NSW: Take Action Now!
Even though the changes to the NSW home building legislation have been pushed back to the middle of January 2015, it is still important to TAKE ACTION NOW! Many owners corporations will lose their rights to make claims for building defects, so please participate - it only takes 2 minutes.
Owners Corporation Network have set up a Take Action page allowing you to quickly & easily send an email to your local member in protest of these changes.
For more information, watch this video from Channel 7 News, 15 November 2014 featuring Karen Stiles, Owners Corporation Network & Christopher Kerin, Kerin Benson Lawyers talking about the matter.
On 1 December 2014 the government plans to change the NSW home building legislation, and many owners corporations will lose their rights to make claims for building defects. - See more at: http://www.ocn.org.au/content/letter-minister#sthash.YVEkLe3v.dpuf