Could that be a YouTellYours ONLINE COURSE? Why, yes indeed it is!
Yes,  it's happened. It really has. FINALLY our online course is up and ready and fresh and waiting for you. So if you're not in the vicinity of Los Angeles, or if you're a bit shy about taking a class with other people, worry no more. Now, you can take the Youtellyours Course for Beginners from the comfort of your own home.
If you're wondering what's in it, well, It literally is all about You Telling Yours.
I really couldn't see the point of constructing an all theory class, so it's a pretty interactive course. I figure storytelling is a bit like riding a bike. people can tell you all sorts of ways to do it, but until you start doing it yourself, you can't really perfect it or understand how it feels.
So, each lesson includes story points and exercises which lead you step by step to developing your own style of storytelling - though they'll also come in handy as little refresher exercises, whenever you get asked to do a work presentation, or a formal speech.
There's no live storytelling event at the end of it, but you will have constructed your own five minute story, which you could then take along to try out at a Moth Slam or other storytelling event, and there are also communal sites for you to post your recorded video or audio stories online.
I can't believe I'm saying this - it feels a bit too much like blowing your own trumpet - as the actress said to the bishop :)  - but I really am proud of it. I set out to make a course that I would buy, and I actually think I have.

Anyhoos, the course is available here:
And because I am VERY VERY pleased, I am offering 25 courses at half price. So instead of $195, they're $95. 

If you want one of them to be yours, e mail me at and I'll send you the code, or of course, if you have any questions.

Great big cheeriness,
