CALPELRA Alert/New FLSA Salary Basis Test Regulations
On May 18, 2016, the U.S. Department of Labor issued new regulations modifying the weekly salary and annual compensation threshold levels for white collar exemptions to FLSA overtime requirementsThese regulations become effective December 1, 2016.  It is critical that employers become familiar with these new regulations; misclassifying employees as exempt from FLSA overtime requirements is a costly mistake.

2016 CALPELRA President:  Lori Walsh, County of Placer
Alert No. 16-13 Authors:  Jolina A. Abrena and Gage Dungy, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore
This Alert summarizes a significant recent court case, arbitration decision, legislation, or other important information.  The Alert format is not intended as a periodic review of all significant cases, but instead provides labor relations practitioners with key information for immediate guidance in day-to-day activities.
The information contained in this publication is not intended to constitute professional counsel or a legal opinion. Although we consider the information to be timely and accurate, there is no substitute for personal counsel with a professional. Provided with specific facts, your attorney can fashion a solution sensitive to your needs.
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