Melissa's Newsletter

Hello. I am Melissa Macfie, author of The Celtic Prophecy series. In order to provide you with enough information to decide whether you want to sign up for my newsletter, I have provided some information about me and the inspiration for my series.

For most of my life, I have pursued artistic endeavors such as drawing, painting, and sculpting. I hold a M.Ed. in English Education from the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University, and have spent the last seventeen years as a public school English teacher. I also spent a short time serving as the co-host of Alpha Centauri & Beyond, an Internet talk radio show about science and science fiction. I live in New Jersey with my husband, Donald. Our children, Elizabeth and Donald, are grown and pursuing their own dreams.

I have been a writer for most of my life but when my children went off to college, I found that I had an enormous amount of time on my hands. The idea for the storyline was born ten years ago when I took a weekend trip with my daughter to Salem, Massachusetts in early October. A random thought occurred to me as we waited on a velvet rope lined sidewalk to be admitted to one of the many Salem attractions. The stray thought that turned into Fate’s Hand was that any real power would be effectively disguised by the tourist commercialism. But it wasn’t until a few years later, that I put words on paper.

The world of Fate’s Hand: Book One of The Celtic Prophecy introduces a world where magic exists for those willing to see. Reliquary’s Choice, the second book in the series delves deeper into this world where magic is real for those gifted in the Auld Ways. When I made the decision to begin writing, it was a foregone conclusion that the fantasy world I would create would explore magical realism. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been fascinated with the extraordinary in everyday life. Rainbows, birth, the affinity some seem to have with animals, to name a few—all scientifically explained, but yet there is still something more to each. Call it magic, miracle, or divine intervention; it is a mystery for which I don’t want or need a plausible explanation.  I would much rather think of what we conceive as reality as layered, and much like the color spectrum, we, with our imperfect eyes, cannot see all. There may be multiple layers for all I know, but the most real is our everyday life. We know this reality all too well—struggling pay our bills, find a job we can at least tolerate, raise our kids, and find a healthy relationship. It’s easy to lose ourselves here, but there are glimpses and traces of something else, another layer. This is the mystery, and in it lay coincidence, destiny, and purpose.

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