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Strengthening drought knowledge
GWP Central America has been working closely with the Regional Committee for Water Resources (CRRH), which is part of the Central American Integration System. Together they want to strengthen the regional capacity in the monitoring of climate to support decision making, especially related to agriculture, fisheries, water resources management, risk management and food security. Read more >>
December 2014 |
GWP keeps water visible at COP20
With active participation through a wide range of events, GWP advocated for a higher profile of water in the global climate change discussions at this year's UNFCCC COP conference, held in Lima, Peru. GWP also promoted the need for a dedicated Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for water. Read more >>
Economic task force to deliver report soon
The Expert Task Force of the joint GWP/OECD Global Dialogue project met in Paris in November to evaluate their work on the economics of water security. The report will be finalised in the coming months, before the official version is presented at the World Water Forum in South Korea in April 2015. Read more >>
Roundtable on media and water promotion
The Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan and the Embassy of Israel recently held a joint roundtable in Uzbekistan on the role that mass media can have in promoting water saving to the public. A special focus was put on the policy of water conservation on national level.
Austria: restoring the Mur River
The Upper Mur River is considered as one of the most ecologically valuable rivers of Austria due to the natural reproduction of the Danube salmon. The regulation of the river began at the end of the 19th century, when tributaries were cut off and large areas were drained in order to intensify agricultural land use. Restoration measures started in 1997 - this case study illustrates the process of reviving the river. Read more >>
Global Water Partnership (GWP)
PO Box 24177
SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 1213 86 00
Email: gwp@gwp.org
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