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December 2014

Happy Holidays from JMI

Happy Holidays from JMI! We wish you a wonderful holiday season to celebrate with family and friends. JMI ends 2014 with great momentum, prepared to take on new challenges in the coming year as we continue to think, inspire, and change for justice system improvement.  Please enjoy our newsletter and the much anticipated winter holidays!

Smarter Sentencing Training in North Dakota and Minnesota

In November, JMI staff presented its Smarter Sentencing training at North Dakota’s Annual Judicial Conference and for Minnesota’s criminal justice professionals in Todd and Wadena Counties as well as a few members from the neighboring counties. Robin Wosje of JMI presented a shortened version of the curriculum to North Dakota’s judges while JMI’s President Elaine Borakove and Frank Domurad, formerly of The Carey Group (TCG), provided training in Minnesota. The Minnesota training had 69 criminal justice professionals in attendance and included judges, prosecutors, members of the defense bar, sheriffs’ deputies, police chiefs, jail administrators, community corrections officers, victims’ advocates, citizen advisory board members, and social/and human service providers. (Read more)

The Justice Coaching Center

JMI is excited to introduce a new partnership with the
Justice Coaching Center, led by Jan and Stephen Bouch. This collaboration will bring new skill sets to our consulting services leveraging the power of coaching in our projects.
The Justice Coaching Center supports the achievement of collaborative, focused, and effective leadership in entities that are part of civil and criminal justice systems. Targeting individual, team, and organizational goals, the Justice Coaching Center helps develop strategies for success. (Read more)

Thank you to Fritz Ohlrich and Harvey Solomon for their years of service to JMI’s Board of Directors!

This winter, two of JMI’s valued Board Members’ terms of service expire. Fritz Ohlrich has served on JMI’s Board of Directors since 2005. Harvey Solomon has been a critical part of JMI since its incorporation in 1992, when he was a founding director (JMI was then known as The Court Management Group). Harvey served as JMI’s first president and was the Chair of JMI’s Board of Directors from 2006 to October 2014. While we are sad to see Fritz and Harvey go, we know that they will continue to add invaluable insight to improving the judicial picture in the United States. We are enormously grateful for the long-lasting contributions they have made to JMI. (Read more)

Do Your Holiday Shopping and Amazon Will Donate to JMI!

Shopping on Amazon this holiday season? Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchases to the Justice Management Institute during the holiday season and year round! There is no cost to you. Just shop like you normally would on Amazon, but on a slightly different interface (AmazonSmile). To start shopping and help us raise money click here.

Thank you for your support!

THANK YOU for supporting JMI on #GivingTuesday!  Your donations will help support JMI and its future work toward working collaboratively with justice professionals to shape systems that are responsive, outcome-driven, fairer, more equitable, and more efficient.

 If you missed #GivingTuesday, but would still like to donate, please click here to be directed to our secure, online donation page.  All donations to JMI are tax-deductible. Thank you in advance for your generosity to The Justice Management Institute.  You make all the difference.
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The Justice Management Institute 
1400 14th Street North
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 414-5477

Copyright © 2014 The Justice Management Institute, All rights reserved.

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