Word on the Street: May 13 - Post BTWD re-cap and fantastic weekend and weeks ahead
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WOBO Weekend adventures hitting a high note this month. 

Every 2nd Saturday & the following Sunday of every month!

SATURDAY! May 14th Oakland Urban Paths scored Oakland Historian Dennis Evanosky for a guided geologic tour of Sibley Regional Park. Walk includes some hearty climbs. 10am start at Sibley Visitor Center (off Skyline) parking lot, behind ranger station.  More info here.

SUNDAY! May 15th, we partnered up with the Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) Bike Trippers program to bring you an authentic bike tour of East Bay's Punk History. Guided by punk musician and 924 Gilman Co-founder, Kamala Parks, and WOBO Volunteer, Tim Drew, we'll tour Oakland and Berkeley to the places where punk music blossomed and took hold of the East Bay.

Join us 
Sunday, May 15th, 1pm @ OMCA, ends 3pm @ 924 Gilman in Berkeley with bonus extension @ KPFA in downtown Berkeley.  WOBO and OMCA Members ride free. Not yet a member? Throw down $10 to save yourself a spot.  On May 15, you can become a WOBO member for $35 AND get a OMCA membership at a 10% discount.  Tell all your friends!

We really hope you register in advance, gotta cap the number of riders and we're getting full!


Love Our Neighborhood Day! 

T Minus Three Weeks. June 4, our one and only Oaklavia in Oakland this year, needs your help.

  • Because over 100 activities are scheduled to keep your toes tapping, your legs moving and your wheels rolling through the car-free San Pablo Avenue
  • Because local neighbors have planned five different stages for musical and dance performances
  • Because the local rec center, Charles Porter Golden Gate Center, got a major makeover and is having its grand opening
  • Because you'll see San Pablo Ave and the businesses on the route in a way you've never experienced going by in your car
  • Because kids and adults alike get to run free, experience joy and freedom in five hours out of the year

Need more reasons? Sign up to volunteer now.

Find us community-loving sponsors, share some of your time as a volunteer, and or come play in the streets with us.  All the juicy details at Love Our Neighborhood Day page.

Women Bike Happy Hour!

Join us at Steel Rail Cafe on May 26th for some off-the-bike mingling.

WOBO and BIke East Bay team up to host our very third Women Bike Happy Hour! We had such a great time last month - many thanks to Bar Cesar!

This a regular thing, each 4th Thursday of the month. This month, join us at Steel Rail Cafe in Jack London Square, 5:30-7:30pm. 

Spend some quality, off-the-bike time with other women who bike over a cold drink. Any level of rider and all women, trans and femme folks are warmly welcome. Bring your bikey and bike-curious friends! Bike parking will be plentiful.. 

Visit to learn more about women and biking in the East Bay.  

Bike To Work Day was totally awesome, you guys! 

Thanks and high-fives to everyone who biked to work yesterday!  

We had a super fun time riding in Pedal Pools and eating pancakes with everyone on Bike To Work Day yesterday!  We counted over 700 folks down at Frank Ogawa Plaza and that's just one energizer station in Oakland!  Thanks to everyone who came out and rode their bike to work and made this year really really awesome!

Here is what Bike To Work Day looked like from our eyes.  We'd love to see what it looked like from yours.  Email or tag WOBO in your favorite photo from the day. Special prize for the most awesome BTWD snap shot!

There's More Work To Do On Telegraph Avenue!

We want to know how people feel about the new striping directly from those who use the street!

The City of Oakland looking for volunteers to distribute survey flyers to bicyclists and pedestrians for two-hour shifts during the week of Monday, May 23rd - Saturday, May 28th.  

The volunteer shifts will be 7-9am and 4-6pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 12pm Saturday. You'll be working in pairs because it is more fun that way. The location is likely to be Telegraph at Grand. Interested? Email Christina

June 12th - Save This Date!
RiDE LiKE A GiRL Part II is coming up!

Part II is all about how to keep riding that bicycle.  We're talking basic maintenance, how to pick out the perfect bike and another fun group ride!


Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, with generous support from Bike East Bay, presents RiDE LiKE A GiRL, a 3-part bicycling skills workshop series designed for every woman who wants to ride. Part II is all about asking questions, learning about bicycle geometry and basic maintenance to keep your road steed in tip top shape.  

Meet us at Sports Basement Berkeley around 12:30 for safety checks, workshop begins at 1pm.  There will be opportunity to test out different types of bicycles and we'll be taking a 10 to 12 mile group ride mostly on flat land.  Bring your bike + helmet, stories of biking past and a friend.

Meet EMiLY, our 2015 RLAG All-Star!

This is a photo of Emily Wheeler just one year ago in our very first RiDE LiKE A GiRL workshop.  That day she said she wanted to “go from being someone who mostly drives to someone who mostly bikes.”

We can’t take all the credit, but Emily is out there on the road today, pedaling away; and we love to see her face at bike events around town.

Read about all about EMiLY and RiDE LiKE A GiRL!
How Bay Area bike groups are putting more women on two wheels – KALW

Every woman is warmly welcomed at our workshops! Suggested donations accepted here:
If you're already a WOBO or Bike East Bay member, it's on us.

Get more info on our RiDE LiKE A GiRL workshop series!

Future workshop date:
November 13 - how to prepare for going on longer rides, say like touring local the secret Bay Area spots we'll take you to during the 20-ish mile ride (details still in the works but stay tuned!

Business Partner Spotlight 

Oakland Magazine gives WOBO its stamp of approval!


Well known for its East Bay 365 Daily Blogs and annual "Best Of" competitions, Oakland Magazine stepped up because, "Oakland Magazine supports pedestrian- and bike-friendly improvements to the transportation infrastructure of the greater East Bay. Oakland Magazine is proud to be a partner of Walk Oakland Bike Oakland." How cool is that?!

Learn more about Oakland Magazine and WOBO's business partnership program.

We'll See Ya There!

5/14: Oakland Urban Paths walk at Sibley
East Bay Punk Rock History Ride
5/26: Women Bike Happy Hour
6/04: OaklaviaLove Our Neighborhood Day
6/12: RiDE LiKE A GiRL: Part II

Let's Get Together! 

06/04: Love Our Neighborhood Day, San Pablo b/w Ashby & Stanford
5/23 - 5/28: On-street Telegraph Survey
Ongoing: 2016 Quick Wins Campaigns
Become a WOBO Member today with just the click of a button! Starting at $35 per year, you get a team of policy, community and advocacy champions who will stump for safe and accessible walking and bicycling in Oakland for all.
The Membership Button!
(photo: Laura Oda - Bay Area News Group)
The largest change has taken place in Oakland, where the number of bicycle commuters grew nearly 200 percent from 2000 to 2014, compared with 62 percent nationally, according to U.S. Census data.
A Better Grand Avenue Campaign capping things off with a ribbon cutting on BTWD
Instagram Highlight:
Kate showing off WOBO's new toy, Wheel of Fortune and dishing out prizes
Quote Of The Month:
“Five years ago, when I asked businesses if they wanted bike racks, I got 2 responses. This year, when I asked businesses again, 10 businesses responded.”

- Shari Godinez, Executive Director
Koreatown Northgate CBD
Don't be shy...

436 14th St. 1001
Oakland, CA 94612
Copyright © 2016 Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, All rights reserved.

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