A week after #DigIntoDyar and we're still making progress!
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What a challenge! Thank you for your enthusiastic burrowing with #DigIntoDyar - we learned so much about Harrison G. Dyar, the nuances of his handwriting, and his detailed commentary about specimens and collecting.

Staff from Smithsonian Institution Archives sent this message: 

The volunpeers efforts in this challenge were amazing. To say Dyar’s handwriting takes  some getting used to is, admittedly, a bit of an understatement. Under those conditions transcription and review can take an extra level of effort. The progress made on each of these five projects during the challenge has been, in our honest opinion, enormous and extremely helpful. #Volunpeers rock!

What did you think of the #DigIntoDyar challenge?

We would greatly appreciate your feedback via this quick 4 question survey!

Complete Our Survey
Let's look at the results of #DigIntoDyar, lasting from May 13 to May 20. 
Over 7 days, 63 volunteers jumped into the labyrinthe handwriting, specimens details, and more to complete 53 pages. That amounted to 30% of the total pages available for transcription; many of the pages remained partially transcribed or awaiting review.
But guess what has happened in the week that followed?
We kept going! 
You can see above that gray pages were untouched, red partially transcribed, yellow awaiting review, and green completed. Below is an overview of total campaign completion over the 7 days, plus a week later.
We hope we can continue to see that percent completion creep up in the coming weeks. Let us know what you are learning or what else would be helpful to transcribe Dyar's blue books.

You can use and download this Resource List to continue transcribing and reviewing Harrison Dyar's field notes, such as this project.

Thank you again for joining us - and please let us know what you'd like to transcribe next! 

Meghan and the Transcription Center team, along with our friends from Smithsonian Libraries, Smithsonian Institution Archives, Biodiversity Heritage Library and the Field Book Project
Copyright © 2016 Smithsonian Institution, All rights reserved.

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