May President's Message and March Program information
AAUW Houston-Peach Branch
May 2016

 Messages from Our Outgoing Co-Presidents

Fellow Houston-Peach AAUWers…
As I just paid my dues electronically, I squared off my shoulders and took some pride in what a great year we have had under the guidance of Carrie and Me!  Your patience please, as I comment on the things we have TOGETHER accomplished this year.  I’m impressed and hope you are too!

      ◊ Paying dues electronically!  Thanks SD
      ◊ Professional Facebook page!  Thanks GK
      ◊ Professional Website!   Thanks JW
      ◊ STEM store! Thanks BC, WS
      ◊ VINES!  Thanks all volunteers
      ◊ First writing contest!  Thanks GC
      ◊ Non-traditional scholarship! Thanks LW and SD
       ◊ Writing together for a cause!  Thanks CS
       ◊ Successful book sale! Thanks MH and all volunteers
       ◊ Impressive national convention!  Thanks LS and MH
       ◊ Great RIF distributions!  Thanks MM, CS and all stampers 
       ◊ Terrific CHEROKEE ROSEBUD each month!  Thanks MM
       ◊ Fantastic monthly programs!  Thanks GC
       ◊Terrific, concise, accurate minutes!  Thanks SW
       ◊ Understandable Treasurer’s report!  Thanks SD
       ◊ Yearbook!  Thanks EM
Great officers for next year!  Great members who are always so willing to help in individual ways. Thanks for allowing Carrie and me to lead the past two years! 


We have come to the end of another year full of AAUW activities.  I have enjoyed being co-president with Jane, but am looking forward to being out of office.  Our branch has accomplished so much this year, from book sale to writing contest to scholarship to election forum to state convention.  I am always amazed with this vibrant, intelligent, and fun-loving group and what we contribute to our communities.  I'm looking forward to a fun summer and hope you have a great one, too.  Relax and recharge your batteries for next year.  Thanks to all of you, especially Jane, for making my term a wonderful experience.  
Caroline Smith


Scenes from Cherished Children Golf Tournament



Branch Events

Monthly Branch Meeting Information

Next Branch Meeting:
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Location:  Trinity United Methodist Church,
                      Room 102

Salad Supper:   6:00 p.m.

Directions:  Address 129 S. Houston Road.  Park in back of the three-story building and enter the double doors of that building.  Go to the right down the short hall; first hall, another right, Room 102 is on the right.
There will be signs and greeters to provide directions.

May Refreshment Team:

Evelyn Merk Team Captain
Susan Blair
Eleanor Granum
Lib  Barnhart


May Branch Meeting

On Tuesday, May 10, we will have our annual salad supper, followed by the installation of next year's officers and the presentation of the Eleanor Granum Award and other branch awards. This is always a time of good food and good fellowship and we celebrate a year of positive programs and projects. 

Note the earlier starting time for this special meeting:  6:00!


Book Sorting to Begin Soon!

On May 7, a large contingent of branch members met at the Friends of the Library Used Book Sale in Perry to pack up several car loads of the Friends of the Library's left over books and take them to our sorting/pricing spot in Byron. These boxes of books were added to an already respectable pile (see below), and Marlene promises that the sorting/pricing summer routine will begin soon. So, stay tuned to the Google group for details. 



From Jane Winston:
I will be taking over the Cherokee Rosebud this fall since I will be the corresponding secretary.  I need your help, and I know you will be excited about this creative opportunity!  Each month I want a photo or two from the membership along with a drawing, poem, prayer, tall tale, joke….you name it!  Get it!  I want your contributions, and I will send out a Google memo toward the end of the summer soliciting these items.  Won’t you help me out???  It is time to get your talents out from under that basket! 

AAUW Links

Branch Website −
State Website −
National Website −

AAUW Issues-
AAUW Blog -

Branch Message Group

Peach AAUW Branch Without Borders
GA STEM Google Group

Branch Officers


Jane Winston
Carrie Smith 

Program Vice President

Gul Celkan

Membership Vice President
Laurie Shaw


Sharon Dawson


Recording Secretary

Sharon Waugh

Corresponding Secretary
Margaret Mathews

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