Brandon Blondeau / Protein Cookie Dough / NEW SKFT items!
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@jennaserelo {SKFT crop tee}
{SKFT Victory Shorts - NEW in black!}
{SKFT braided back cut-off}
@johnkomintsky {SKFT cut-off tee}
{cut-out mesh capri}

Saskatoon, SK


My name is Brandon Blondeau, and I'm a 25 year old paramedic from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. My fitness adventure truly began about 4 years ago after I noticed my health had been slipping due to a developing sedentary lifestyle. When I realized I wanted to turn things around, I began running as a way to lose weight and get myself in shape. Since then, I have developed myself into an obstacle course racer, an ultra runner, and a Crossfit athlete. I'm currently branching out into triathlons and Iron Man, and I genuinely love all aspects of fitness. I'm a firm believer that as long as you're getting fit and staying happy, then performing any form of exercise is something to take pride in. As Hal and Joanne would say: "keep fit and have fun!"

1 // While I have lived and breathed Saskatchewan for the majority of my life; I was originally born in Halifax Nova Scotia! I'm a maritime/prairie hybrid!

2 // Perhaps my favorite part of the fitness lifestyle is the food! I absolutely love cooking and baking. Trying new recipes and making delicious and macro friendly food is a huge hobby!
3 // When I'm not throwing around weights and running for hours on end, I spend my days as a paramedic. It's a career that I have an incredible passion for, and have spent the last 6 years in the field! Recently I graduated as an advanced care paramedic, and am about to embark on the next big step of my career!
4 // In August I'll be spending the last half of the month on a solo trip hiking through Iceland! It's going to be a few weeks of total disconnect, peace and adventure through the vast wilderness! Oh..and maybe an impromptu half marathon!
5 // My passion for fitness has branched over many different fields. I spent my early days as a competitive swimmer competing at various levels from local to national stages. I started running in my early 20's and found a major passion in obstacle course racing. It has afforded me the opportunity to travel internationally to race, and has been a major source of my fitness inspiration! I've raced many distances from a 5km to multiple ultramarathons. As of late I have found a love for Crossfit and the competition that it involves! I'm always looking for the next big fitness adventure!

1 //
First Place: Hypothermic Half Marathon - Lethbridge AB 2014
2 // Numerous Top 10 + Top 20 Finished at various Spartan Races
3 // Proud SaskFit Ambassador!


1 scoop protein powder
5g coconut flour
6g PB2
15g pure pumpkin

Combine all ingredients and add toppings as desired (natural peanut butter, unsweetened chocolate chips, unsweetened coconut, etc). Place in freezer for about 30 minutes.
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