Newsletter of the Germans Trias Health Research Institute
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6th Can Ruti Symposium

Thursday 16 June 2016 11.00 – 16.10
Sala de Actes, Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital


11.00  Welcome
Agustín Urrutia, Medical Director, Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol
Manel Puig, Director IGTP

Session I: Chair Manel Puig

11.20     Hernando del Portillo, Plasmodium vivax and Exosome Research Group (PVREX), IGTP
Molecular insights into the splenomegaly and anaemia caused by Plasmodium vivax, a neglected human malaria parasite

11.40     Jordi Petriz, Functional Cytomics, Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC)  Cytomics: A Translational Approach

12.00    Carolina Armengol, Childhood Liver Oncology (C-LOG), IGTP
Comprehensive molecular characterization of childhood liver cancer: identification of biomarkers for improving clinical management
12.20     Speaker to be confirmed
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

Session 2: Chair Manuel Perucho

14.00     David Sanchez-Infantes, Obesity and type 2 diabetes: adipose tissue biology, IGTP Searching for novel cytokines involved in the inhibition/activation of brown adipose tissue and browning

14.20     Santiago Roura, ICREC (Insuficiència Cardíaca i REgeneració Cardíaca), IGTP  Unraveling the basis of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy: more pieces of a complex puzzle

14.40     Eva Martinez Caceres i Cristina Ramo, Neuroimmunology Group , IGTP Tolerogenic dendritic cells as therapeutic strategy in multiple sclerosis. From bench to bedside

15.00     Speaker to be confirmed
15.20     Christian Brander, IrsiCaixa  Identification of biomarkers of HIV control to inform HIV vaccine development

16.00     Closing remarks

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Training and Seminars #CanRutiCampus
Tuesday 14 June 10.30
IJC Extraordinary Seminar
Fran Supek, Genetic Systems Group, CRG (PI Ben Lehner), CRG
A multi-scale Organization of mutational processes in human cancer genomes
IMPPC Seminar Room

Fri 17 June at 09.00
IrsiCaixa Seminar
Henrik Kloverpris, K-RITH, KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV (Durban, South Africa)
Innate Lymphoid Cells: do they play a role in HIV Infection?
Sala Polivalent, IGTP
Fri 17 June 10.30
IJC Extraordinary Seminar
Poonam Bheda, Helmholz Center Munich, Germany
Approaching single-cell “epigenetic” memory using microfluids
Host Marcus Buschbeck
Sala Polivalent, IGTP
Monday 20 June at 15.30
Thomas Shröder,
Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
MSC in myeloid malignancies
Host: Lurdes Zamora
Sala Polivalent, IGTP

Miércoles 22 de Junio de 2016
Centrados en el paciente complejo con diabetis
Organizadores:  IGTP-Novartis-Centrados
Sala Polivalent, IGTP
Inscripción gratuita
Se ruega confirmación por email
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Job Postings

Informació sobre els vacants a l'IGTP es troba a secció de "Job Offers" a la nostra web.

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Es convoca un contracte d'una durada de 6 mesos prorrogables, amb la finalitat de realitzar tasques de recerca en el grup d'Immunologia de la diabetis.  Més informació

Es convoca un contracte d'una durada 12 mesos ampliables, amb la finalitat de donar suport a la recerca clínica en la línia 'Alcohol i immunitat' dins d'un  Projecte d'investigació del Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (PNSD)  en el Grup de Complicacions Mèdiques de les Addiccions  Més informació

PROJECTS: National Projects
Ayudas para acciones de dinamización Redes de Excelencia
Dotación: 150.000€.La convocatoria de acciones de dinamización Redes de Excelencia tiene como objetivo potenciar la creación y desarrollo de redes de investigación de excelencia que puedan tanto planificar actividades conjuntas futuras como consolidar resultados de actividades de I+D+I anteriores, así como realizar actividades de promoción internacional y posicionamiento estratégico. Para ello, se financian tres tipos de redes:
  • Redes Temáticas: constituidas por investigadores encuadrados en la misma o similar áreatemática de conocimiento, algunos de los cuales deberán haber dirigido o participado en algún proyecto de I+D financiado en las convocatorias del Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2013-2016 o del Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2008-2012, de los que se detallan en el artículo 12.5 de la resolución de convocatoria.
  • Redes CONSOLIDER: constituidas por investigadores participantes en un mismo proyecto financiado en las convocatorias 2006 a 2010 del Subprograma de Proyectos de Investigación CONSOLIDER, del Programa Nacional de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental, enmarcado en el Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2008-2012 y que finalice con anterioridad al 30 de junio de 2016.
  • Redes Estratégicas: constituidas por los investigadores participantes en las iniciativas KIC del Instituto Europeo de Innovación y Tecnología o investigadores pertenecientes a las redes de centros fomentados en el Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2008-2012 o en el Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2013-2016.
Bases de convocatoria
F.Cierre: 13/07/2016
Fecha IGTP: 01/07/2016

Ayudas a Proyectos de Investigación en VIH, Hepatitis y Hemato-Oncología
Dotación: 150.000€. Con tales premisas, Gilead promueve dentro de su programa de actuación “Fellowship Program”, la “4ª Convocatoria de Proyectos de Investigación en VIH, Hepatitis y Hemato-oncología” con el objetivo de fomentar el desarrollo de la investigación asistencial en nuestro país en dichas áreas. Para ello, mediante la presente Convocatoria se pretende impulsar la realización de nuevos proyectos de investigación que resulten beneficiosos para los pacientes, para nuestra sociedad y en definitiva, para la comunidad científica, mediante la concesión de aportaciones dinerarias destinadas a su ejecución.
Bases de convocatoria
Deadline: 30 de junio de 2016.
Fecha IGTP: 14/06/2016

Convocatòria de Beques d'Investigació sobre Bioètica
La Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas convoca seis becas de investigación sobre bioética. A las becas, dotadas cada una con 5.000 euros, pueden presentarse proyectos de investigación que se propongan desarrollar algún tema relacionado con la bioética y su aplicación práctica.
Bases de convocatoria
¡Nuevo plazo: 15 de junio!
Fecha IGTP: 13/06/2016

Les ajudes seran de 35.000 € per una anualitat. La junta de Barcelona de l’AECC convoca ajudes destinades al finançament de 5 projectes d’investigació en oncologia. Es valoraran especialment els treballs de recerca clínica, translacional i en psicooncologia, així com de previsible repercussió social. Aquestes ajudes estan destinades a professionals i investigadors d'àrees relacionades amb l'oncologia per desenvolupar un projecte de recerca en un centre pertanyent a Barcelona i les seves comarques amb la finalitat de potenciar la investigació oncològica en els equips d'investigació emergents.
Bases de convocatoria
Fecha IGTP: 29/08/2016

PROJECTS: International Projects

Eurostars-2 Programme for Research Performing SMEs
Eurostars supports international innovative projects led by research and development- performing small- and medium-sized enterprises (R&D-performing SMEs). With its bottom-up approach, Eurostars supports the development of rapidly marketable innovative products, processes and services that help improve the daily lives of people around the world. Eurostars has been carefully developed to meet the specific needs of SMEs. It is an ideal first step in international cooperation, enabling small businesses to combine and share expertise and benefit from working beyond national borders.
Deadline: 15/09/2016
Call for proposals

FEBS-EMBO Women in Science Award
The FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award highlights major contributions by female scientists to life sciences research. Winners of the award are inspiring role models for future generations of women in science. The award is a joint initiative of EMBO and the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS).
Funding: The winner will receive 10,000 euro, a bronze statue and the opportunity to give a plenary lecture at the FEBS Congress.
Call for proposals
Deadline: 01/10/2016

EIG CONCERT-Japan Joint Call on Food
Crops and Biomass Production Technologies
Funding: Up to 100.000 EUR. The European Interest Group (EIG) CONCERT-Japan ( is an international joint initiative to support and enhance science, technology and innovation (STI) cooperation between European countries and Japan. The EIG CONCERT-Japan is flexible and inclusive in nature, able to accommodate a range of forms of collaboration from unanimous concerted efforts to optional participation among its core members and other interested STI institutions.
Deadline: 27/07/2016
Call for proposals

Horizon 2020 - ERC Advanced Grant 2016 (ERC-2016-AdG)
Funding: Up to 2.500.000 EUR for a period of 5 years. ERC Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. This action is open to researchers of any nationality who intend to conduct their research activity in any Member State or Associated Country. The ERC's frontier research grants operate on a 'bottom-up' basis without predetermined priorities. The call 'ERC-2016-ADG' consists of one call with a single deadline applying to each of the three main research domains: Physical Sciences & Engineering (Panels: PE1 – PE10), Life Sciences (Panels: LS1 – LS9), Social Sciences & Humanities (Panels: SH1 – SH6).
The deadline for this Call is Thursday 1st September 2016 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time).  
Call for proposals

Science Award for Rare Diseases
The Care-for-Rare Foundation at the Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich launches the Care-for-Rare Science Award 2016 endowed with 50.000,00 Euro. The Care-for-Rare Science Award, sponsored by the Werner Reichenberger Foundation, should give young scientists the chance to initiate a basic or clinical research project in the field of rare diseases. A disease is called rare if not more than 5 out of 10.000 human beings are affected.
Deadline: 30/06/2016
Call for proposals

Research grants on contraception and reproductive health
The ESC will provide funding to support an individual, group, institute or organisation with a project related to the aims of the ESC. Examples include: research, audit, review, needs assessment. The money must be used for a definite project within a definite time period. Applicants should be Europeans. However, a European applicant is allowed to submit a project that will take place outside Europe. Applicants must be paid-up ESC members. A maximum of 10,000 euro per project application can be requested. The ESC may not be in a position to fully fund all applications. 
Deadline: applications must be received at ESC Central Office by 30 June 2016
Call for proposals

The Brain Prize for outstanding contributions to European neuroscience
We seek your help in identifying candidates for the € 1 million prize, The Brain Prize, which is awarded by Lundbeckfonden, a prominent Danish foundation. The Prize recognizes highly original and influential advances in research on the nervous system. If several researchers have contributed significantly to this achievement, more than one individual may receive the Prize. Nominees can be of any nationality but the research for which they are nominated must have been conducted in Europe or in collaboration with researchers in Europe. It was awarded for the sixth time this year, to Timothy Bliss, Graham Collingridge and Richard Morris all from UK. This Prize is intended to raise the visibility of neuroscience and to be a stimulus to this important field of research. The Selection Committee seeks your help in securing nominations of the highest quality. Please consider nominating one or more individuals (by following the link to the website in the announcement below), and feel free to forward this message to others, anywhere in the world, who might be prepared to nominate. Nominations will roll forward into the next two years unless the nominator specifically withdraws the nomination. Renomination of previous nominees is possible and encouraged.
Call for Nomination is open until 15 September
Call for proposals

Basic biomedical research grants in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosi
The Bruno and Ilse Frick Foundation for Research on ALS is calling for grant applications. The aim of the Foundation is to encourage basic biomedical research related to understanding the cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (100,000 CHF over 2 years).
Deadline: September 30, 2016
Call for proposals

EFSD/JDRF/Lilly European Programme in Type 1 Diabetes Research
EFSD, JDRF and Lilly have established a new programme called EFSD/JDRF/Lilly European Programme in Type 1 Diabetes to encourage new projects aimed at advancing current knowledge in this domain.
To achieve the goals and objectives of this Programme, EFSD and JDRF and Lilly invite applications by issuing this "Request for Applications" (RFA), which indicates joint funding as well as areas of research emphasis.
The general goals of the Programme are to:
i.)     promote the highest quality of basic biomedical and clinical research in Europe and its associated countries applicable to type 1 diabetes;
ii.)    expedite the practical application of scientific advances in our understanding of the aetiology, pathogenesis, treatment and prevention of type 1 diabetes and its complications;
iii.)   encourage clinical translational research bridging the bench and the bedside;
iv.)  increase awareness of type 1 diabetes research throughout Europe.

This year the Programme would particularly welcome projects in the following areas:
  • Research with potential to increase understanding of the natural history, pathogenesis, heterogeneity and/or aetiology of human type 1 diabetes;
  • Pancreatic beta cell biology and potential human beta cell regenerative approaches;
  • Pathophysiology of type 1 diabetes autoimmunity with a focus on potential therapeutic targets and testing of autoantigen-specific immunoregulation of type 1 diabetes;
  • Development and/or testing of therapies that slow or stop the progression of type 1 diabetes before symptomatic disease or that preserve beta cell function in new onset type 1 diabetes;
  • Biomaterials and novel devices for implantable, encapsulated beta cell replacement;
  • Automated closed loop artificial pancreas systems and/or its components;
  • Novel or repurposed therapies to improve glycaemic and overall metabolic control in type 1 diabetes;
  • Glucose-responsive insulin;
  • Therapies that prevent progression of diabetic kidney or eye disease in type 1 diabetes;
  • Discovery of diagnostic, prognostic or predictive biomarkers for all stages of type 1 diabetes to enable “smart” clinical trials EFSD/JDRF/Lilly European Programme in Type 1 Diabetes Research
Deadline: July 1, 2016
Call for proposals
Physician Scientist Fellowship Program in Hepatology
As a continuation of the Dame Sheila Sherlock EASL Fellowship Programs, this initiative aims at enabling physician-scientists to take a leave from their clinical duties and to spend 6 or 12 months in a research laboratory. The Physician Scientist Fellowship Program is open to all registered EASL members and applicants can apply for either: 6-months research worth €20,000. 12-months research worth €40,000.
Application for the physician scientist fellowship is open from 30 April - 30 June
Call for proposals

Research Fellowships for European researchers in Japan
Annually, the Canon Foundation in Europe grants up to 15 Fellowships to highly qualified European and Japanese researchers. European Fellows are expected to pursue a period of research in Japan whereas Japanese Fellows are expected to do their research in Europe. Canon Foundation Fellowships are for a minimum period of three months up to maximum of one year. We support all fields of research. There are no limitations or restrictions. Applicants do not have to be currently enrolled or employed at the time of applying. Canon Fellows from Europe are free to choose their host institutes and hosts in Japan. The same freedom is given to Japanese Canon Fellows coming to Europe. Canon Foundation Research Fellowships may be applied for when an agreement on co-operation and on a research plan has been reached between the guest researcher and the proposed host institution. Applications can also be submitted by members of commercial, industrial, governmental or professional organisations. Funding: From 22.500 to 27.500 EUR per year. 
Call for proposals

Horizon Prize - Birth Day
The challenge of the prize is to identify and bring to market innovative solutions preventing death and complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
The 'Birth Day' Prize is an initiative of the European Commission which has committed €1 million, with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pledging another €1 million and a further €500 000 donated by the MSD for Mothers programme of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corporation. Around the world, hundreds of thousands of women and babies die on the day of birth, and millions more are left with serious illness. The Horizon Prize for the Birth Day will be awarded to a solution that best demonstrates a reduction in maternal and/or newborn morbidity and mortality and/or stillbirths during facility-based deliveries. This solution will need to be novel, safe and scalable. Thanks to global efforts, since 1990 maternal deaths have dropped worldwide by 44%. However, deaths and serious health effects for both mothers and their new babies are still unacceptably high, especially in low and middle income countries.
Deadline for submission of applications: 6 September 2017 at 17:00 CET 
Call for proposals

Fellowships in Arthritis and Pain for Young Researchers
The purpose of the ARTICULUM Fellowship is to provide opportunities for young Fellows from any country with an interest in arthritis and pain to conduct a research project. The research project will be undertaken at the facility of an ARTICULUM member. For details of the ARTICULUM members' centres and research projects available, please click on "Centres". The Fellowships will provide funding of up to €30,000 to support a Fellow to undertake a research project for up to 9 months. Funding is primarily intended for salary support. Individuals will be selected to receive the ARTICULUM Fellowship. Applications will be evaluated by members of ARTICULUM, which is composed of internationally respected research experts in the fields of arthritis and pain. ARTICULUM is an educational initiative comprising a network of European physicians and centres of excellence in rheumatology, whose aim is to “Promote excellence in information exchange, education, training and disease management in arthritis and pain.” ARTICULUM is a non-profit organisation with financial support from Pfizer. Who may apply? The ARTICULUM Fellowship is open to Fellows from rheumatology and orthopaedic centres from any country. Applicants must have a degree in medicine and some specialty training in rheumatology, musculoskeletal medicine, orthopaedic surgery or acute/chronic pain management. To find out if you are eligible for the Fellowship, please click on "Terms and Conditions".
Closing date for applications is 31 July, 2016
Call for proposals

Horizon 2020 - Bio-based Industries PPP (H2020-BBI-JTI-2016)
The Bio-based Industries (BBI) Joint Undertaking (JU) is responsible for the implementation of open call for proposals for research and innovation actions and innovation actions, as well as coordination and support actions, in line with the Horizon 2020 rules for participation. 
Deadline: 08 September 2016 17:00:00
Call for proposals

Junior Short Term Collaboration Award in Hematology Research
Facilitate the collaboration BETWEEN research groups that have techniques or facilities that are unavailable in the applicant’s home institute. Maximum €7,500 if home and host institute both within Europe, €10,000 for intercontinental visits. Maximum 3 months.
Deadline: 01/08/2016
Call for proposals

Grants for lung cancer research projects
The Lung Cancer Research Foundation’s grant program provides funding for innovative research focused on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure of lung cancer. The Foundation encourages applications for projects investigating a wide variety of research topics, including: Prevention and screening for early detection, Identification of new biomarkers and the development of targeted therapies, The development of next-generation chemotherapeutic agents, Supportive measures for people with lung cancer and their families, Quality of care and outcomes research. Funding: Up to 150.000 USD. 
Deadline: 01/07/2016
Call for proposals

Research Answers to National Cancer Institute’s Pediatric Provocative Questions
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite applications for research projects designed to use sound and innovative strategies to solve specific problems and paradoxes in childhood cancer research identified by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) as the NCI’s Pediatric Provocative Questions (Pediatric PQs). These problems and paradoxes framed as questions are not intended to represent the full range of NCI's priorities in childhood cancer research. Rather, they are meant to challenge cancer researchers to think about and elucidate specific problems in key areas of pediatric cancer research that are deemed important but have not received sufficient attention. The FOA includes 9 Pediatric PQs that represent diverse fields relevant to childhood cancer research, but all are framed to inspire interested scientists to conceive new approaches and/or feasible solutions. Each research project proposed in response to this FOA must be focused on addressing one particular research problem defined by one specific Pediatric PQ selected from the list.
Funding: See Section II of the FOA for further information.
Deadline: 30/06/2016
Call for proposals

International Research Scholars - Basic biomedical research grants
The International Research Scholars Program will select and support highly qualified scientists working in selected countries outside the United States and United Kingdom who are in the critical beginning stages of their independent careers. Successful applicants will have trained through the postdoctoral level in a vigorous basic research environment. Eligible candidates must have trained in the United States or United Kingdom at the doctoral, medical, or postdoctoral level for at least 1 year. Applicants are expected to have outstanding scientific training records and exceptional potential for significant productivity and originality in their independent careers. The Funders recognize that a supportive research environment is crucial to launching a successful research program so awards will be made only to institutions that can clearly support the research activities of the grant recipient. Funding: 650.000 USD for 5 years.
Deadline: 30/06/2016
Call for proposals

Early Career Patient-Oriented Diabetes Research Awards / Career Development Awards on type 1 diabetes (T1D) research / Postdoctoral Fellowship on type 1 diabetes (T1D) research / Advanced Postdoctoral Fellowship on type 1 diabetes (T1D) research
JDRF is a global funding agency with a substantial proportion of its grants awarded outside the United States. We encourage all qualified researchers interested in addressing the scientific and clinical challenges and gaps to cure type 1 diabetes and its complications to apply for funding. Decisions on funding are based on the quality, mission relevance, and priority of the proposed research. JDRF encourages submission of innovative, high-risk/high-reward, field-changing research proposals to accelerate its mission. JDRF has multiple funding mechanisms, including Strategic Research Agreements, Innovative Grants, and Industry Grants to build a diverse research portfolio, to provide the research community with alternative approaches to address the foundation’s mission, and to provide research training opportunities to attract new talent to the field..
Deadline: 27/06/2016
Call for proposals

La representación de España para H2020 SC1 Health os invita a contribuir  al programa de trabajo 2018-2020 de este Reto Social y enviar propuestas de tópicos para las próximas convocatorias H2020 SC1 Health.      
Mediante este link  podeis enviar vuestra propuesta:
Para discutir los topicos podeis asisitir a un FORO el próximo 21 de junio en Madrid que tendrá el formato de una reunión de trabajo en la que, a través de diálogo - Durante la reunión se explicará la estructura del programa, así como las prioridades políticas en este reto. Para confirmar la s un correo electrónico a Belén Díaz ( que les confirmará la asistencia.
El informe realizado por el Comité Asesor Científico para este Reto
INNOVATION - News from the Innovation and Transfer Office
“Oportunitats per a projectes col·laboratius d’R+D: Novetats 2016
Sessió informativa sobre les oportunitats de finançament  de les convocatòries del 2016
Data d’esdeveniment: 21 Juny 2016.
Enllaç a més informació aquí
“Valoració de companyies: més enllà dels números”
Sessió organitzada per l’associació d’empreses CataloniaBio i Biocat que girarà entorn a la valoració d’una companyia biotecnològica en fases inicials, negociacions de la valoració
Data d’esdeveniment: 5 Juliol de 2016
Enllaç a més informació aquí

Programa Caixa Impulse 2016
La Fundació LaCaixa, conjuntament amb Caixa Capital Risc i col·laboradors internacionals, convocant la segona edició del Caixa Impulse, programa ideat per donar suport a la valorització i transferència del coneixent en l’àmbit sanitari.
Data de termini: 1 d’Abril al 15 Juliol de 2016
Si us plau, els grups interessats en participar-hi, poseu-vos en contacte amb la oficina d’Innovació i Transferència si necessiteu el seu recolzament.
Enllaç a més informació aquí
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Un Dance Party a Suria en benefici de la investigació contra la tuberculosi
Gran èxit de la festa: al ritme dels 80s i 90s per a la Unitat de tuberculosi experimental
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Other Activities
13 to 17 June 2016

XVIII Curso de Fundamentos y Aplicaciones en Citometría de Flujo

Sala Polivalent, IGTP
Más información
15 June 08:00 - 16:00
First Cancer Cell signaling pathways meeting: An in depth look at trends in poly-targeted lung cancer therapy
Sala Polivalent, IGTP

Event organized by Dr Rafael Rosell.  The event is free but you must register.
More information
17th International Conference on Systems Biology, 16-20 September 2016 in Barcelona, Spain
Abstracts will be accepted through 1 June 2016
Preliminary Program

Dynamics of Genome Structure, ERC Synergy Project “4DGenome”
22-23 September 2016
Provional Program           Submit an abstract         Register
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Termini agència   Link Beques, premis, ajuts Núm. NL
6/16/2016 ESP 347
6/30/2016 ESP Programa de beques postdoctorals any 2016. Fundació privada Olga Torres 344
6/30/2016 ESP Beques postdoctorals de recerca en càncer colorrectal 346
7/01/2016 INT Premios AstraZeneca a Jóvenes Investigadores 347
7/01/2016 INT Ayudas a la cooperación internacional empresarial en I+D (Programa INNOGLOBAL) 347
7/05/2016 ESP Ayudas para acciones de dinamización "Proyectos Europa Excelencia" 347
7/11/2016 INT Imaging and Biomarkers for Early Detection of Aggressive Cancer / National Institutes of Health (NIH 344
7/15/2016 ESP Programa Caixa Impuls 346
7/15/2016 ESP Ayudas INVESMIR para Médicos Residentes 347
7/21/2016 ESP Accions complementàries 2016 (ISCIII) 345
/725/2016 INT Consulta abierta para definir el ámbito científico de las Terapias Avanzadas en IMI 347
7/29/2016 ESP Becas Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve para traducción médica 347
8/16/2016 INT Cancer Etiology and Early Detection Research / National Institutes of Health (NIH) 344
9/15/2016 INT Canon Research Fellows 346
date in January INT Pre-announcement EU Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) Call NL 338
date end of February INT Pre-announcement of the Active and Assisted Living Programme Call Challenge 2016 NL 338
Mar, Jun, Sept, Dec INT Meniere's Society Research Grants 345
13 Apr, 22 Jun 14 Sept 2016 INT The company of Biologists: Scientific Meeting Grants 345
31 Jul, 30 Nov 2016 INT The Company of Biologists Travel Grants 345
2016 INT Defense Health Program; Department of Defense Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program. Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16). 347
2016-2017 INT Horizon2020 Work Programmes for 2016-2017 LIST OF CALLS NL 335
Ongoing INT Open IMI2 Calls NL 342
Various 01/15/2016 -09 /15/2016   Friederich´s Ataxia Research Alliance NL 342
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