Care + Earth = Honest Food
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First Frost edition...

Yes, it's getting to that time of the year (a bit later than usual). The days are shorter, there's a chill in the air as soon as the sun is hidden and while we still have capsicum, chillies and eggplant growing, if we don't put them under cover they'll be falling on the ground before they're ripe.

We've pulled out the beanies and thermals for our early morning starts.  Around 10 o'clock the sun has some strength and warms us and it stays like that until around 3 in the afternoon when we put all the layers back on.

Our hardier plants like the cabbages and broccoli are thriving in the colder weather and all we really need now is some soaking autumn rain.

Harvest Bags
This weeks Harvest Bags have a new addition, we have partnered with 'The Apple Shed' to introduce a kilo of farm fresh, no wax, seasonal apples. This is a first for us and we'd love to know if this is something you'd like to see more of in future Harvest Bags.

To order your Harvest Bags email or why not use our convenient on-line shop.

Local Markets

Our region hosts a variety of talented producers of food.  Did you know that we can get most, if not all, of our weekly food shop at our local farmers markets? 

Here's the markets we'll be attending this week

Farmers and Foodies Market - Kingston, 3pm till 7pm
Canberra City Walk Market - Petrie Plaza, Civic, 10am till 4pm

Canberra City Walk Market is a new one for us. We are looking forward to the delightful music and foods on offer and hope that some of you are able to come down and say 'hi' and buy lots of produce ;)

Gardening Tip
This TOP GARDENING TIP will keep your garden tools in top condition, save you time and energy and recycles used oil all in one…
Place a 44 gallon drum in your shed, fill it with sand and pour any unwanted oil into the sand (cooking oil, sump oil, etc.). Now when you’ve finished using your fork or spade or trowel just push it into the sand as far as you can and three things will happen at once
1)      Any dirt left on the tool will be scraped off by the sand
2)      The metal of the tool will be protected from rusting by the used oil
3)      Any wooden handles that contact the sand will be penetrated by the oil keeping them in great condition and weatherproofing them.

Workshop - Ferment your drinks

After many requests and a long break we are hold a 'Ferment your drinks' workshop. 

The hands-on fermentation workshop will start at 10am with an introduction to Kombucha, Water Kefir and other fermented drinks.

You'll receive step by step demonstrations for making delicious soft effervescent Kombucha, Water Kefir and home made non-alcoholic ale.  You'll go home with the techniques for making your very own delicious fermented drinks at home.  You’ll receive a booklet with recipes, your own SCOBYs and starters so that you can start brewing as soon as you get home.

At the end of the workshop we'll share a delicious meal before bidding everyone goodbye.

Note:  To ensure a successful workshop, we need a minimum of 10 bookings.  If these dates don't suit, let us know and we'll place you on our list for the next workshop.

When:  Sunday, 26 June 2016
Time:  10am - 2pm
Cost: $80

Ridgedale Permaculture experience
I had such a wonderful time at Ridgedale Permaculture Farm, even if I did get a little lost on my way to the farm.  I met so many wonderful like minded people.  I met new amazing friends, and learnt a lot from Richard Perkins, a great teacher and passionate farm innovator.  Richard taught us about permaculture and how he uses works his farm.   I'm glad to be back home, and am very thankful for all the best wishes I received while I was away.  Watch this space, we'll keep you up to date with changes happening on the farm as we progress through our farm plan for the rest of 2016.  - Taylor

BurraBee Farm will be at the following markets this week:
  • Farmers and Foodies - Friday 27 May  - 3pm to 7pm
  • Canberra City Walk Market - Saturday 28 May - 10am to 4pm
Copyright © 2016 BurraBee Farm, All rights reserved.

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