Publish 93
Greetings Everyone,
We are getting to the middle of May and looking forward to getting Publish 93 out the door. We are deploying Publish 93 to TC1 later today and hope by the end of the month to have it on all production shards. We will be doing something a little different this publish, we will be deploying to 3 production shards in hope to get more feedback. The shards we are publishing are Origin, Izumo, and Baja. Make sure you check out all the latest content in Publish 93, including the epic "Myrmidex Threat" quest that brings back popular features like the "Ophidian/Bane" war mechanic, as well as two quest lines that conclude with some great boss encounters against some of the Valley of Eodon's most formidable opponents!
We are excited to announce we have picked 10 winners for the Spring Contest. We will be notifying the winners via email to find out what reward you would like. Everyone will be able to see the winning entries on UO.COM here.
We have already begun working on Halloween, Anniversary Gifts, Holiday Gifts, Vet Rewards and a few new items for Thanksgiving! One of this year's new Vet Rewards is a new is a hint: It has more than 4 legs! Can you guess what it is? *evil grin*
See you in Britannia!
Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong