Will's Weekly Digest | May 25, 2016
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One Score and Nineteen Years Ago, In a Movie Theater Near You

Of all the topics I've addressed since I started this digest nearly a year ago, today's is easily the most profound and substantive. Obama, Putin, Trump, Clinton, Sanders, these names pale in comparison next to SKYWALKER. That's right, today's digest is dedicated to Star Wars. You're welcome. 

As always, happy Wednesday and happy reading.

This Day in History

1977 - The original Star Wars is released in theaters, spawning at least two generations of sci-fi nerds, myself included. In the 39 years since "A New Hope" was released, the Star Wars franchise has become a global cultural phenomenon, and with the glaring exception of Jar Jar Binks - who almost seemed like an attempt to destroy the whole brand - has remained captivating and enthralling, even though in seven movies they've destroyed three death stars...variety is overrated!

Wait, You've Never Seen Star Wars?

Say what now? Not having seen Star Wars is the first sign that someone you know is actually a Soviet spy planted at birth and raised in America. If you are friends with an adult who has not seen Star Wars, you are obliged to show them the original trilogy. It's for their own well-being. Consider it a gift, a sort of life enhancement they've denied themselves. Besides, it may be fun for you, particularly if your friend responds like this girl (from Seriously, you should read her live tweets as she watches the original trilogy for the first time. Some of them are hysterical. Give yourself a laugh this afternoon. 

The Star Wars Universe Turned Upside Down

We all know the story: the evil empire led by the despotic emperor is trying to crush the last remnants of freedom in the galaxy, preserved by the heroic underdogs, the Rebel Alliance. Even the name conjures the nobility of the cause, the Alliance arrayed against the overwhelming powers of darkness, reminds me of a World War or two...

But what if we have it all wrong? What if the Empire is good and the rebels are bad? I mean after all, aren't these guys religious fanatics, trying to revive old traditions by means of violence and chaos against the organized structure of the state? That sounds less anti-totalitarian and more jihadi to me...Is that the real message of Star Wars (
from the Weekly Standard). Really though, is there something other than Jedi Mind Tricks that we can learn from Star Wars

A Lesson in Galactic Economics

Remember the aforementioned Death Stars, hugely expensive mega-weapons of which the empire somehow managed to produce three increasingly large and destructive varieties all within a period of 39 years? Well all three of those were blown up, and the result is that the galactic economy is in the toilet (from IFL Science).

I consider this a little lesson in political science, compliments of George Lucas. Perhaps we could give the movies new subtitles, for example, instead of "A New Hope," the original Star Wars could now be called "
What happens when you sink the entire galactic GDP into the death star." And rather than "Return of the Jedi," episode VI could be retitled as, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting the same result: Why the 2nd death star was a bad idea."

And people think Star Wars is solely for entertainment value. 

I Know You're Out There Somewhere

Perhaps you're familiar with Murphy's Law: anything that can happen will happen. If it's possible, it will occur somewhere, somehow, someway. Well, let's take the fiction out of Star Wars for a moment, and examine the science, is Murphy's law a real possibility; is there a Star Wars Universe (from Medium)!? We may never know if other universes exist, and if the men/women/clones in the picture below are out patrolling an alternate galaxy in an alternate universe, perhaps even at an alternate time. But this is why Star Wars and other works of science fiction are so fascinating, because they let us imagine. There is a lot of unknown out there, inhabited by...well by what, or by whom? I don't know and neither do you, which is why science fiction never ceases to captivate that part of us which makes us human: our imaginations. 

Peer Into My Deep Blue Eyes

Over the weekend I was lucky enough to visit my youngest brother, Mike, in New Hampshire. Mike has a wonderful dog, Butters, who has been featured in the digest previously, but who is making a comeback because I just can't help but be captivated by those piercing blue eyes. Butters is both beautiful and rambunctious. When calms, she is serene, and she'll gaze at you with those baby blues. When riled up, Butters is prone to going into a frenzy during which she runs around the house for a minute or two like a mad woman. Mike calls this her "happy feet." Whether begging for love with those soulful eyes or chasing imaginary squirrels around the house, Butter is a unique and wonderful pet. Big thanks to Mike and his girlfriend Lynne for sharing Butters and for hosting me!

Will's Weekly Trivia! 

Please be sure to share Willful Intent's new opt-in form with friends, and submit any thoughts and dog pics via the feedback form

IF you choose to answer the question, respond to with your answer. Please note that by competing you are giving me permission to publish your first name in the trivia leader board each week.


Last Week:
1. Who led the Chinese Communist Revolution and the Great Leap Forward? ONE POINT
2. Which US President was the first to visit Communist China, helping lead to a detente between the two nations? ONE POINT
3. The Chinese military is known as the PLA. What does the acronym stand for? ONE POINT 

1. Mao Tse Tung led the Chinese Communist Revolution.
2. Richard Nixon was the first US President to visit Communist China
3. PLA stands for People's Liberation Army. 

This Week:
1. What was Darth Vader's name before he became Darth Vader? ONE POINT
2. What is the Emperor's real name (last name only is fine, ex: Emperor Smith)? ONE POINT
3. What company recently purchased the Star Wars franchise from George Lucas? ONE POINT
4. Who is the author's favorite Star Wars character (hint: this character appears in the original trilogy)? ONE POINT

The race for first is tightening! Check your spot on the leader board HERE on Willful Intent. 
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