Messages from Our Outgoing Co-Presidents
Fellow Houston-Peach AAUWers…
As I just paid my dues electronically, I squared off my shoulders and took some pride in what a great year we have had under the guidance of Carrie and Me! Your patience please, as I comment on the things we have TOGETHER accomplished this year. I’m impressed and hope you are too!
◊ Paying dues electronically! Thanks SD
◊ Professional Facebook page! Thanks GK
◊ Professional Website! Thanks JW
◊ STEM store! Thanks BC, WS
◊ VINES! Thanks all volunteers
◊ First writing contest! Thanks GC
◊ Non-traditional scholarship! Thanks LW and SD
◊ Writing together for a cause! Thanks CS
◊ Successful book sale! Thanks MH and all volunteers
◊ Impressive national convention! Thanks LS and MH
◊ Great RIF distributions! Thanks MM, CS and all stampers
◊ Terrific CHEROKEE ROSEBUD each month! Thanks MM
◊ Fantastic monthly programs! Thanks GC
◊Terrific, concise, accurate minutes! Thanks SW
◊ Understandable Treasurer’s report! Thanks SD
◊ Yearbook! Thanks EM
Great officers for next year! Great members who are always so willing to help in individual ways. Thanks for allowing Carrie and me to lead the past two years!
We have come to the end of another year full of AAUW activities. I have enjoyed being co-president with Jane, but am looking forward to being out of office. Our branch has accomplished so much this year, from book sale to writing contest to scholarship to election forum to state convention. I am always amazed with this vibrant, intelligent, and fun-loving group and what we contribute to our communities. I'm looking forward to a fun summer and hope you have a great one, too. Relax and recharge your batteries for next year. Thanks to all of you, especially Jane, for making my term a wonderful experience.
Caroline Smith
Scenes from Cherished Children Golf Tournament
