D2L Upgrade - June 8-9
D2L will be completely unavailable from 10 p.m. on June 8th until approximately 10 a.m. on June 9th. During this time D2L will be upgraded to the latest version. Although unlikely, it’s possible that unforeseen technical issues may extend the upgrade period. If you are taking a summer class, please plan ahead to make sure you stay updated with work. Read More About the Upgrade
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Summer Classes Underway!
It's hard to believe summer classes are already underway. Some classes began May 23 while others will begin June 13 and June 20. Look for an email at your university email account from "Online Course Support" with your login information about two weeks before the start of class. One week before a class starts, you'll be able to view content. If you have trouble accessing your class, email BIZD2LHELP@uwec.edu.
Fall Registration
Registration for fall is ongoing at all UW MBA Consortium partner schools. The fall term begins on September 6. For more details or to be added to a wait list, contact your MBA office. Fall Schedule
Planning Ahead
Tentative schedules for Winterim 2017 and Spring 2017 are now available.
Independence Day
A number of classes this summer are occurring around the July 4th holiday, which is a Monday this year. Your class may have exams or assignments due around this time, so be sure to plan ahead to make sure you don't miss anything.