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Eight months ago we conducted a poll on short term letting in your apartment building. With the recent decision out of Victoria this week - see the 'News of the Week' section below - we decided to revisit the poll and see how results compare to our last lot of stats.

Are there short term let apartments in your building?

 - No: definitely not. I know this for certain.

 - No: as far as I am aware, it is not happening.

 - It has happened in the past, but we have successfully stopped it.

 - Yes: I know for certain because I use my own apartment as a short term let.

 - Yes: at least one owner uses their apartment as a short term let and I have no issues. It causes no problems in the building.

 - Yes: and it is making our life hell! HELP!

Results and any comments from the poll will be included in next week's SPECIAL EDITION of the newsletter.
Why a special edition next week? Because our New Website is due to go live on Tuesday the 2nd August and we would like you to help us celebrate!
Bettina Deda, author of one of our blog post this week - 
5 Strategies for a Happy Apartment Lifestyle - has recently released a Downsize With Style Online Course, which will help you overcome procrastination, sort out all your clutter, and stay organised and in control of your downsizing journey.
Did someone forward this newsletter to you? Lucky you! Did you know that only newsletter subscribers can participate in our polls? Make sure we arrive in your inbox next edition by subscribing here. That way,  you will never miss a newsletter and you can join in on our competitions and next poll question too!

Our community grows from word of mouth. If you enjoy our newsletters, please forward this email onto others who may be interested, or simply tell them about LookUpStrata. We thank you for your support!


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Latest Articles

airbnb solution

Providing a Solution to Airbnb Strata Issues

Franck Bossi, Prox Access
It's time for owners corporations to look to solutions for protecting their buildings against problems associated with short-term lets / Airbnb and the issues this creates in strata.

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NSW Q&A Termites

NSW: Q&A Termites in Your Strata Complex - Who is Responsible?

Peter Berney, Solutions in Engineering
Question: As a recent town house purchaser I am concerned about termite control and am seeking advice as to whether this is the responsibility of the individual owner or the Body Corporate.

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cooking smells

ACT: Q&A What To Do About strong cooking smells from neighbours

Jan Browne, Ian McNamee & Partners
Question: The strong cooking smells from neighbours highly spiced food is coming into my apartment. What can I do about this?

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NSW reforms

7 key changes under the NSW strata reforms launching 30 November 2016

Inger Brettle, Premium Strata
To help you absorb the key changes, we have written this to-the-point pocket guide to the legislative changes.

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apartment living

5 Strategies for a Happy Apartment Lifestyle

Bettina Deda, Downsize With Style author
Small spaces require clever space management and room layouts. This blog article suggests five strategies for how to create a happy apartment lifestyle.

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nsw amendments

NSW: Management of Strata Schemes

Madison Marcus Law Firm
The objectives of the NSW Strata Law amendments are to provide for the management of strata schemes and the resolution of disputes, should disputes occur.
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nsw tenants

NSW: How The Proposed New Strata Laws Will Affect Tenants PODCAST

Amanda Farmer, Your Strata Property
The role of the proposed new Strata laws for tenants and how these changes will affect strata managers, owners and tenants.
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Pokemon Go!

Pokemon GO and Your Property

What do you do if you find Pokemon Go players wandering around your scheme?

Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
Are you aware of any Pokemon hot spots on your property? Has your executive committee, any owners or occupiers noticed a higher than normal number of visitors to your scheme who are glued to their smart phones? If so, it is likely these visitors are playing the game.

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aluminium cladding nsw

NSW: Flame On? Consider Engaging An Audit of Your Property In Light Of Concerning Aluminium Cladding Findings In Vic

David Bannerman and Ben Robertson, Bannermans Lawyers
Detailing the lessons NSW can learn from the Lacross Apartments Fire and what the significance of this is regarding aluminium cladding in NSW.

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Did you know......

There is just 127 days until the NSW reforms kick in!

News of the Week

VIC Airbnb

VIC: Apartment dwellers lose out as Airbnb here to stay, court rules

Simon Johanson, Sydney Morning Herald
In a decision that clears the way for Airbnb and other short-term leasing sites to freely operate in Melbourne's apartment buildings, the Victorian Supreme Court found owners corporations could not make rules to ban short stay operators.

This article was posted to LinkedIn and received the following comment from Michele Hemmings of Exclusively Strata:

I would like to hear from owners and potential strata/community scheme owners with their views on AirBnB being acceptable in residential apartments. This landmark case will spread its application in other states, without doubt. The renewed NSW Strata legislation is due for implementation in December this year, and it does not prohibit or permit short term letting. It is not too late to lobby as AirBnB has not yet been tested in any NSW Court.

To share your experiences, fears, solutions or approval of Airbnb in strata, contact me here. We would like to hear from you, so contact us with your thoughts and experiences of how short-term lets are affecting your apartment living. Don't forget to complete the poll in the introduction section of this newsletter.

Body corporates move to have exclusion zone for drones around Gold Coast high rises

Paul Weston and Lea Emery, Gold Coast Bulletin
Chevron Renaissance body corporate treasurer Bernd Liczywek said it was too dangerous to have drones close to the popular towers. “Our body corporate is proactive around issues of privacy and safety,” he said.


Reality of Strata - E2

'The Reality of Strata' - E2 of Strata 101: From Buying off the Plan to Your First Strata Meeting

Michael Teys, Block Lawyers
An important reminder of the nature for new buyers or those who haven't thought about what their place is as a member of an owners corporation.

Most Read Article From Last Week's Newsletter

strata smoke drift nsw

NSW Strata Reforms: Smoking in Strata Schemes - Nuisance (Part 2)

Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
Unfortunately, the opportunity to strengthen laws preventing smoke drift in strata schemes was not taken up with the NSW Strata Reforms.

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Featured Event

WIS Event

Boost your productivity with a breakfast at Macquarie Bank

Women In Strata + Macquarie Bank
On Friday 9 September start the day with Ash Roy of Productive Insights as he shares his tips, tricks and actionable strategies to help you get the most out of every single day.

Find out More
Jul 28
WA: Green Gurus – Water Sustainability and Technology Seminar

Aug 2
NSW: OCN + City of Ryde – An owners guide to dealing with a difficult EC (Chatswood)

Aug 3
SCA (WA): South West Strata Seminar (Bunker Bay)

Aug 9
NSW: City of Sydney Strata Skills 101 – Green Square Strata Basics Seminar

Aug 16
SCA (WA): The Role of the Council

Aug 19
SCA (WA): Smoke Drift in Strata Housing

Aug 23
NSW: City of Sydney Strata Skills 101 – From Meeting to Minutes: Why good governance matters
Visit our Strata Events Page

Directory Listings

We welcome the following
renewing listings to
THE Strata Directory:

Coffs Strata Management

Focusing on clients’ needs

Chambers Franklyn Strata Management


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Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

Australia’s cities need to start tackling the problems of an increasing population

Home Farm: How high-density living could solve Australia’s retirement problem Domain

3 charts that show Australia's high rise construction boom is scaling to new heights Business Insider

Sitting on the strata committee  Domain

NSW: Oversupply an ‘urban myth': 10 suburbs where apartment prices are surging Domain

Downsizers To Drive Apartment Numbers In Sydney Your Investment Property

Strata living in Sydney: Residents have never had it so good Domain

QLD: Chermside unit owners left with leaking walls after tribunal decision Brisbane Times

Judge gives OK for controversial Customs House high-rise  Brisbane Times

ACT: Canberra unit owners campaign for tighter noise regulations Canberra Times

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