NYPR Archives & Preservation
May 20, 2016 - Volume 15  Issue 21
Edition # 710


1958: New York City celebrates Van Cliburn Day with the return of the Texas piano virtuoso from the Soviet Union. 

1964: Dr. Samuel B. Gould, President of Channel 13, talks about educational television.

The Upcoming 7th Radio World's Fair at Madison Square Garden

According to the Hartford Courant of September 21, 1930: "The City of New York will have an exhibit at the fair for the purpose of acquainting visitors to the fair with the physical evidence of the widespread use of radio by the city. One of the displays will be a full-size replica of the welcome steamer Macom's wireless room from which many outstanding broadcasting events were brought to a listening world by a relay to station WNYC for rebroadcasting and distribution to networks." (Photo of the Macom's actual radio room, June 18, 1930 by Eugene de Salignac, NYC Municipal Archives Collection).

Rod Serling's First Writing Gig: WNYC
"Serling got his first experience as a scriptwriter when he worked at New York public rado station WNYC in the fall of 1946 as an Antioch [College] intern. 'There's no question about [it], as soon as he got that job at WNYC,' remembered John Kittross, 'he was in seventh heaven, particularly since he was allowed to write scripts...'

"Fittingly, Serling's first scriptwriting assignment was to conjure up a fifteen-minute squib to commemorate... Veterans Day. The assignment gave the injured veteran an opportunity to provide his own post-traumatic definition of courage.*

"Not all battles are fought, not all victories are won on a battlefield. And not all courage is found only in actual combat. As an aftermath to this war, there are many men fighting new battles...personal struggles that must be fought and won ...and these need as much if not more courage. They are conflicts which thousands of disabled veterans are facing with themselves...veterans come back confronted with readjustments to a life without an arm or a leg...It's a tough fight which requires a certain requisite of courage."

Source: Sander, Gordon F., Serling: The Rise and Twilight of Television's Last Angry Man, Plume Penguin Group, 1992, pgs. 56-57.  

*Editor's note: During World War II, Rod Serling was paratrooper in the Pacific. For more on Rod Serling at WNYC see: SERLING, and you can listen to some of  Serling's work and his youthful radio acting in the WNYC series: Toward a Return to Society.                                                 
WNYC first day of broadcast, July 8, 1924 (Municipal Archives Collection)

December 3, 2016 will be WQXR's 80th anniversary. Listen to the fifth episode of WQXR at 50. Host Bob Sherman considers the music of Israel.  The show begins with an excerpt from a Temple Emmanuel Friday evening worship service, which began airing on WQXR on October 6, 1944. After an excerpt of WQXR host Paul Kwartin as cantor in Frederick Pickett's Prayer for Peace, Sherman introduces an episode of Avraham Soltes' August 1975 WQXR show Music of Israel.

In 1978, Sherman interviewed Teddy Kollek, the Mayor of Jerusalem. He excerpts this interview.

The program closes with a Folk Dance arranged by Hanoch Jacoby and performed by the Young Israel String Orchestra, and the finale of Alexander Boscovich's Semitic Suite performed by the Jerusalem Broadcasting Orchestra and Shalom Ronli-Riklis.


John Vincent Lawless Hogan In His Own Words
WNYC will celebrate its 92nd anniversary this July. Just think, 8 short years to the big centennial. In this space we'll be linking to various historical WNYC champions, broadcasts and milestones celebrating nearly a century on the air in the public interest. This week: Kurt Vonnegut on Fates Worse Than Death.

This week's NEH-funded Annotations blog series features: John Howard Griffin on his book Black Like Me.

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