Strata News & Information
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Editors picks not be missed this week:
The Victorian Government sent out a Media Release about introducing new laws to help stamp out bad behaviour when it comes to short stay accommodation in Victoria. Read more in our article - VIC: New Laws For Short Stay Apartments.
News: The Conversation cover the NSW Strata Reforms and what this will mean for pet owners in apartments.
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LookUpStrataReform (Exclusive) - When is the proposed commencement date?
Mr Andrew Buckhorn & Clare Dominello, Benjamin & Khoury Solicitors and Attorneys
This morning Benjamin & Khoury Solicitors spoke directly with the NSW State Government and enquired as to the commencement date, as many have contacted us saying they believe it is now 2017 and there seems to be some confusion.
QLD: Q&A Body Corporate Voting Rules - Fraudulent behaviour on AGM Voting Papers
Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
Following the AGM, we were made aware that the current BCM had amended our quoted price on the AGM voting paper and the accompanying explanatory note by increasing it. What can we do about this?
How can apartments be better designed to meet the needs of families with children, as a long-term living arrangement?
Sophie-May Kerr, School of Geography and Sustainable Communities, University of Wollongong
The experiences of families with children and the strategies they have for overcoming such challenges may provide insights into how future Australian apartment developments may be better designed with families with children in mind.
VIC: The Law can be like a rubber band - stretch it too far and it will break ... Owners Corporation VCAT case update
Nicole Wilde, Tisher Liner FC Law
Lot owners disagreed with the way in which the Owners Corporation had raised $400,000 for litigation expenses and sued the Owners Corporation for a declaration that the money had not been raised in compliance with the Owners Corporations Act 2006.
NSW: Q&A Why do Special Levies Raised for the Sinking Fund go Into the Administration Fund?
Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Special Levies and Sinking Funds Question: Why don't special levies raised go straight to the sinking fund instead of the administration fund?
SA: Q&A Retrospective Approval Given for Renovation - What Can I Do Now?
Tyson D'Sylva, Ace Body Corporate Management
Question: Retrospective approval has been given to my neighbour's renovations. What can I do now about the noise?
NSW: How A Strata Building Can Use By-Laws to Deal With Short Term Letting - Podcast
Amanda Farmer, Your Strata Property
Short term letting by-laws: what rights does an owner’s corporation have around restricting the types of occupants in a building?
QLD: Q&A Oppressive or Unreasonable By-Laws Concerning Flooring
Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
Question: Is it worth our while trying to pursue this matter through the Commissioner on the oppressive/ unreasonable by-laws platform or should we simply install a product we really don't want?
Q&A: Body Corporate Rules Tasmania
Daniel Hunt, Ace Body Corporate Management
Question: I would like information on body corporate rules Tasmania regarding seceding from my strata body corporate. Can this be done?
Wattblock completes Virtual Energy Assessments Project for City of Sydney
Each Virtual Energy Assessment gave the buildings a simple report showing the benefits of energy efficiency (e.g. LED lighting), solar photovoltaic and smart metering would have on their communal energy bills and the resulting contribution to the City of Sydney’s 2030 carbon emission reduction target.
QLD: The Times They Are A-Changin'…and How Reasonable is This?
Wayne Stevens, Unit Owners Association of Queensland (UOAQ)
We live in interesting times in Strata World. We are seeing more and more owners questioning the status quo, and succeeding. The times they are a-changin… admittedly slowly, but with increasing momentum.
NSW: Is Home Owners Warranty Insurance Needed For Repair Work?
Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
I am often asked whether repairs need home owners warranty insurance under the Home Building Act 1989 (NSW). The simple answer is yes, if the value of the work is over $20,000.
Understanding Roof Access Systems - Part III
Mike King, Townview Australia
Even though the Rope Access Harness is comfortable and designed to be hung directly in a rope for long periods of time, when you are on your feet, the harness becomes very heavy and quite a burden.
NSW: Q&A As a Tenant, How Do I Get The Owners Corporation to Approve My Bunny?
Andrew Jakes, Ace Body Corporate Management
Question: When it comes to approval for pets, where do tenants stand? My landlord says 'Yes', but the owners corporation says 'No' to my bunny. What do I do now?
VIC: New Laws For Short Stay Apartments
Jane Garrett MP, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation
The Andrews Labor Government will introduce new laws to help stamp out bad behaviour when it comes to short stay accommodation in Victoria. Under the reforms, for the first time apartment owners could be liable for any damage, noise or loss of amenity caused by their guests. Amendments to the Owners Corporations Act 2006 will be introduced to Parliament on Tuesday, 24 May.
Emma Power, The Coversation
Australia is a nation of pet owners. Yet as the popularity of apartment living grows, this culture is increasingly at risk from strata regulations that restrict the keeping of animals.
Are these laws out of touch? NSW Fair Trading has released a review of strata regulation. Key changes include a review of model by-laws relating to pet ownership. The proposed by-laws will make it easier for residents to keep pets in a strata scheme, such as an apartment or townhouse.
Congratulations to Amanda Farmer and the team at Women In Strata on the success of their first event. For more pictures, and details of the night, take a look here.
Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers