telegraph Ave from 16th St up to 41st St, with 9 blocks of this stretch designed with parking-protected bike lanes, where you ride along the curb and parked cars are between you and moving traffic–the way it should be.

This project is good for our customers,” said Tiffany O’Shaughnessy, owner of Econo Jam Records on Telegraph, at public comment before City Council.

Stephanie Sockel of Marc 49 Winebar & Restaurant in the Temescal District spoke how a walkable, bikeable Telegraph will be good for her business. “I’m seeing more people bicycling Telegraph everyday.”

Oakland Public Works will finalize designs and incorporate the project into a scheduled repaving project next Spring. We will push Oakland to repave as much as this project as possible and include all of the transit improvements at the same time.

Shop with Amazon Smile to Support WOBO!

We encourage you to shop locally this holiday season.  But if you must, and are jumping on-line for your purchases anyway, consider shopping on AmazonSmile and tagging Walk Oakland Bike Oakland as your designated nonprofit beneficiary.
And 5% of your total purchase price will go to WOBO!
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