Praying for favor with Bible copyright owners
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Numanggang Bible Dedication
Aloha Friend!

The line between digital and printed Bibles is pretty fuzzy. With current technology, print is just another digital output format. The printed Numanggang New Testament and Psalms, above, was typeset using software that I wrote. I have written an even better way to typeset quality PDF files of Bibles for several uses: reading on screen, printing on a regular computer printer, and printing in books. Printing these files in books can be done either with a traditional print run or with a print-on-demand service. It will be interesting to see how Bible ministries make use of this technology, and how this affects copyright licensing.

Currently, some key people seem to be on the verge of releasing more Bible translations under licenses that allow free distribution and sharing. Please pray that it will be so.
Rachel with 2 birds
Rachel enjoys playing with our pets. Once school gets out in a week and a half, she will get more time to teach them tricks. Notice how Emerald the budgie's feathers match Rachel's shirt?
Rachel holding Wilson the puppy

Like statistics?
9,069,073 Bible web site hits in April.
606 languages with freely redistributable translations.
676 freely redistributable translations.
53 limited-sharing translations.
628 total languages.
673 total dialects.
729 total public translations on our web servers.
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