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JUNE 2016

Too Pooped to Pop

For the past couple of months, many have been experiencing exhaustion. Some expressed it as a bone deep physical exhaustion.

Personally, I generally sleep well and deep, and still wake up tired…and look tired.

When I am tired, my southern side shows up. My southern accent begins slipping into a conversation, my speech may slow down, and the southern sayings worm their way into my life.

Lately, I’ve:

- been as jittery as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
- said I’d slap you clear into next week
- been smacked so hard that my ghost needed crutches.

And I’ve felt like I had one wheel down and the axle was dragging. (Not literally, mind you.)

Why Are We Experiencing Exhaustion?

(Aside from any medical conditions) We are still working very hard on healing and releasing our past (on a soul level, not just this physical life); working with each new energy download and energy shift; working on energetically making changes to our body; and making physical changes to our body (diet, exercise, etc.).

Oh, and maintaining a physical life and all that it entails, while working to not step into someone else’s dramas, and allowing others their rights to their journey.

No wonder some of us are too pooped to pop and are looking for coffee that’s strong enough to float an iron wedge.

  • Go to bed earlier, if needed, and let your body rest.
  • Be gentle and kind to yourself.
  • Gentle grounding may help (walking, gardening, gentle connections to nature, earth, etc.)
  • Visualizing pulling in positive energy (from the Source), filling yourself up and/or supplementing your energy. (Note: if you happen to get over-energized – or if, for some other reason, you become over-stimulated – you can visualize any excess energy going out through the bottom of your feet and into Mother Earth.)
Even though I may look like I was chewed up, spit out, and stepped on (tired), I am fine as frog fur (healthy and fine), and hope ya’ll have a great week!

by Jan Toomer

Can You See?

The center line did a visual tick-tick-tick as I drove through Texas.

I noticed anxiety building within me, but didn’t know the cause until I crested a hill. The answer was in the plains before me.

Large metal “grasshoppers” dotted the landscape; pumping up and down.

Like drawing blood from a vein, I felt the jabbing and pulling; sucking life out of Mother Earth.

* * *

In this time of our soul growth and development, we are becoming more aware of the life force within everyone, everywhere.

We are seeing rights finally being afforded some of the larger animals in some areas.

We are seeing predators and prey befriending one another.

We are seeing animals – outside of our “pets” -- expressing emotions.

Our conditioning – the one that dictated that humans alone were intelligent and have a soul – is disintegrating.

However, our conditioning has left a lot of us blind to the life force – and yes, rights – of all other life forms…Mother Earth included.

Are we finally beginning to see beyond our programming of human superiority?

We are nothing without the non-human life forces around us; and, we are PART of all the life forces around us.

Can you see?

by Jan Toomer
Reality Undefined website has a great new look.
Thank you, for the beautiful work!

Be sure to check us out!

Energy Update – May 16, 2016

  • Anxiety
  • Panic Attack
  • Rapid Heartbeat
This is what some have been experiencing*. Each incident can be as unique as each individual.
  • A spontaneous memory from your past. A person or topic re-surfacing, which may have been associated with an unresolved incident. (Yeah, I know, AGAIN OR STILL.)
  • A fear, or uncertainty, that popped in – even briefly – and is now wanting to be addressed/healed and released.
  • Your body reacting when you unwittingly picked up on – or tuned into – someone else’s anxiety.
  • Reacting to an upcoming event – perhaps a mass exodus event (such as a plane crash), or Earth incident (such as volcanic activity or earthquake).
  • You may not even know why this was triggered.
This energy coming through is aiding us in digging even deeper, pulling up and giving us an extra oomph to release, release, release.

This energy is also asking us to pay closer attention to self.

I took the opportunity to “people watch” as the room began filling up with people. I wasn’t really thinking of anything; just observing.

I realized my heart was speeding up. Knowing that, for me, allergies or asthma can cause this reaction in my body, I did an internal check. All good. I didn’t eat or drink anything to trigger this, and my lungs were good.

I wasn’t thinking of anything to cause this; no spontaneous memories; no stress thoughts.

Nothing seemed to be in distress, yet my heart continued to race.

I turned my attention to the room, and found what I was seeking. Several people were broadcasting displeasure, fear, anxiousness and/or uncertainty.

I acknowledged within me where this was coming from, and released it from my body.

Why is This Happening?

I believe that as we become more tuned into – or aware of – energy, we become more sensitive to energy around us, including someone else’s energy.

I also feel our bodies are working to teach us to become more aware of them (our bodies), all while we are learning to pay attention to, and direct, our thoughts.


I recommend if you are able to concentrate, to look within and take stock.

Is it yours? Is it a reaction to something you ate or drank? Are you physically okay, or do you need to seek medical attention?

After those are addressed, perhaps next would be seeking any memories that may have popped in, maybe barely noticed by you consciously. Or perhaps any thoughts or topics that passed through that re-called stressed.

Did you pick up on someone else’s anxiety, fear, concerns?

By taking inventory of self, and asking self questions, you can learn more about self and the body you own and inhabit.

(*Aside from any medical issues.)

by Jan Toomer
The Lone Bloom
by Jan Toomer
Reality Undefined
- Reality Undefined's page.
Healing Requests
- Page for people to request free energy healing and a place for healers to offer free energy healing.

Energy Fly Paper

More people are becoming aware of, or personally experiencing an increase of attachments.

An attachment is a non-physical being who enters and stays in an energetic body of a living person. An attachment can be accidental or intentional. (You can find more about attachments at:                             .)

Energy Fly Paper

Our energy bodies can be like fly paper. Some non-physical beings can get stuck in our energy; some on purpose (hitching a ride and/or leeching our energy); some get stuck by mistake (curious of our energy and/or abilities, got too close, and got stuck).

Some attachments come with their own health issue memories which can bleed into our energy.

This can affect the human host, who may develop symptoms of an illness or illnesses that baffle doctors. They cannot find the reason or cause for the human’s health issues.

Always get checked out by your doctor. If your health care provider is stumped, you can seek out an energy worker who is also a medium who has the ability to remove (most, if not all) attachments.

Why is This Happening?
  • As more people become aware, more are able to sense/see the attachments on someone else or self.
  • As the barriers between dimensions thins (AKA – we raise our vibrations/frequencies), the more interaction – thus attachments – can occur.

  • Shield to keep self focused and energy cleared.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Shielding does not necessarily remove attachments.
  • If you are not versed in removing attachments, please seek someone to clear your energy attachments. Also, if possible, learn the techniques yourself for self. Make sure you trust the person you seek assistance from. When in doubt, don’t.
by Jan Toomer

Ascended Masters Newlsetter #197

Linda Stein-Luthke & Dr. Martin Luthke

Lessons from the School of Life

Dear Friends,

After one of the more exciting weekends of our lives, we received some illuminating counsel not only from St. Germain, but from Sanat Kumara as well. Prior to sharing their wise messages, we will share with you what precipitated this channeling session.

For some weeks now, I'd been experiencing some physical discomfort in the region of my liver. Given that I'd contracted hepatitis B after my trips to India, it did not seem surprising that in my 70th year of life, my liver might have protested. I do not take pharmaceuticals unnecessarily but do take quite a few supplements, so I figured the time had come for my liver to protest. After many hours in meditation, I received guidance to go to the Chinese Medicine Clinic where Martin is employed. I met with a lovely woman there who prescribed herbs for a medicinal tea to drink twice daily. Almost immediately, the symptoms began to subside, but I was still not feeling as well as I had hoped.

Each day I meditated and asked for healing. One morning, as I began my meditation, I heard that if I wished healing now, then perhaps a positive affirmation in present tense would be more helpful. This was advice that St. Germain had offered in our book, Affirmations and Thought Forms as well as in many other writings and healing sessions. But I'd forgotten to follow the guidance that we had frequently shared with others!

Here is what I heard: "I totally accept and am grateful for good health and wellbeing."

I did not know it then, but Sanat Kumara had given this affirmation (Martin realized this in our subsequent channeling session).

As soon as I began to say this affirmation, my symptoms proceeded to disappear and have not returned.

But Martin still wished me to get a blood test. I had agreed to his suggestion at the height of my discomfort, but kept hearing this was unnecessary. (We know medical tests can be useful, but we are not big fans of conventional medical treatment for most conditions.) After some discussion Martin finally agreed and cancelled the appointment. This gave us time for a channeling session instead, something which seemed quite pressing because of another event two days earlier...

Our landlady had asked us to do something against the weeds in the driveway and on the patio. I was in favor of using vinegar, Martin, however, opted for a weed flamer. To make a long story short, a gust of wind combined with dry pine needles from last year's drought resulted in a flash fire that engulfed a row of pine trees along our driveway instantly.

In a matter of minutes, all our neighbors were on the scene with buckets of water, fire extinguishers, and a hose. Several people had called the Volunteer Fire Brigade that came out in force (including ambulance, ladder truck, police etc.). The flames had singed the overhang of our roof and reduced the evergreens to a row of skeletons - but more significant damage was averted in the nick of time. Why had this happened?

Interestingly enough, the beings of Light saw a perspective we did not see: Both events were connected.
Many Blessings of Love and Light,

Linda and Martin

You Already Live in Perfection

From the Ascended Masters St. Germain and Sanat Kumara
Dear Beloved Friends,

We are grateful once again to communicate with you through Leia and Manalus [Linda & Martin]. It is true that we have been with them through their recent challenges, and, as you may be aware, we are with you all in every moment and under all circumstances.

We know you are wondering how a fire and Leia's physical wellbeing might be connected.

We are here to help you comprehend the great, beautiful, and perfect interconnection of all things.

You see, Manalus was instructed to clear plant life that the owner of the property had deemed unsightly. Leia loves all living things and has difficulty taking any life -- well, she is saying, unless it is a fly. But she always asks the fly to come back as a friendlier life form.

But you see, rather than to create disharmony, Manalus agreed to burn what appeared unsightly and in his enthusiasm, more life forms were lost. But do not worry, dear friends, more life will grow where life has been lost. That is part of the perfection of Creation.

Leaves and fruit fall from the trees, nurture the soil and new leaves and fruit appear.

You ingest food to live, although you will ultimately disappear to nurture the soil as well. It is all interconnected, you see.

So, life is perfect. It comes and it goes. But life has been tampered with by the collective consciousness of humanity which has decided it has sovereignty over all life on Earth. In that vein Manalus had been asked to "beautify" what was already beautiful by destroying life forms that some thought were unsightly.

And you can see quite clearly now how this is imperiling life on Earth and frequently leading to a premature loss of many living things.

Following the blaze Leia and Manalus realized that last year's unusual drought was a contributing factor in the events. They thought of fires and war damage in other parts of the Earth, and how such fires would not have happened if humanity realized it was here to nurture all life, not alter it to conform to their own motives and desires.

And so, the Earth -- which is a living organism just as are all things -- is taking matters into its own hands and doing what needs to be done to continue to thrive.

This process is proving more and more uncomfortable for humanity. But if humanity must readjust in order to live in harmony with the Earth, then it will.

And so, it is true for Leia as well. She realized her physical form was no longer in harmony and balance. She was out of alignment with her Light and a block had been created within her system which was now creating discomfort within her.

Once she realized that, as a part of this Creation, she need only allow the Light to flow without encumbrance through her system, her physical discomfort disappeared. She was once again in harmony with the flow of life. She did not need to subject herself to artificial ministrations.

You see, this Creation was designed to be in perfect balance and harmony. Health happens when you allow this perfection without interference.

What has created all of humanity's suffering is a desire to alter what is already perfect to fit what it sees as some need to improve this perfection.

When you awaken, you realize that life is already perfect. Your needs and desires begin to fall away and instead you are filled with gratitude and wellbeing.

This is the Golden Age of Light, dear friends. It is time for all to awaken and see the perfection in which you reside. No longer is there a need to suffer unless you continue to cling to a desire to have more than the bounty that is already within your grasp.

The Earth is beautiful and perfect. And so are you. Cherish that perfection.

No More Newsletters by Email  

(Ascended Masters Newsletters are Discontinued)

Dear Friends,

After 197 issues of the Ascended Masters Newsletters we have decided to discontinue this format. There are two reasons: (1) The email service we use for this newsletter has increased its prices to almost $500 a year. (2) We now reach more people through our Facebook page than through email.

We understand that not all of our faithful readers are on Facebook; some of you would certainly prefer receiving emails in the customary format. However, Facebook has the advantage of allowing more frequent updates and commentary in a less formal manner than a monthly newsletter. We will continue to write content "as it happens" with the possibility for you to post comments and to give us feedback.

When we started the Ascended Masters Newsletter some 20 years ago we had no idea where this would take us - or that we would be sending out almost 200 issues. We are grateful for the continued interest of our readers and hope to stay in touch via Facebook. For all others, there is still email for a personal message. And those of you who might miss our voice can always turn to our books for much valuable information and inspiration.

Many Blessings of Love and Light,

Linda and Martin

Your Meta Questions – May 2016

Q.  I get so angry when someone lies to me, even if they are a stranger. How do you handle people who lie to you?

  Many years ago, I overheard my youngest telling a friend, “My mom always knows when someone is lying, and she doesn’t care. She never does anything.”

And she couldn’t have been more wrong – but I could see how she thought that. I call it “picking my battles”, but in reality, it is much more than that.

Yes, I usually know when someone is lying to me, and sometimes know why they lied.

Sometimes I will call them on their lie.

I may also work to find physical evidence of their deceit, if I feel the need to pursue it.

However, there are times I will walk away from the whole thing. For example, if it is business-related, and I have no physical evidence, or I feel uninspired, or not moved, to pursue it.

Occasionally, I am bewildered as to why someone would lie about something so insignificant, or to make the lie so outrageous and/or unbelievable. For those, I just walk away; I refuse to invest any of my time or energy on those.

Over the years I have learned that when someone lies, their energy shows me that they don’t love, or even respect themselves. That lack of respect then spills over to those they interact with.

In other words, the don’t respect themselves or the person they lied to.

I do respect myself – and unless my team (or the person’s team of the one lying) prompts me to call them on it, I usually walk away. I respect myself, and have no need to get caught up in their self-created drama.

I have learned that the truth will come out. It may not be through or by me, or it may not be how or when I think it should happen, but I do know… it will come out.

It’s not being cold-hearted.

I do care, and I respect myself.

I am not on their journey.

I wish them the best; have hope for them on their life lessons; and move forward.

Q. I have been feeling out of whack – off and on – like I’m bumbling around; awkward in and with my own body.

. My team explained that many have entered a new phase or stage, and are working on changing (such as higher frequency and physical changes).

The team showed me a toddler – wobbly and working on not only standing and walking, but maintaining balance as well.

But if the toddler has a distraction occur, such as:
- a pet brushes them as they walk by
- a sneeze, cough or giggle
- transition from carpet to hard floor
- a random toy on the ground

(S)he can have an upset in their balance, and (s)he can come crashing down.

We are like the toddler, struggling to find and maintain our balance in the new energy and the changes to our body while maneuvering the physical distractions.

While it’s not likely our distractions will drop us to the floor, our patience with persistence and practice can bring flow and grace as we progress.

by Jan Toomer
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