Hello Everyone,

We are working on a short year-end video update, set to come out within the next few days, before the 25th. It is obviously meant to update you on the exciting progress we've made in the past month or so, but, for those of you who were thinking of Bibliotheca as a gift, I hope it can also fill in as something to show your loved ones. Since I know some of you would still like something for them to open, I'll include within that update a sort of "Certificate of Ownership" for Bibliotheca that you can print out and put under the tree; then perhaps you can show them the videos.

Also, if you're interested, I've been meaning to share this interview I did with Jeff Goins a while back. I really enjoyed chatting with him about the project and what drove me to do it, and we also speculate a bit as to why we think it received so much attention and support.

I'm excited to share this upcoming video with you. It covers some of the things that are now possible because of the huge amount of support given, by you, to Bibliotheca. The extended timeline is a nuisance, I know (I want this thing finished just as much as you!), but the bright side is that much of the delay is due to the fact that I am now able to do a lot more with the project having exceeded the original goal forty times over. In other words, I am putting these funds toward making everything about Bibliotheca better: every editorial stage will be more in depth, every material exactly to my specifications, every book manufactured with the absolute best production quality available.

Again, I am so grateful to each of you for giving me this opportunity to make Bibliotheca real, and to make it even better than I hoped it could be.


P.S. If you sent an email or a message during the campaign or shortly thereafter and never got a response, please feel free to send it again. It was impossible for me to keep up for a while there, but I'll continue to try my best to get back to you.
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