Will's Weekly Digest | June 1, 2016
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Drumpf is a Ninny Muggins 

Like many I am prone to exaggeration and hyperbole. America is a society that sensationalizes everything, from our politics to our reality TV. If sensationalism is one side of the coin, the other side is its polar opposite: banality. Perhaps we sensationalize things because if we don't bad things become standard, and we accept, as Hannah Arendt would say, the Banality of Evil.

It is with this in mind that I dedicate today's digest to the worst presidential candidate since...I don't know, John C. Calhoun or Andrew Jackson? Those men defended slavery and committed genocide respectively, and while Trump hasn't gone as far as Jackson, his vitriolic and deplorable rhetoric is
in line with Calhoun's strong defense of slavery. We're talking about a bad human being, and I for one would much rather shout that from the rooftops rather than let Trump's inhumane depictions of Hispanics, the disabled, women, veterans, etc, etc, etc become the way we think and talk about people. For that reason it is imperative that we talk about how truly horrible Trump is, so that his evil does not seep into acceptable society. 

As always, happy Wednesday and happy reading.

This Day in History

1942 - The world first learns of Nazi horrors when a Polish underground newspaper, The Liberty Brigade, publishes an article about the gassing of Jews at Chelmno in Poland. The story came from a young Jew named Emanuel Ringelblum who had been tasked with burying the bodies of the dead, and who used the horrific work as an opportunity to escape and share his stories and the banality of Nazi evil in gas vans and death camps in which Jews and others were slaughtered by the thousands with no human being ever having to lay a hand on them.

There are many historic events we should never forget, and at the top of that list is the staggering evil of the Holocaust. 

The Fear of Drumpf

Hyperbole aside, Trump is no Hitler, but neither are the neo-fascist comparison totally off base. Frankly, I don't think Trump has genocidal inclinations, nor do I think he has the intelligence to carry them out even if he were so inclined. But that doesn't absolve him from his rhetoric, nor does it ease fears about Trump's endorsement of violence at his rallies. Those acts of violence have become frequent, perhaps even banal occurrences, with some people attending Trump rallies just to see if a gladiatorial melee will break out, and many have (from Slate).

Violence at political rallies is not new, nor is it unique to Trump, but one hallmark of an advanced society - we are one, right? - is
moving past violence as the tool we use to solve our problems. In this sense, Trump is quite literally dragging America backwards, and he's only one unofficial organizer away from having his own Brown Shirts a la Hitler in the early 1930s. The tactics and rhetoric Trump employs at his rallies were lifted straight out of Mein Kampf, and if and when an Ernst Rohm appears, Trump will be able to call on his own miniature mob militia to jeopardize the democratic process. 

From the Inside Looking Out

We all know America is a nation of immigrants. That point has been made, and that story told over and over. Historically we've been a beacon of hope and opportunity for those the world over who want a better life. 

The Donald now wants to change all that with a huge wall, which I hear will also have a huge gate. Behind this wall, one assumes, we will be safe from brown people, immigrants of other sorts, terrorists, and because this is Drumpf we're talking about, he'll probably promise that his wall will keep us safe from cyber-attacks as well.

There's only one problem, walls are for losers (
from Medium, by the author). No society has ever successfully hidden behind a wall. In fact there is a wall so large it can be seen from space, but Genghis Khan and his Mongols didn't care much for it, nor did it deter them. Hiding behind a wall does not project power, it sends a message of fear and paranoia, and no matter how magnificent the wall, it is a certainty that it is nothing more than a facade hiding the weakness within. But Donald Trump is both a builder and a weak man, and so it makes perfect sense that he would seek to hide behind a wall. 

As Good as the Least Among Us

If one hallmark of an advanced society is how we address our problems without resorting to violence, then another is how we treat the least fortunate among us. It is a cliche and a truth that we are only as strong as our weakest link. 

Generally, when we talk about the least fortunate among us, we talk about those who struggle with situation, circumstance, or disability. Trump, of course, was born into a life of luxury, although there is a strong case to be made that he suffers from
an intense inferiority complex.

But how do we, and how does Trump, a man born with every advantage, view those who are less fortunate? Certainly a man as wealthy and "intelligent" as Trump recognizes how important it is to
support those who are not as fortunate, right? Wrong. Among the myriad people Trump has abased, one is a reporter with a severe and chronic condition. Trump thought it would be cool to mock this man by waving his arms around as though he too suffered from a disability (from CNN). I have seen more ethical and mature behavior from 3rd graders, and I work in schools, so I have plenty of chances to observe. 

A Literal Zero

As an educator I feel compelled to give Trump a grade. He fails, obviously, the question is how badly. In my estimation, Trump earns a literal zero. I can think of no quality that recommends him for president. It is well documented how, historically, he has supported liberal and conservative politicians and causes. His current "platform" is incoherent at best, but certainly with items like a 35% tariff and raising the carried interest tax rate, his economic proposals hardly fit within the conservative orthodoxy. This mix of toxic language and left-leaning proposals have already caused many to quit the GOP (from the Buckley Club). For a guy whose supposed strength is his business acumen, Trump seems absolutely deaf to the negative effects of his words.

Lately it seems that many Republicans have been trying to talk themselves into Trump "because the Supreme Court." The current
Constitutional negligence taking place in the Senate aside, the argument for Trump to secure the Supreme Court isn't even compelling to many far right Republicans (from Red State). And why should it be? Given Trump's past and his current campaign - he recently claimed a mandate to be provocative - what faith can one have in his ability to deliver on even a basic promise? The guy is a loser
Remember these troopers from last week's digest? Trump could be their leader.

When Puppy Met Cub

No reader-submitted dog this week, but I promised you a puppy, and a puppy you shall have! This week, not only is there an awesome picture of the rambunctious cub and the stoic pup, there is also a video of them! Check it our HERE and send me more dog pictures, please!

Will's Weekly Trivia! 

Please be sure to share Willful Intent's new opt-in form with friends, and submit any thoughts and dog pics via the feedback form

IF you choose to answer the question, respond to with your answer. Please note that by competing you are giving me permission to publish your first name in the trivia leader board each week.


Last Week:
1. What was Darth Vader's name before he became Darth Vader? ONE POINT
2. What is the Emperor's real name (last name only is fine, ex: Emperor Smith)? ONE POINT
3. What company recently purchased the Star Wars franchise from George Lucas? ONE POINT
4. Who is the author's favorite Star Wars character (hint: this character appears in the original trilogy)? ONE POINT

1. Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader
2. The Senator turned Emperor was Palpatine
3. Disney purchased Star Wars from Lucasfilms
4. The author's favorite character is Chewie. We are both tall, unkempt, and very vocal without actually saying much 

This Week:
1. John Calhoun was a Senator from which southern state? ONE POINT
2. The winner of November's election will become president number ?? in American history? ONE POINT
3. What is the largest landslide victory in presidential history based on electoral votes? ONE POINT for the winner and ONE point for the loser

The race for first is tightening! Check your spot on the leader board HERE on Willful Intent. 
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