December 2014 Newsletter
Message from Don Brown, BCCFA President
"It is hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner. Here in Logan Lake the weather would suggest that we've had winter and that we are well into spring already. However, I'm sure most of you, like me, look forward to the Christmas Season as an opportunity to spend time with family and friends as it marks the end of one year and the birth of another. I count my blessings and bruises of the past year with appreciation because life is good! I also envision the challenges and opportunities in the new year because life is good! My Christmas wish to you and your families and friends is to have the time to visit and share this special season and to come out of this time with a renewed vision and vigor for all that life will offer you in the coming year! Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year from me and mine!"
Understanding the Tsilhqot'in Decision
Community Forest managers and Woodlot licensees met Dec. 10th in locations across the province to hear from MFLNRO about about the complexity and possible impacts of the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) Tsilhqot'in decision on small tenures. Neil Edwards gave a presentation which set out the process that government is developing to respond to the ruling and to keep the business of forestry going in BC.
Link to the presentation A Q&A session followed. MFLNRO has committed to responding to all questions, to distribution of answers and to another meeting in the same format in April. Submit your questions using this
form. Neil Edwards has also sent a follow up message for the BCCFA
link to the letter
The SCC decision does not decide land claims or assertions of title by other Bands & First Nations (FN), but rather supports consideration of their claim to land title. Government's first step is to understand the
Strength of Claim (SoC) of FNs across the province. The Province’s preference is to negotiate, not litigate, SoC.
Again, we encourage all CFAs to engage with their local FN to understand their interests on the CFA land base. Clarification will take time and no doubt further court cases, yet as one CFA manager was heard to say -
I have been reading in your newsletter that the Tsilhqot'in decision was big. Now I get how big it really is.
A Panel Discussion on the Tsilhqot’in Decision
An important and valuable tool in understanding
the history and implications of the Supreme Court of Canada Tsilhqot’in decision is this
November 18, 2014 panel presentation co-hosted by the UBC Faculty of Forestry and FP Innovations. The panel includes:
Chief Roger William, Tsilhqot’in Nation
Tim Ryan, RPF, Chair, Forest Practices Board
Tim Sheldan, RFT, Deputy Minister, MFLNRO
Doug White III, LLB, Interim Director of Centre for Pre-Confederation Treaties and Reconciliation, VI University
Other News
Western Silvicultural Contractors’ Association
Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology
- Regulated Rivers: Environment, Ecology & Management May 6-7, 2015 ~ Selkirk College, Castlegar BC Call for Presentations Extended until Jan 12 more information