Expressway News from the Mobility Authority

Expressway News

May 26, 2016

Improving Mobility Through Innovation
Thinking Beyond the Pavement

Mobility isn’t just about pouring new concrete and asphalt. The reality of Austin's dramatic growth – and the challenging nature of protecting our environment – is that we need more innovative solutions to congestion than just roads. At the Mobility Authority, we know we can’t build our way out of congestion. That is why we're committed to a vision that promotes innovation at the heart of everything we do.

Austin's dramatic growth, which led to the congestion problem, can also inspire the solution. Because our community is built on innovation, the idea of leveraging new technologies to solve congestion is not a hard sell.

Innovation isn't about one-time solutions; it's about a mindset – to always look for new ways to make our roadways better, safer and less congested. That's the Mobility Authority's commitment.

Metropia Mobile: Celebrating One Year of Traffic Solutions for Austin

At the Mobility Authority, we utilize mobile technology to provide commuters with more transportation options. Last week, our traffic app partner, Metropia, celebrated their one year anniversary of alleviating traffic in Austin. The free smartphone app allows Austin-area drivers to better navigate to their destination and reduce congestion. The technology gives users the most efficient route and departure time by considering current and future traffic patterns and desired arrival time. In addition, Metropia issues points for smarter commuting habits that drivers can exchange for rewards like gift cards, discounts and donations to local charities.

Our partnership with Metropia not only incentivizes smarter habits that translate to a better commute experience, it translates to a greener environment.  Over the past year, Metropia users have driven over 1 million miles and saved over 3,500 hours that would have otherwise been spent sitting in traffic. In addition, Austin drivers have reduced CO2 emissions by 340,000 pounds, resulting in almost 3,400 trees planted through Metropia’s work with the American Forests Partnership.

“Metropia is an innovative solution to Austin’s traffic problem, and we’re proud to have supported them over the past year,” said Mike Heiligenstein, executive director of the Mobility Authority. “The Mobility Authority is excited to continue working with the Metropia team to show Central Texans how planning ahead can better their commutes and ultimately make a positive change in our region.”

Fueling up for Austin’s Bike to Work Day
Last Friday, we teamed up with Google to fuel our active transit folks during Bike Austin’s Bike to Work Day. In an effort to alleviate Austin traffic and attract new bicyclists to commuting to work, we set up a fueling station outside our office.  We were visited by more than 35 commuting cyclists, who took a pit stop for some free breakfast tacos and coffee on their way to work. All told, Bike Austin reports that nearly 2,000 commuters ditched their vehicles to participate in Bike to Work Day and be a part of the solution.

This is just one more way we can improve mobility by reducing traffic congestion and air pollution while encouraging a fit and healthy workforce.

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