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Welcome to our latest newsletter full of strata title information from around Australia.

This is our last newsletter for 2014. We would like to thank you for your support through this year and we look forward to an amazing 2015. We would like to wish you and your families a happy, relaxing and safe holiday season. I look forward to catching up with you in the New Year!

There is just one more thing to do before clocking off this year. Be sure to check out Rockend's NSW POSITION VACANT. Set yourself up for a stellar 2015! Read below for details and follow the link to learn more/apply. If you have a strata vacancy to fill, let me know! We would love to help you connect with the right person.

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I will be working during the Christmas period (although in a reduced capacity from 23rd December to the 12th January) so please feel free to drop me an email or call for a chat.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

QLD: Body Corporate Governance issues – BCCM discussion paper issued

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
The government has issued the next BCCM discussion paper for those who want some light reading over Christmas.
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NSW Media Alert (12/12/14) – Home Building Amendment Act 2014 Proclamation

Chris Kerin, Kerin Benson Lawyers
The Home Building Regulation 2014 (2014 Regulation) and the Proclamation for the commencement of the Home Building Amendment Act 2014 (Amendment Act) have been made and will be published today.
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NSW: When Do You Need Approval to Remove or Prune a Tree?

David Bannerman and Mark Pollinger, Bannermans Lawyers
There can be significant differences between tree preservation orders for specific councils and proposals for pruning or removal of trees should be considered in light of the requirements of the tree preservation order applicable to the relevant local government area.
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Noise, nuisance, neighbours, the silly season and strata

Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
Common complaints around this time of year concerning apartment neighbours are increased noise, smoke drifting into lots, guests or other owners or occupiers parking in visitors parking or on the common property and guests or mess left in the common areas.
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Who Pays Special Levies: The Buyer or The Seller?

Lisa Rutland,

Special levies happen in body corporates more often than you might think. During the sale of a body corporate property who pays the special levy? Is it the buyer or the seller?
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Responding with Lightning Fast Speed to LAAN notices from Telco companies

Allison Benson and Nicola Bailey, Kerin Benson Lawyers
LAAN Notice: What steps should you take when your owners corporation is issued with a Land Access and Activity Notices (LAAN) by a telecommunications company?
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QLD: Topping up management rights agreements – the contest continues

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal

The process of varying management rights agreements can become quite an emotionally charged exercise for all concerned.
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Supreme Court finds that an unusually high step should have been painted in a strongly contrasting colour

Deborah Sullivan, QIA Group Pty Ltd
A recent case concerning a trip on a high step highlights the importance of common area maintenance - it could be as easy as repainting a step!
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Review of property law in Queensland

The Queensland Government is now inviting feedback on an options paper prepared by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) about body corporate governance matters, as part of the review of the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997. This is the first of three consultation papers dealing with body corporate governance matters. The options paper examines issues relating to by-laws, recovery of body corporate debts and termination and redevelopment of community titles schemes.

Consultation closes on 30 January 2015.

For more information and to access the paper, visit this page, on the Department of Justice and Attorney-General site. 

WA: Landgate Strata Titles Act Reform

Public feedback sought on proposed reforms.
Owners, tenants and developers of strata schemes are encouraged to have a say about proposed reforms to Western Australia's strata title laws. For more information, visit the Landgate Strata Act Reform page.

NSW: Take Action Now!

Even though the changes to the NSW home building legislation have been pushed back to the middle of January 2015, it is still important to TAKE ACTION NOW! Many owners corporations will lose their rights to make claims for building defects, so please participate - it only takes 2 minutes.

Owners Corporation Network have set up a Take Action page allowing you to quickly & easily send an email to your local member in protest of these changes.

For more information, watch this video from Channel 7 News, 15 November 2014 featuring Karen Stiles, Owners Corporation Network & Christopher Kerin, Kerin Benson Lawyers talking about the matter.

On 1 December 2014 the government plans to change the NSW home building legislation, and many owners corporations will lose their rights to make claims for building defects. - See more at:
Take Two Minutes to Write to Your Local Member

Most popular post from our last newsletter

Water leak, who do you call?

Nigel Wraight,
Thomas Wraight Pty Ltd

When you have a water leak coming from an unusual location, how can you determine the source & know which plumber to call? Have a look at this checklist table to help you.
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Position Vacant

Strata Training Consultant - Rockend

Take the next step in your career and utilise your strata knowledge and industry experience to deliver classroom, onsite and online training.
Find out More APPLY NOW


TODAY Dec 17
SCA (WA): Lot Owners Forum

Let me know about your upcoming strata events for 2015 - I will add them into our Strata Events Calendar.
Sustainable Residential Tower set to Commence after Two Week Sell-Out - See more at:
Visit our Strata Events Page

Breaking News

Latest Tweets & Facebook posts from the past fortnight

Design & Construction of World's First 14-Story Wood Building

Apartment Living on the High-Rise

Building Retrofits a Gold Mine of Efficiency Gains

Family life in a high-rise: What is it really like?

Medium Density Housing Making a Comeback

Calls to increase balcony rails

WARNING: ID Theft a Rising Concern for Strata

NSW: War of the clamps: Sydney apartment block holding non-residents’ cars to ransom TAS: What will Hobart's median apartment price buy you?
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