
May 2016 Newsletter

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Dear Ross Juniors Supporter,

We are all looking forward to the fantastic Family Football Fun Day on Saturday 21st May. We still need a couple of volunteers so if you can help even for an hour please contact Mike on For timings and other info please refer to your manager or write to Mike directly.

See you all there!

Your RJFC Committee
Walking Football

Our very own Ross Juniors Walking Football group are going to start training on Thursdays at 7pm at the Sports Centre on grass again and they are looking for new players! If you would like to join please just turn up or email Ron at

Walking Football is designed to help people keep an active lifestyle irrespective of their age, as well as getting those back playing football who perhaps had to stop due to injuries. 
Rules / Guidelines:
• Players are prohibited from sprinting, running or jogging while the ball is in play
• Anyone doing so is penalised with a free-kick awarded to the other team
• Walking Football is non-contact and no slide tackles are allowed
• Played with a size 4 Futsal ball (if available) indoors or use a traditional ball outdoors
• The game is played on a pitch 20/40 yards in length and 15/30 yards in width
• The area can be adjusted to suit numbers
• If the ball goes off the pitch over the touchline, the game is restarted via a kick, roll or throw-in (to allow for different physical capabilities)
• It can be played indoors or outdoors to depend on weather and available facilities

Variations and game adaptations can be made to suit participants’ needs and capabilities.
Ross Juniors Girls partner up with Birmingham City Ladies FC
We are delighted to announce that our girls section are the first Gold Sister club for Women’s Super League side Birmingham City Ladies FC (Blues). This scheme is unique to girls football and gives our girls a fantastic chance to meet, train and be developed by their heroes. Four of the Blues first team have been down already to train our girls section and some of the teams were lucky enough to go up to be mascots for the Blues game against Manchester City Ladies FC. Later this month 30 girls from Ross will be doing a pitch parade around Wembley prior to the Women’s FA Cup Final. On the pitch the club will be pitching themselves against other Blues sister clubs, our coaches will be getting further training and all girls will have a chance to be invited to talent camps at Birmingham City Ladies. The girls section has only been going 4 years so to have such recognition so soon from one of the ever present members of the Women’s Super League is fantastic.
Veterans League
Dan Morris is looking to run an over-35s team in a Veterans Sunday league May to July on the 3G pitch atHereford Academy. If interested in playing please email Dan at


Thu 12th May 7pm - Walking Football starts on grass

Sat 21st May - Family Fun Day @ Sports Centre

Followed by the screening of the FA Cup final inside

Wed 6th Jul - AGM - 7:15pm @ Sports Centre. All welcome!

Fees for 2015/2016

Following a managers' meeting on Tuesday, we are pleased to inform you that junior registration fees and subs for next season will stay at the same level as this season.

Registration Fee: £30 (£25 for a first sibling, £20 for second sibling...)

Training subs: £2

Match subs: £3 (£2 for our very youngest players)

If you ever wonder where all this money goes, please just approach us, we will be happy to explain. Our major expenses are pitch maintenance and JKHS astro hire, closely followed by kit, insurance, affiliation fees, coaches' training, referees fees, etc, etc.

Congratulations... the U8 and U10 girls teams who have won the cup finals in their respective age groups. Well done, girls!

If you want to keep up with what is happening in our club on a regular basis, follow our Twitter feed or become a member of our Facebook group 'Ross Juniors Football Club'.
Black Hoodies
At £14 each and a further £4 for initials, they come in black with club badge on and are available in sizes from 7-8 years old to adult XXL. Please email if you would like to order one.
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