Water Conservation
Even though Dallas is not in a draught, the City of Dallas still requires homeowners to conserve water, especially lawn watering (read more for guidelines).
Lakewood Hills Book Club
The Lakewood Hills Book Club will meet at Stacy Mach’s house on Monday, June 13th at 7 p.m. We’ll be discussing The Swans of Fifth Avenue by Melanie Benjamin.
Calling All Front Porch Social Hosts
The Front Porch Socials are casual neighborhood events, with an option to be held inside or in the front/backyard. We're looking for hosts for the 2016 season, now - October. Please contact the social committee, if you'd like to host.
Lakewood Hills Alley Cleanup
The alleys in our neighborhood are very overgrown and neighbors who have rear-entry garages are having trouble accessing, without scratching their vehicles.
Support local PTA by dining at Unleavened, Joy Macaron opened its second location on Greenville Ave and Woodrow Wilson High School picks its new principal.
On June 4 from 1 - 3 p.m., residents of East Dallas will have a chance to get to know Code Compliance officials covering the area, at one of east Dallas' newest ice cream eateries. (Photo Credit: Zagat)
We had a handful of neighbor's attend the public hearing on May 16 in reference to the #3Gs intersection redevelopment (Garland, Grand and Gaston). Read more for a recap of the meeting from the Lakewood - East Dallas Advocate.