Dear reader,
Congratulations! You are one of the receivers of this first newsletter of the New Hope School for the Deaf Foundation. Via this newsletter, we want to inform donors and interested parties about the most recent developments at the New Hope School.
Let us first introduce ourselves: we are Ine Aerts, Viviënne Huppertz, Douwe de Vries, Marieke Huizenga and Imme Widdershoven. We know each other via the bachelor program International Development Studies at Wageningen University. In February 2014, Ine was looking for a group of people to help her with the fundraising for her deaf school in Uganda. The others enthusiastically responded to her call, and together we have been dedicating our time to this foundation since.
For who is not yet familiar with the New Hope School for the Deaf: this deaf school in Uganda offers primary education to (at this moment 41) deaf children and youth in an environment in which access to education for these children is limited due to stigmatization and high costs for their families. The school is special because of its integrated approach to the goal to offer deaf children the opportunity to fully participate in Ugandan society. The broad mission of the school to not only educate deaf children, but also their families and the local community, adds to this goal. New Hope School for the Deaf Foundation makes this possible by supporting the school financially and by creating awareness in a broader network of people and organisations. You can find more information on our website: (unfortunately still in Dutch).
Currently we are already halfway the first trimester at the school. The children are doing well at school, but are of course looking forward to their holidays! Below we give an overview of what has happened during the past weeks at the school.