stanford center on poverty and inequality

Featured Research
The Hidden Cost of Prizes

What happens when high-achieving students are awarded prizes? When two high schools assigned “platinum” and “gold” ID cards to students with high test scores, average performance increased, but the program also created new and unintended inequalities. Check out the paper by CPI New Scholar Andrew Penner and his coauthors.

Workshop on the Survey of Income and Program Participation

This four-day workshop will introduce participants to the use of the Survey of Income and Program Participation Synthetic Beta (SSB) and provide hands-on applications to prepare them to conduct their own SSB-based research. Applications are due by May 27, 2016.


Measuring Poverty in the 21st Century

Missed our conference on the future of poverty measurement? Check out the videos on state and local poverty measurement initiatives:

Why Does the U.S. Have So Much Health Inequality?

Jason Beckfield considers how health inequality in the U.S. stacks up against that of peer countries in the eighth installment of our “State of the Union” video series.

Talks and Events

Mapping Displacement in the Bay Area

Researchers from the Urban Displacement Project discuss their efforts to understand and address gentrification and displacement in the Bay Area.

Tuesday, May 17, Pigott Hall, 4:30pm

Criminal Record Checks, Drug Testing, and Minority Employment

Tel Aviv University professor Alexandra Kalev will present "Criminal Record Checks, Drug Testing and the Employment of Minority Men and Women in Professional and Blue-Collar Jobs."

Wednesday, May 18, Faculty East building, room E247, Graduate School of Business, 12pm

A Culture of Identity Choice

Tufts University professor Natalie Masuoka argues that Americans increasingly accept the idea that individuals can choose identities that were once seen as immutable.

Wednesday, May 18, Brandon Room, Black Community Services Center, 12pm

New Evidence Against a Causal Marriage Wage Premium

Harvard University professor Alexandra Killewald argues that marriage has no causal effect on men’s wages and that marriage occurs when wages are already rising unusually rapidly.

Thursday, May 19, Mendenhall, 12:30pm

Education and Inequality in 21st Century America

Leading scholars present new research on the causes, patterns, trends, and consequences of academic achievement gaps and educational disparities. Visit the conference website for more information.

Thursday May 19 - Friday May 20, CERAS 101

Genetics and Educational Attainment

Graduate School of Education professor Ben Domingue explores what schools can do to moderate the association between genes and educational attainment.

Friday, May 20, CERAS 204, 12pm
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The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, a program of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, is partly supported by Grant Number 5H79AE000101-05 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and receives funding from the Elfenworks Foundation.

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