ANPC events:
Rangelands Paddock Walk at Booroorban, south of Hay, NSW - Wednesday 1 June 2016
Join the ANPC's Project Manager, Martin Driver, for a day of plant identification and inspections of an endangered Sandhill Pine Woodland community, in collaboration with Riverina LLS. Land managers are encouraged to bring plants to be identified. Morning tea, lunch and drinks supplied. RSVP by Monday 30 May. Click here for more information.

ANPC Project Manager, Martin Driver (centre), discussing a Bladder Saltbush (Atriplex vesicaria) community on the Rangelands Paddock Walk near Hay in October 2015. (S. Ware)
Tarcutta Valley Landcare, Farm Walk Field Day - NSW, Wednesday 15 June 2016, 9.30am to 3pm,
Come along to hear about the benefits of retaining native plants on your property, how to identify native plants and how to manage them to benefit your productivity.In collaboration with Riverina LLS and Murrumbidgee Landcare Incorporated. This field day is also an opportunity to exchange information and ideas with other landholders on balancing production and sustainability on your farm. Speakers include the ANPC's Martin Driver, Janelle Jenkins from Riverina LLS and Matthew McGrath from Wagga Wagga City Council. RSVP by Monday 13 June. Click here for more information.

11th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (APCC11) - 14 to 18 November 2016 at the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Melbourne.
Early bird registrations and the Call for Abstracts for presentations and posters are now open! Sponsorship opportunities are also now available. Help contribute to the conservation of Australia's unique plants by sponsoring APCC11, as well as promote the profile of your organisation to the leading researchers and on-ground practitioners working in plant conservation around Australia. Download the Sponsorship Prospectus and find out how you can be a part of this premier event in Melbourne. NB. donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Go to the APCC11 website.

SAVE THE DATE! AABR 'plus' Forum - Sydney, Thursday 21 July
This one day forum will celebrate AABR's 40th anniversary as well as launch the National Standards for Ecological Restoration in NSW. The ANPC is proud to be co-hosting the forum, along with Greening Australia and the Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia. Bookings will open in mid-June so stay tuned and check the AABR website for updates. Sponsorship opportunities are also now available - please email here to find out more.
Other events:
Botanic Gardens Australia and New Zealand Open Day - Sunday 29 May
The inaugural Botanic Gardens Australia and New Zealand Open Day will celebrate the vital work botanic gardens do for plant conservation.There are currently 76 Gardens and Arboretum registered for the day with a wide variety of different activities including Art in the Gardens at the Australian National Botanical Gardens in Canberra. Click here to find out more.
AABR Sedges Identification Course with Van Klaphake - Sydney, Sat 4 to Sun 5 June, 8:45 am to 4:00 pm
Need to improve your sedge I.D. skills? Want to be able to identify species in the field? This course will show you how to key out the more common species of the Sydney area with ease. By the man who wrote the book on sedges and rushes of Sydney. Location: The C.E.C.A.L. Hall at 15 Clarke Street, Earlwood (entrance on Lewis St). Cost: $165 per person, $155 for AABR members. This includes the cost of the manual and 2 days tuition. Click here for more information and to register.
Ecology & Restoration, Australasia (ERA2016) - 19 to 23 November 2016, Hamilton NZ.
A joint conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia (SERA) & the New Zealand Ecological Society (NZES) with the theme “Restoring resilience across all environments”. The conference headline signifies the aspirational goal to restore resilience to all environments (land and sea, urban and rural), upscaling efforts from local to regional and national scales. Visit the conference website for more information on the themes, field trips, keynote speakers and abstract submission process.
Wetland Plant Identification Courses - Victoria, October & December 2016 and March 2017
Presented by Damien Cook and Elaine Bayes from Rakali Ecological Consulting, these courses are aimed at anyone interested in wetland plant identification and ecology. To be held at Cohuna in Victoria, each course runs for three days and each day will focus on a different wetland habitat.
NESP Threatened Species Recovery (TSR) Hub Project 2.4 – Red Hot List for Australia's most imperilled plants
Some of Australia’s 1100+ threatened plant species are at risk of extinction. The TSR Hub is developing a Red Hot List of these plants, which will be available from December 2017, to help on-ground managers conserve the most at-risk species and avert their extinction. Associate Professor Rod Fensham is leading this project to identify these species and the threats that are most likely to cause rapid extinction, and to investigate what could be done to lower that risk. There are many plant species that would qualify as ‘at-risk’ of rapid extinction - including ground orchids, coastal heath plants in rapidly-urbanising south east Queensland, and plants within threatened habitats like desert springs.
RegenTV - AABR’s video platform is set to take off over the next 3 years.
With funding from the NSW Environmental Trust, AABR is developing a video based educational resource. RegenTV will officially launch at AABR's 30th anniversary in July, but it’s already taking shape. They have recently added two field day videos and five conference presentations. Have a look here at its interim home, and check in often to watch it grow.
Orchids: The Masters Of Lying, Cheating & Stealing
We highly recommend watching this new YouTube video on what makes orchids so unique, developed by the Orchid Specialist Group of the IUCN’s Species Survival Commission.
Citizen scientist discovers rare mangrove species in far north Queensland
A citizen scientist has discovered one of the world's rarest species of mangroves growing on the outskirts of the Cairns CBD. Listed as critically endangered on the IUCN's Red List, the Haines Orange Mangrove (Bruguiera hainesii) has never before been seen in Australia. Until this discovery by Cairns resident Hidetoshi Kudo, less than 200 plants had been recorded worldwide - in Singapore, on the Malay peninsula and in Papua New Guinea. Mangrove scientist Dr Norm Duke, from James Cook University says it is "amazing that so many of the rare trees had remained unnoticed in such a populated place" and "it highlights our sad lack of knowledge about even something as obvious as such sizeable tree species."
Government funding announced for weed biocontrol R&D project 15 Apr 2016
The Australian government has granted $6.2 million to fund a four-year R&D project to the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) for a research project that will look to find effective biocontrol solutions for 10 of Australia’s most invasive agricultural weeds - many of which are also serious environmental weeds: African boxthorn, cabomba, prickly acacia, sagittaria, silverleaf nightshade, fleabane, sowthistle, mother-of-millions, giant rat’s tail grass and ox-eye daisy. Entitled ‘New biocontrol solutions for sustainable management of weed impacts to agricultural profitability’, the project aims to improve the long-term profitability to primary producers by developing biocontrol solutions that will reduce the ongoing costs of weed control.
MyWeedWatcher app now available in WA
If you're living in WA, you can can now use smartphone and tablet devices to identify, survey and report weeds and view results online using the new MyWeedWatcher app. The Android, iPhone and on-line versions are now available here.
The ANPC gratefully acknowledges the support of the following Corporate Members:
Albury Botanic Gardens, NSW |
Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust, NSW |
Australian National Botanic Gardens, ACT |
Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, VIC |
Botanic Gardens of South Australia, SA |
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, TAS |
Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research, ACT |
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus, VIC |
Department of Parks and Wildlife, WA |