This is a communication from Combe Martin Primary School for parents and carers only. 
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Mr Railston's Message... 

It's holiday time...

It's been a very difficult year for teaching but ultimately rewarding for us. In a year of great change and political uncertainty within education, I am pleased to say that our children have flourished. Building young learners who will be resilient in the future is a difficult task in today's society and context. I'm told (as I've never managed to attend yet) that awards night at Ilfracombe Academy featured many past pupils from CMPS and that I would have been proud of the achievement. All year I reiterate 'choices' and it is clear that the message is getting through. Today we will send off another cohort of children on their next step in life. Off to 'big school' to continue their journey. I wish them the best in their choices and yes, we do worry! We worry because we know the choices they need to make and we hope that they make the right ones. 


Looking at the development in school is frustrating. There is so much I want to do and so much is limited due to financial restraints. Providing barebones resources and trying to improve on poor maintenance. However, the development of people is free and our impact has been huge. It fills me with joy to see parents engaging with their child but more so to see them go back to education to further themselves. To see parents engage in school with the mission of becoming a teaching assistant is fantastic. A choice not taken lightly but that will be ultimately rewarding. 


I have see the community come together and use their voice. We have had long discussions on improving the school and we are all better for it. The collegiality of our PTFA is fantastic and this great group will forge new opportunities for children as they grow. 


Performance of a school again can be very political. I prefer to concentrate on the development of individual children not vague numbers reported to the Government. I believe that one will look after the other and this year the children and teachers have done us proud. Our children have coped fantastically with the 'new tests' and (whilst unconfirmed) the end result has been good. Y6 were considerably above the 'National Average' for children who achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths. We have to wait for comparative data to be released but I am so proud of the individual success underneath those numbers. 


As we move forward together we need to develop together. We have so much to work for together. Our children. As a school we will not be as successful as we want to be without high parental involvement. 


We have a lot of change in the coming year. New teachers and new children. New challenges. I have already set the agenda for next year with the teachers and you can help us. We will let you know how. But for now, in the long lag in education we call the summer holidays. READ... WRITE... CALCULATE... Don't just have weeks off. Keep your child ticking over. Work on aspects of their report. Write a diary. Whatever you do... Have fun. Learning is access to the world around - and we want our children to inherit the earth. 


Thank you so much to the parents and helpers who have gone beyond with us. The drivers, readers, makers, artists, diggers, gardeners, builders, carpenters, movers, hand-holders, Sea Schoolers... The list is long. You help us make it possible. You are so valued. Thank you. We really couldn't do it without you. 


A final word. We are losing some fantastic staff - all of whom I'm extraordinarily  pleased for professionally but personally sad to see go. Mrs Bartlett, Mrs Speed, Mr Huggins and Miss Pink will be sorely missed. They leave a school they have contributed so much towards and their new journeys are all equally exciting. We wish them luck and courage on their journey. 


To the staff that join us in September, I am equally excited and we have some high standards to better. 


I know that all of the staff at CMPS are equally valued but I would like to thank them on your behalf. They have been brilliant this year. Brilliant. Thank you. 


Have a great and safe summer holiday. We will see you on the 5th September. 

Reaching new heights
The children's artwork on top of Hangman

Big Friendly Read 2016

The Summer Reading Challenge takes place every year during the summer holidays. You can sign up at your local library, then read six library books of your choice to complete the Challenge. There are exclusive rewards to collect along the way, and it’s FREE to take part!

There are also lots of activities taking place during the Summer at Barnstaple Library, including: Science Workshops, Writing Workshops, Exmoor Zoo and a Drama Workshop.

Get involved, join the library and keep reading!

I know we've only just broken up... but... here are some dates for your diary. The teachers will be holding 'WELCOME' meetings during the first week back. This is to introduce themselves to you and set the scene for the learning that will take place in the class over the coming term and year.
The dates are:
  • Year 1  - Monday with Mrs Lewis

  • Year 2 - Monday with Miss Trathen

  • Year 6- Tuesday with Mr Guyler

  • Year 5 - Thursday with Mr Hookes

  • Year 3 - Wednesday with Mrs Rudd

  • Year 4 - Wednesday with Mrs Railston and Mr Hockley
We are also updating the calendar at the moment. There is a link via the school website to view the whole year of events - this will be updated constantly and it is possible to link the calendar with your own calendar account to stay up to date. The website is here follow the link to the calendar.
Class Dojo

This method of communication has proved really successful and easy to use. Please note that we will continue with it next year. Codes for new children and classes will be given out at the meet the teacher events in the first week. Please make sure you sign up when your class teacher gives you the unique code in September. The app can be downloaded from your smartphone 'store' or it can be used online at
Individual and family photographs from 8.30am on the 30th September.
Please send back your comments regarding your child's annual report. They are all read and discussed in our meetings. Thank you.
On Tuesday 13th September, to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Roald Dahl's birth, we would like all of the children to come to school dressed as a character from one of his books. They could dress up as Willy Wonka, Mr or Mrs Twit, an Oompa Loompa, Matilda, a witch from 'The Witches' a fox or any other character from one of his fantastic stories or poems!
Thank you.
Mrs Railston
Have you seen the READING INITIATIVE that we will be starting in September? Please have a read on the Website... CLICK HERE. There are a list of books we'd like every child to read by the end of each year! Can you get a head start in the summer holidays?
PLEASE look after our Reception outdoor area.
This is a very tempting area filled with lots to do - but it is for the children's learning. Please can you not let your children play with the equipment when you are dropping off and picking up at school. 
Crowded corridors in KS2

When KS2 parents are picking up children could you please stay outside until the children have come out. The teachers are more than willing to speak to you but they need to dismiss the children first. Thank you for your understanding - safety first.
We have changed our arrangement for Christmas productions. Next academic year we will have a bigger 'Christingle' style community performance and KS1 will do the Nativity. KS2 will be moving their performance to the Summer Term. 
The Year 6 boys sharing memories at their Leaving Assembly.
We are (nearly) always looking for Meal Time Assistants. Please let us know if you are interested.
From the office...

Back to School on the 5th September. School will be open from 8.45am. Please make sure you book your dinners online. The link is on the school website is here.

If you can help with Sea School please click here!
If you can help listen to reading in School click here!

Have a great Summer! Stay Sunsafe!

Thank you to all who supported the Summer Fair this year. The total raised is just over £1200, which is brilliant. The programme winner was number 14 - please collect your prize from reception. Beat the goalie was won by Ross Ayres.. Guess the number of sweets was won by Class 6. Guess the weight of the cake was won by Rachel Rudd. The follow raffle prizes are still to be collected: Yellow 8, 123 and 146 White 86 and 145 & Green 138.

Thank you again for your tremendous support. We are always in need of new members of the PTFA - so please watch out for our meeting in the new term.
I want to help with the PTFA
Combe Martin Primary is proud to be part of the South West Schools' Federation and North Devon Teaching School Alliance.
School Dinners...
You will have received a letter about our move to a CASHLESS system in September. Please see the office if you have any questions. The menu for the first week back was on the reverse of the letter.

Dinners for Tiddlers children will go up to £1.80 in September.
Download the menu for September - click here!
Do you know we have a morning AND after school club?

If you are working and need to drop the children off early or pick up late... we can help! Please ring the office for further information and to book a place.
We can offer a place to children from 0yrs to 11yrs... all welcome!
Disclaimer: Sorry for any typos! Been a bit hectic today! 

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