Hi <<First Name>>,

We’ve got a long weekend coming up, and it’s not just any long weekend. Memorial Day is a special time to honor the memories of the men and women in our armed forces who lost their lives serving our country. And while the holiday itself can be somber, it’s also a time to cherish our friends, family and loved ones. It is in this spirit of remembrance and gratitude that we spend time together this weekend, appreciating each other’s company, the fresh air and some good, nourishing food.

Memorial Day is often synonymous with the first barbeque of the summer season. Like so many, you’re probably planning on firing up your grill. As you put together your fresh, healthy and tasty grill menu, we wanted to offer some helpful hints that will guarantee you hit it out of the good ol' grilling ballpark this weekend.

Whether you're serving up chicken breasts, burgers or some delicious grilled veggies, these hints will have your friends and family asking just when you became such a grill master!

1. Punch up the Flavor: Never miss a chance to add seasoning! Marinades are the most effective way to inject delicious, full flavor to any meat, fish or vegetable, so take full advantage. For most meat, the longer the better and overnight is ideal. For fish and veggies, it’s a light brushing just before they go on the grill.
2. Turn, Turn, Turn: Keep those tongs and spatulas ready! Depending on what you’re grilling, cooking time will differ, but you’ll want to get it just right to ensure a full cook while maintaining moisture. As a general rule, burgers and boneless chicken breasts are 5-6 minutes per side and sliced vegetables, like zucchini and bell peppers, are 4-5 minutes per side. 
3. Get ‘Em While They’re Hot: Everything tastes better when served hot off the grill, so the grilling time will also play into serving time! We recommend veggies be the last thing on and the last thing off the grill. If they’re looking done a little sooner than expected, just move them out of direct heat, to a cooler part of the grill, to allow them to stay warm while the proteins finish up.
What are your grilling tricks of the trade? Let us know at

From our Olivia’s family to yours, thanks for your support and have a happy Memorial Day weekend!

-Team Olivia's
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