
Where did the time go?

It's already June and now we begin to prepare for the masses of children to be let out of school. For some, this annoyingly clogs up traffic in the DC area, while for others its a chance to socialize and choose wildly from the different events going on this Summer! Man, I'm excited, are you?

As a lot of us are getting things shaken around, one of the biggest pieces of advice for this month is to be flexible. Just like water, if we learn to adapt to the things that are happening around us, we can learn to flow with the challenges presented to us. Based off of the horoscopes as well as cultural themes surrounding this month, if we learn to be proactive with our choice, then we gain more power in the present. By saying simple things like, "I have no choice, I have to stay late at work." or "I have to do this or else no one else will" puts us into a state of martydom. When in this state we lose our sense of power. We can regain this power by giving ourselves the power of choice back, and list the reasons why we are following through with the actions we chose. We can turn it around and say, "I choose to stay late at work because I enjoy the paycheck as well as helping my fellow coworkers". It's especially hard when the choices we are presented with are hard choices. We have the ability to choose what responsibilities we undertake, and sometimes when those responsibilities are forced on us, we have the ability to choose how to react. To think differently is to rob ourselves of our own power. 

Even though there have been challenges set before a lot of us, it's not the time to focus on the door that's closing. Instead, focus on the other doors of opportunity that are opening. For a more in depth explanation of the current trends and themes, follow the Power Path Forecast for the month to come. 

What are you choosing to focus on? The fun exciting things this summer? Or the burdens of the choices you made and have accepted responsibility for? If you're having trouble answering these questions, ask what is in the way from you enjoying yourself, as well as your life. Join in community, be with other like minded people. Get out there and find what makes you happy. See you around this Summer!

The next Heart Centered Sound Circle is in Burke Lake Park on June 5th from 1-3 pm
Suggested Journey group topic for June:
Water and the Emotional Body
Free Online Webinar from Sandra Ingerman: How journeying can be used to heal communities
Heart Centered Sound Circles
Heart Centered Sound Circles are back! We have the New York ones scheduled for July and August, and we still have the Sound Circles scheduled the first Sunday of every month down here in Northern Virginia. 
Don't know what a Sound Circle is? Visit this page for more information
Dates for New York:
July 24th - Binghamton, NY
August 21st - Binghamton, NY

Dates for Northern Va:
June 5th - Burke Lake Park (Burke, VA)
July 3rd - August Moon Farms (Fairfax, VA)
August 7th - Burke Lake Park (Burke, VA)

If interested in staying connected, there is a Facebook group that shares the chants/songs sung at these events, as well as a youtube channel of the more popular ones asked to get recorded. Bring your rattles! Bring your drums! But most of all bring your true self! Hope to see you there ;)
Shamanic Journey Group

Eagle Therapies hosts a once weekly Journey Group on Monday evenings in Fairfax at the Cardinal Center from 6PM to 7PM. There is always a "suggested journey topic" for each group meeting, and this month's theme is Water (corresponding with the emotional body). All skills levels welcomed. It's during the discussion where we share our journeys and help rediscover ourselves and how we operate. We do not interpret each others journeys, but instead offer insight from other perspectives. 

For those that are interested in Journeying, being thrown into a short one hour group might seem a little intimidating. That's why on June 18th, there will be a workshop on Shamanic Journeying at 6 pm, followed by a Journey Group starting at 7 pm. For more experienced Journeyers,feel free to come at 7 pm. Any participant can leave at any point if they don't want to stay for the sharing or possible second journey. If you bring snacks, make sure to supply labels as some have food allergies. 
Takoma Park Drum Circles
Hooray! The drum circles in Takoma Park have raised enough money to have them at the Gazebo this Summer! The drum circle dates are as follows:
June 8th
July 13th
August 10th
September 14th
All of these will take place from 7-9 pm
Stay tuned to the Wednesday Drum Circle facebook group for more fun information
Join us for Kirtan Chant Circles on Tuesday evenings! Follow Gita's Dream on Facebook for more up to date information. 

Some other things going on at Gita's Dream:
June 5th - Sacred Circle of Sound
Vegetarian Potluck and Kirtan
June 23rd - Kirtan Guest Wynne Paris
Other Fun Events:

June 8th: Establishing Healthy Boundaries with Lotus Wellness Center in Manassas, VA
June 11th: Maryland Fairy Festival at Camp Ramblewood in Northern, MD. 
June 14th - 19th: Free Spirit Gathering at Camp Ramblewood in Northern, MD
June 16th: Sound Bath by Holistic Dynamic in Annapolis, MD
June 19th: Litha and Kellianna Concert in Frederick, MD
June 20th: Full Moon Labyrinth Walk in Frederick, MD
June 25th: Rhythms of Life Mini Workshop by Holistic Dynamic in Upper Marboro, MD

Fly high, everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful June!
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