June 2016 - KTF Newsletter
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Spirit Pleaser

What God can teach us in the midst of tragedy

I’ve always held to the belief that there is a level of blessing that comes in the wake of a tragedy. If you think back on disasters like hurricane Katrina, or the 2010 earthquake in Haiti you will find humanity pulling together and helping each other. Tragedy also provides an opportunity to reflect on our own lives, giving us a chance to take a step back and appreciate what God has given us, while at the same time examining our life in the grand scheme of things. This is especially true when tragedy strikes closer to home. If you’ve ever had a loved one pass away, or if you find yourself or a family member in the throws of battling something difficult, hopefully the Holy Spirit can use that as an opportunity to wake us up - spiritually speaking. This months CMV Mobile episode was dedicated to a good friend of mine who led a life for Christ that few can claim. Her name was Lynn McCully and I had an opportunity to create the music video for her song called, “The Victory Is Mine”. Be sure to go to to check out that episode. As I was producing the episode and reflecting on her life, God began to help me see my life in what I consider a “big picture” point of view. This months CMV Mobile episode was titled, “Spirit Pleaser”, highlighting the portion of scripture from Galatians 6:7-8 which says:
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please the sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”
Interview with Lynn McCully
Watch this short interview with Lynn McCully about her music video,
"The Victory is Mine"

Lynn was one who lived to please the Spirit. Her focus was on the heavenly kingdom. I was privileged to be able to visit with her on her death bed where she proclaimed, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”, which is a direct quote from the apostle Paul. I could see the complete peace she had knowing she was about to meet the Father. She didn’t seem to have any regrets about how she lived her life. And I’m sure that within hours of me speaking and praying with her, she was able to hear God say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant”. 

In that moment, I began to reflect on my own life. Will I be at peace when I am lying on my death bed? Will I be ready to see the Father? Will I hear those words, “well done, my good and faithful servant”? Did God see that I was faithful with a few things so that he would be ready to put me in charge of many things - as the bible says? At present, when I look back, I’m fairly pleased with the race I’ve been running. It isn’t a perfect race, but I’m sure that I haven’t been "disqualified" as Paul puts it in the new testament. It is my hope that where I spend my time, energy, love and focus is pleasing to God. Most of us have less than 90 years to live on this earth, and if we're not careful, time can go by without us being conscious of how we are spending it. The ministry of KTF Productions is now over 20 years old! It certainly doesn’t feel like it is. And I’m already in my mid-40s. The end will come upon me before I know it, and I want to be fully aware and in control of any treasures that I may have the opportunity to store up in heaven. 

There have been other times of "big picture" reflection in my life. But Lynn’s passing afforded me the opportunity to pause and take a step back once again to re-assess my past, present and future. I encourage you to do the same. Don’t let the years tick by without giving real thought to how you are living. The bible tells us that life is like the blink of an eye in comparison to eternity. We have the power to decide how we are going to live our lives. It is my hope to continue on the narrow path, to continue to drive hard after Christ, to store up treasures in heaven, and to be Jesus’ hands and feet here on this earth. What is your hope for your life? If you never think about it… you’ll never think about it…

Watch Lynn McCully's music video, "The Victory Is Mine"
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