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New GWP Chair: Dr Oyun Sanjaasuren

The GWP Sponsoring Partners have announced the appointment of Dr Oyun Sanjaasuren as the new Chair of GWP, effective July 1, 2016. Dr Oyun is a Member of Parliament of Mongolia, former Minister of Environment and Green Development, and former Minister of Foreign Affairs. She currently serves as President of the United Nations Environment Assembly of UNEP. Read more >>

May 2016

Interview: "Building on history for the future"

In our series of interviews commemorating GWP's 20th Anniversary, we speak to newly appointed Technical Committee Chair, Dr Jerome Delli Priscoli, who has a long history with the network. He says GWP must use its history to reinvent itself and the IWRM concept for the future. Read more >>


Armenia ready to implement SDG6

In the framework of GWP’s SDG Water Preparedness Facility, GWP Armenia investigated the readiness of government bodies, international organisations and international financial institutes to implement SDG6 in Armenia.

GWP in the news
Disaster in Ma Oya Area Water Partnership (GWP Sri Lanka)

Alter Aqua Programme celebrates four years of achievements (Gozo News)

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Up-coming events
16-26 May, High level side event with UNFCCC chief and Morocco minister, Bonn, Germany

24-27 May, High level roundtable on water security and the SDGs - Myanmar

8-10 June, Eighth environment for Europe ministerial conference, Batumi, Georgia

More events >>

New resources
GWP launches paper on water & SDGs - Technical Background Paper No. 22
GWP in Action 2015 published

High and dry: climate change, water, and the economy (World Bank)

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New courses on the Cap-Net virtual campus. Deadline 23-31 May.

Emerging river professional award. Deadline 1 June.

IWC scholarships 2017. Deadline 1 August. 

More calls >>

Swaziland Water Youth Forum engage youth

The Swaziland Water Youth Forum is an entity under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy, housed in the Department of Water Affairs. The forum was established during the SADC Water Week held in Swaziland last year. The forum has an action plan that includes raising awareness of the water sector among young people so as to enhance their participation in national development issues. Read more >>

More on youth in Southern Africa:

South East Europe
ministers meet on climate & environment 

The First High Level Ministerial Panel on Responding to Climate and Environmental Challenges in South East Europe took place on 1st April in Podgorica, Montenegro, in the framework of the South East Europe Strategy 2020 and the Regional Cooperation Council.


GWP Regional Days – starting work on the Change Agenda

The Change Agenda was a big topic at this year’s GWP’s annual Regional Days in Stockholm 10-13 May. As the network prepares the 3-year work programme (2017-19), discussions were held on how the network can stay relevant and continue as a frontrunner on global water issues in an ever-changing environment. Read more >>

Global Water Partnership (GWP)
PO Box 24177
SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 1213 86 00

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