NAGAP Meeting Highlights CGS Sustaining Members

Congratulations to all of the CGS Sustaining Members who contributed to the recent Nashville meeting of the National Association of Graduate Admissions Professionals (NAGAP). CGS staff enjoyed connecting with Hobsons, ETS, Cambridge English, IELTS and QS both in and outside the exhibiting hall. The meeting was also the occasion of a popular session highlighting Holistic Review in Graduate Admissions, a CGS project supported by Hobsons, and moderated by Stephen Smith, President of Advising and Admissions Solutions at Hobsons.

Reserve Your Space Now: Sponsorship and Networking Opportunities at the 2016 CGS Annual Meeting

December 7-10, 2016 | Washington, D.C.

The 2016 CGS Annual Meeting offers many opportunities to engage with CGS member institutions. Download our updated brochure to learn more about sponsorships and reserve your place as a meeting exhibitor.

CGS and ProQuest Collaborate to Convene Workshop on the Future of Dissertation

CGS convened approximately 40 scholars and leaders in graduate education, scholarly publishing, academic libraries, and disciplinary associations to deliberate the future of the doctoral dissertation.  Over a two-day workshop supported by ProQuest, the group considered trends shaping the format and dissemination of dissertation research, including new modes of scholarly communication and publication, open access, emerging technologies, diversifying PhD career paths, and changes in disciplinary cultures. The event was the capstone of a CGS Best Practice project on the Future of the Doctoral Dissertation. Proceedings are available on the CGS website.

CGS Hosts Promoting Diversity through the ETS/CGS Award: Lessons from Past Awardees Webinar

Robin Garrell presented on behalf of the 2015 ETS/CGS Award winner: the University of California, Los Angeles. Webinar participants learned how UCLA is promoting diversity on its campus and had the opportunity to ask advice and questions on preparing a proposal. The session included a Q&A on the award’s rules and selection criteria.

Looking Ahead: 2016 Summer Workshop

July 9-13, 2016 | Savannah, Georgia

From July 9-13, 250 members of the graduate community will gather in Savannah, Georgia for the 2016 CGS Summer Workshop and New Deans Institute. The Summer Workshop offers an opportunity for colleagues to network and discuss the most pressing issues in a more casual setting than the Annual Meeting. This year’s Summer Workshop will feature sessions on The Art and Science of Communication; The Graduate Degree’s Golden Age; and Development: Essential Guidance for Graduate Deans. A preliminary program can be found on the CGS website.

Members in the News

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