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  CHEESE of the Day  
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Spring Time in Paris 
Spring time in Paris. We can't all be lucky enough to visit the city of lights, but we can certainly partake in its cheese!  A few French cheeses from our award winning french dairies will elevate your cheese plate to the next level. 
Fromager d' Affinois
Award Winner! 
Fromager d’ Affinois was awarded a sliver medal this spring at the 2016 General Agricultural Contest in Paris.   Similar to Brie, but with a much creamier, buttery flavor, this tangy, earthy cheese is a luscious treat.  A bottle of chilled champagne, fresh fruit and a baguette, BONJOUR Fromager d' Affinois! 
ITEM # 35009
Packaging: 2/4.4 LB
Country: FRANCE
Brand: Le Fromager d' Affinois 
Type: Soft-ripened 
Milk Type: Cow
Perfect with fresh fruits, a toasted baguette or surrounded by crispy puff pastry.  Serve with white wines such as Riesling or a Sauvignon Blanc. Chilled champagne brings out the cheese's sweetness.
How it's made 
MENU Strawberries and Balsamic Vinegar Sauce
The Magic of Ultrafiltration 
Fromager d'Affinois is similar to Brie in production, appearance and flavor. Unlike Brie however, before cheese making the cow's milk undergoes a process called ultrafiltration. Ultrafiltration removes water from the pasteurized milk, concentrating all its other components. One effect of this process is that it allows the acceleration of the cheese ripening. Whereas classic Brie takes eight weeks to make, Fromager d'Affinois can be made in two weeks. Ultrafiltration also results in a milk that retains more nutrients and proteins, and the cheese has a relatively high fat content of 60% that imparts a buttery richness.
A French Delicacy
Fromager D’Affinois with Herbs is loved for its fluffy cloud-like texture and tender, blooming rind. This double crème, Brie-style cheese is infused with a combination of spicy garlic and fresh tasting herbs, giving the cheese a succulent and satisfying flavor.  Fromager d'Affinois with garlic and herbs makes a great dip for spring vegetables or simply spread on crusty bread. This will add sophistication to your cheeseboard.

Contact Us: 908-351-8000
Atalanta Corporation  |  One Atalanta Plaza, Elizabeth NJ 07206
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