MTCKids Weekly Update: 05.25.2016 
Raising up a generation to be the Church and Change the World


Family Hike
For All Families - Stroller Friendly!
Meet at Alan Bill Parking Lot at 10:30am 
Bring lunch for your family to eat at the top (elevation gain is 363m) with a beautiful view
Here is a Map! to the parking lot.
Check out the trail!
Community Sunday 
Sunday June 12th is Community Sunday for Kids Ministry. It's a great time for kids to invite a friend to Angry Birds and ice cream after the service.
MTCKids Party
Sunday June 26 is our MTCKids Party! We want to celebrate the year we've experienced together. Kids will need clothes that can get wet!

This Week @ MTCKids

It has been exciting seeing kids learn about God's design for friendship! 
Bible Story: 
Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do - Review of David
Focus Point: God gives me good friends!
Memory Verse: "Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do." Ecclesiastes 4:9
@Home - Memory Verse:

(hold up two fingers)
(touch your shoulders)
are better
(raise your arms overhead in a circle)
than one.
(hold up one finger)
They can help
(pound one fist on top of the other)
each other 
(touch a person next to you on the shoulder)
in everything they do
(raise your hands overhead and jump up)
Ecclesiastes 4:9
(hold hands open like a book)

@Home - Do: Gather 10 different small objects and get 2 of each object for a total of 20 objects (2 crayons, 2 spoons, 2 shoes, 2 clothespins, 2 gloves, 2 socks, etc.) Place one of each object in a small bucket or basket for your child to hold. Hide the other 10 objects in the yard or a large room. Tell your child to try and find the match to all of the the things their basket. When they're done, talk about how God gives us friends because two are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do. 

We've loved the journey of discovering faith in K - 4! As parents, faith is contagious...but so is fear! Our kids watch how we trust (have faith) in God in our everyday lives. Is there something you've been afraid of that you need to have faith that God will work out?
 Faith - believing what you can't see because of what you can see.
Bible Story: A Series of Fortunate Events - Luke 7:18-22
Focus Point: When I hear what Jesus has done, it helps me believe who Jesus is.
Memory Verse: Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being certain of what we do not see" Hebrews 11:1, NiRV
@Home - Read: Read Luke 7:18-22 with your child. In this time, John is struggling with doubt that Jesus really is the Saviour. John sends 2 of his followers to ask Jesus for confirmation. The 2 men return and tell John about what the miracles they saw Jesus do. It's interesting that Jesus chose to answer John's doubts with stories. This shows how powerful stories can be. Talk together about some of the people you know who follow Jesus. How has following Jesus impacted their lives? He can impact your life too. 
@Home - Do: As you talk about the people in your life who are following Jesus. Write down some of the characteristics that you see in others that you look up to, your heroes of faith. Pray together that God would cultivate those characteristics in your own heart.


Thinks & Links

There is an incredible link this week to a blog post that lists several questions that are very thought provoking and will challenge you. Go see the post!
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