A little update for <<First Name>> on the prints :)
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Hi <<First Name>>,

Here's a quick cheeky note to update you on the Limited Edition prints.

Basically I'm beavering away in the background. And whilst all is still very secret squirrel, I can reveal there will be two images launched.

The first mystery image is one piece I've had a lot of interest in and it really makes me smile, so it is the chosen piece for the first of the Limited Edition Collection. I can't say what it is yet but you'll find out soon. There will only be a small amount made, so it's worth registering interest early.


The second image is a fun piece with a high giggle factor. This one I've chosen to provide as unlimited.  And there's a little twist -  your cat's name is hand drawn in with love
-and dippy ink. 

I'm creating this collection in crazy colours to make you smile.  
Enigmatic I know, but I wanted to give you a little lowdown of where I'm at. 

I'm looking forward to showing you the first prints. Soon. In the meantime please feel free to spread the word - I would love that 😃.  There's some little share links just above. And below. All cheesy cat lovers are welcome to join. 

send to my cat-loving friend

Thank you so much for supporting me with my scribblings and signing up to my VICP list. Before I wrote this I had a great writing tip from my copywriter work-partner. He told me, 'no-one ever wants to read what you write', so if you've got this far that's great :)

That's all for now, 


As this is my first email, I'd love to know if 

A) you got it

B) it was boring

C) it made you want you dance around with your cat and tell every cat-lover you know about some special limited edition prints launching soon. 

Yes, I would love to tell you what I think, click me through
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