June 12th - Save This Date!
RiDE LiKE A GiRL Part II is coming up!
Part II is all about how to keep riding that bicycle. We're talking basic maintenance, how to pick out the perfect bike and another fun group ride!
Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, with generous support from Bike East Bay, presents RiDE LiKE A GiRL, a 3-part bicycling skills workshop series designed for every woman who wants to ride. Part II is all about asking questions, learning about bicycle geometry and basic maintenance to keep your road steed in tip top shape.
Meet us at Sports Basement Berkeley around 12:30 for safety checks, workshop begins at 1pm. There will be opportunity to test out different types of bicycles and we'll be taking a 10 to 12 mile group ride mostly on flat land. Bring your bike + helmet, stories of biking past and a friend.
Meet EMiLY, our 2015 RLAG All-Star!
This is a photo of Emily Wheeler just one year ago in our very first RiDE LiKE A GiRL workshop. That day she said she wanted to “go from being someone who mostly drives to someone who mostly bikes.”
We can’t take all the credit, but Emily is out there on the road today, pedaling away; and we love to see her face at bike events around town.
Read about all about EMiLY and RiDE LiKE A GiRL!
How Bay Area bike groups are putting more women on two wheels – KALW
Every woman is warmly welcomed at our workshops! Suggested donations accepted here: https://squareup.com/market/walk-oakland-bike-oakland/ride-like-a-girl
If you're already a WOBO or Bike East Bay member, it's on us.
Get more info on our RiDE LiKE A GiRL workshop series!
Future workshop date:
November 13 - how to prepare for going on longer rides, say like touring local wineries...like the secret Bay Area spots we'll take you to during the 20-ish mile ride (details still in the works but stay tuned!