Join us for a lecture by Professor Raj Chetty on his current research on inequality, education, and health!
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Professor Chetty recently joined Stanford in the economics department this past year and has previously served as a professor at both Harvard and UC Berkeley. He has been a recipient of a MacArthur "Genius" Fellowship and the John Bates Clark Medal, given by the American Economic Association to the best American economist under age 40. His research combines empirical evidence and economic theory to help design more effective government policies and has been widely cited by media outlets and in Congressional testimony.
We hope you will help us in welcoming him to Stanford and engaging in a conversation crucially relevant to our times.
A discussion will follow with Professor David Grusky, and we will end with Q&A from students.
Professor Grusky is the Director of the Center on Poverty and Inequality, the Barbara Kimball Browning Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, and coeditor of Pathways Magazines. His research addresses the changing structure of late-industrial inequality, and he has published several books on the subject including: Social Stratification (2014), Occupy the Future (2013), The New Gilded Age (2012), The Great Recession (2011), The Inequality Reader (2011), and The Inequality Puzzle (2010).