HCDP eNews - May 31, 2016
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US House (NC District 11) June 7 Primary
Special Edition -- Tom Hill
The Henderson County Democratic Party is providing our Democratic candidates for US House (NC District 11), Tom Hill and Rick Bryson, an opportunity to reach out to each of you every Tuesday and Wednesday through June 1 (one candidate each day).  Please note that HCDP is not endorsing either candidate.  We want you to get all the information you need to make your own informed decision on which candidate to support on June 7.  Please vote!

Dear Fellow Citizen --
The Situation We Face.  Right-wing extremist Mark Meadows is the unopposed Republican nominee in the November 2016 general election to again represent the 11th Congressional District of North Carolina.  Donald Trump has secured that party’s nomination as the Presidential candidate.  During the Presidential primary Mark actively campaigned for Ted Cruz.  However, there is little difference between the positions of Trump and Cruz on the advocacy of immediately deporting all undocumented Hispanic workers and other right-wing positions.  Like most of his party, Mark is now expected to endorse Trump and campaign for him.  During the past several elections extremists such as Mark have relied quietly on the bigotry and hatred of people such as Trump, but concealment of their reliance on such attitudes will no longer be possible.  Many of us Democrats believe that reasonable people who have voted for Republican candidates in the past will oppose the demagoguery of Trump and refuse to support Trump, and Meadows as well.  The stakes have never been higher.
The Next Step.  On June 7, Democrats and independents who select the Democratic ballot will choose between myself and my Democratic opponent as the candidate to oppose Mark Meadows in the general election this fall.  Both of us maintain web sites and make comments on social media, such as Facebook.  Each of us believes that he is the best qualified candidate.  We have spoken at many party functions, and have also introduced ourselves at various events.  Unhappily, the turnout for this primary election is expected to be quite low because many voters believe that the issue was decided during the regular primary held on March 15.  However, those ballots have been thrown out by the Elections Board in response to a Federal Court order that requires gerrymandered Congressional Districts to be redrawn. 
Why I Encourage You To Vote For Tom Hill.  Even though the Republicans still outnumber us in the 11th District by 183,272 to 166,375, the 170,417 unaffiliated voters will decide the election if both parties are able to energize equal percentages of their voters.  As a native and representative of moderate western North Carolina values, I believe that I am best suited for this task.  Here are some of the reasons why.
  • Undocumented Workers.  I advocate legal status for gainfully employed workers who have no felony convictions.  They must learn English and be given a number which requires them to pay income, social security, and medical insurance taxes.
  • Corporation Tax Evasion.  Corporation loopholes, especially offshore scams, must be closed.  Corporations are evading hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes and their interests are not the same as those of small businesses.
  • Protection Of The Environment.  We must clean up coal and nuclear wastes, and fracking must be returned to EPA control, rather than weak state laws, in order to protect our water.  
  • Social Security and Healthcare.  The Social Security Trust Fund has a $2.75 trillion surplus which Congress has borrowed and does not want to pay back.  We must protect the fund and remove the cap on contributions by rich persons.  We must also improve the ACA by providing the previously-promised Public Option.
  • Women’s Rights.  We must ensure equal pay for equal work, and repel the right-wing attacks on Planned Parenthood and similar women’s advocacy groups.
  • Mid-East Wars.  We have spent several trillion dollars of borrowed money on wars in the Mid-East and lost more than 5,000 young people’s lives, plus more than 50,000 permanently maimed.  We have almost nothing to show for these sacrifices – Al Qaeda yesterday, ISIS today, and another radical religious group tomorrow.  These wars are not keeping us safe, but are enriching corporations such as Dick Cheney’s Halliburton.  It is Congress’ responsibility to end them, while ensuring that veterans benefits are never cut.
Other Considerations.  I was the Democratic candidate who opposed Meadows in 2014, and lost.  However, I debated Meadows in a public forum and held my own.  My stances on issues are for the most part unchanged, but there is now a fervor for change and dealing with these issues which is now sweeping the nation and was not manifest in the low voter turnout of 2014.  I have further achieved name recognition and have developed a support organization.
What Tom Hill Stands For.  I am devoted to passing legislation to cure the problems that our nation faces, and my only ideology is common sense.  Please visit my web site listed below for specifics of legislation that I support.  If I am elected, I further pledge not to spend my time in Congress on the phone begging wealthy donors for money. Most of our Congressmen spend four hours every day on the phone begging wealthy donors for money.  If they do not, their parties ostracize them.
Please Contribute.  Like him or not (and I do), Bernie Sanders has shown that a large, faithful group of small contributors can offset those of mega-million dollar PACs.   During my campaign I am likewise relying on modest donations from supporters such as you – win or lose.   In order to make a contribution, click on "home" at my web site, and then on "contribute".  I appreciate any and all donations.

Tom Hill
The Smoky Mountain News recently published this article about the US House (NC District 11) primary:  Democratic candidates face off in congressional election.
This email was sent by the Henderson County Democratic Party, 905 Greenville Hwy, Hendersonville, NC 28792.
Contact us at 828-694-6424 M-F 11am-2pm or at info@myhcdp.com.

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