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The Best Christmas Gift 
Isiolo, Kenya-

A woman, aged 25 years from Merti (a village 225kms from the hospital) para 0+3 gravida came to the MaterCare maternity hospital on March 26th, 2014, with a difficult obstetric history of two miscarriages at six (6) and eight (8) weeks consecutively and other complaints. She was diagnosed with previous pelvic infections and severe anaemia in pregnancy for which she was treated.

On the 7th of May, she came for review and the clinician requested an ultrasound which confirmed the presence of a twin pregnancy at twenty (20) weeks. A haemoglobin done at this time done was 4.8gm/dl. She was given a blood transfusion of two (2) units (pints) of blood.

She was seen again on October 12th, again with severe anaemia and was transfused a second time. She got well and was discharged home on the 16th and was advised to be on total bed rest and was put on iron and vitamin supplements.

On November 8th at 3:00PM, the mother came again to the hospital complaining of lower abdominal pains. She was re-admitted and tests revealed her haemoglobin to be HB of 6.9g/dl, 2 units of blood were transfused again and another 1 unit of blood was kept ready since she was at high-risk due to her obstetric history, multiply pregnancies, anaemia and the possibility of post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) after birth.

A caesarean section was performed on November 9th at 10:00AM. She was delivered of a live healthy female infant and a live healthy male infant, weighing 1800g (3.97lbs) and 1890g (4.17lbs) respectively. Post-operatively, the mother was closely monitored, but has made an uncomplicated and full recovery. The babies were breastfed and have continued to thrive.

Without this care at the hospital, the mother and her babies would have died.

-Case report from #ProjectIsiolo, Saint John Paul II Maternity Hospital, Isiolo, Kenya.



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Motherhood has fundamental significance for all Christians for it was a young woman’s fiat, which became a part of God’s covenant.  Mary nourished and nurtured the baby, the Son of God, in her womb for 266 days. This was the most intimate relationship between a human being and God.  All mothers therefore share in some way this special gift of intimacy with God when they give a “sincere gift of self” through their own birthing experiences. Obstetricians and midwives are the most privileged of all healthcare providers as we are called to provide care for the co-creators of life and their babies.

May the Peace & Hope of Christmas
live within your Heart

Thank you for your continued support!

“God bless us, everyone”
(Tiny Tim, A Christmas Carol)

From the Board and staff of
MaterCare International

-Dr. Rob Walley

From all of us at MaterCare International,

Merry Christmas!


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