CARIM Newsletter June 2016
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This newsletter contains information on the following subjects:
  • CARIM Day 2016
  • Vidi Judith Cosemans
  • Article "Hyperco-agulability causes atrial fibrosis and promotes atrial fibrillation"
  • Poster Award Gerry Nicolaes
  • W.H. Haus Preis Rory Koenen
  • Prize Heart Rhythm Society Rachel ter Bekke
  • Grant deadlines
  • Cardiovascular Grand Rounds Maastricht
  • ECCR October 2016
  • Symposia & other lectures
  • Call for abstracts Second International Conference on Cultured Meat
  • Academic events
  • Media appearances

CARIM newsletter

Contributions for the newsletter (e.g. news of events and grants, important publications, societial impact related topics and research results related to CARIM's research) can be sent to Please submit the text in English and include a short title. The text should be max. 200 words. If applicable, include high resolution pictures and other documents.

SAVE THE DATE - CARIM DAY 2016, 2 November

CARIM DAY 2016 will take place on Wednesday November 2.

This year’s Robert Reneman Lecture will be given by Professor Stephane Laurent

After last year’s success, the location of the symposium will again be the Minderbroedersberg followed by a festive evening.
More information on the program will be distributed as soon as possible.

Judith Cosemans awarded NWO Vidi grant

Judith Cosemans (Department of Biochemistry) will receive up to 800,000 euros to launch an innovative research line and set up her own research group. She has been awarded with a Vidi grant under the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), which offers Veni, Vidi and Vici grants. This was announced on 13 May. 

Inhibiting the release of platelet proteins 
Dr. J.M.E.M. Cosemans, CARIM, Biochemistry Department  

A cardiac or cerebral infarction increases the risk of a second infarction. Researchers have found that this may be caused by the enduring release of platelet proteins, despite the use of medications. This study aims to effectively inhibit this release in the hope of developing more targeted medications.

Vidi is geared towards outstanding researchers who have conducted several years of successful research after obtaining their PhDs. The researchers are ranked among the top ten to twenty percent in their fields. A Vidi grant gives them the opportunity to conduct five years of research on the topic of their choosing. In this way, the NWO is stimulating curiosity-driven and innovative research.
The NWO selects Vidi laureates based on their research qualities, the innovative nature of their research, the expected scientific impact of their research proposal and the opportunities for knowledge exploitation. Vidi grants are awarded annually by the NWO. A total of 572 researchers submitted a proposal for a Vidi grant. NWO has awarded a Vidi grant to 87 researchers (15%, 60 men and 27 women).

Innovational Research Incentives Scheme
Vidi is one of three forms of financing included under the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme. The other two are Veni (for recent graduates) and Vici (for experienced researchers). The Innovational Research Incentives Scheme aims to facilitate innovative scientific research and was developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the universities.

Article "Hypercoagulability causes atrial fibrosis and promotes atrial fibrillation"

The association between atrial fibrillation and hypercoagulability has been recognized for many years. Atrial fibrillation activates coagulation and platelets and thereby significantly increases the risk for stroke. In a collaboration between the groups of Uli Schotten, Harry Crijns and Hugo ten Cate from Maastricht University Medical Center, Isabelle van Gelder from University Medical Center Groningen and Anton Jan van Zonneveld from Leiden University Medical Center it was recently demonstrated that hypercoagulability not only occurs as a consequence of atrial fibrillation but – vice versa - also may contribute to the occurrence of the arrhythmia. Activated coagulation proteases can stimulate cellular protease-activated receptors, thereby inducing various intracellular signaling pathways leading to inflammation, apoptosis, or fibrosis. Furthermore, transgenic mice with hypercoagulability are more prone to atrial fibrillation and inhibition of coagulation factors in goats with AF inhibits the progression of the arrhythmia. The novel finding that coagulation enzymes thrombin and factor Xa contribute to progression of atrial fibrillation sheds new light on anticoagulant treatment of patients. Not only anticoagulation attenuates atrial fibrillation induced coagulation, but might diminish the progression of the cardiac disease as well.


Eur Heart J. 2016 Apr 12. pii: ehw119. [Epub ahead of print] Hypercoagulability causes atrial fibrosis and promotes atrial fibrillation. Spronk HM, De Jong AM, Verheule S, De Boer HC, Maass AH, Lau DH, Rienstra M, van Hunnik A, Kuiper M, Lumeij S, Zeemering S, Linz D, Kamphuisen PW, Ten Cate H, Crijns HJ, Van Gelder IC2, van Zonneveld AJ, Schotten U.

Poster award Gerry Nicolaes 

On March 17, Dr Gerry Nicolaes (Dept. of Biochemistry) received a Poster Award during the 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine in Brussels. The award, consisting of a certificate and prize money (€ 5000), was presented to the 5 best presented posters (out of 500) by Professor Jukka Jakala (picture).

W.H. Haus Preis for Rory Koenen

On April 8th 2016, Dr. Rory R. Koenen (Dept. of Biochemistry) was awarded the W.H. Hauss prize 2016 of the German Atherosclerosis Society (DGAF) for the paper "Hyperreactivity of Junctional Adhesion Molecule A-Deficient Platelets Accelerates Atherosclerosis in Hyperlipidemic Mice", which was published in Circulation Research in February 2015. The award consists of a certificate and prize money (€2500,-). 

Picture: Rory Koenen receives the W.H. Hauss prize 2016 from DGAF president Prof. Dr. Ralf Kinscherf (University of Marburg, Germany)

Tweede prijs voor Rachel ter Bekke bij de Young Investigators Award Competition van de Heart Rhythm Society

Dr. Rachel ter Bekke (Cardiologie) heeft onlangs in San Francisco een eervolle tweede plaats in de wacht gesleept in de race om de Young Investigators Award van de Heart Rhythm Society, het belangrijkste hartritme-congres wereldwijd. Ter Bekke is betrokken bij het onderzoek naar een genetische afwijking (genmutatie) die bij enkele Zuid-Limburgse families voorkomt en die kan leiden tot hartritmestoornissen en zelfs tot plotse hartdood. Dit onderzoeksproject is bekend onder de naam Worm-studie, naar de gelijknamige rivier aan de oostgrens van Zuid-Limburg.

Er waren in totaal 428 inzendingen vanuit de hele wereld voor deze prestigieuze competitie voor jonge onderzoekers. Daarvan zijn er uiteindelijk 68 naar de jury doorgesluisd, en daarvan zijn er weer zes tot de finale gekozen, drie voor de categorie Basic Science en drie voor de categorie Clinical Science. De bijdrage van Ter Bekke werd gewaardeerd met een tweede plek in de categorie Basic Science en kreeg daarvoor een eervolle vermelding (honorable mention). Het goud ging naar een onderzoeker van Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

De jury roemde vooral het innovatieve karakter van het onderzoek van Ter Bekke. Zij heeft een nieuwe methode toegepast, waarmee zowel een ziekte-veroorzakende genmutatie alsook diverse andere genetische ‘medeplichtigen’ als boosdoeners geïdentificeerd konden worden. Ter Bekke en haar teamleden nemen daarmee een voorsprong in het onderzoek naar verklaringen voor cardiologische verschillen tussen personen met een ogenschijnlijk vergelijkbare genetische aanleg. De resultaten dragen in belangrijke mate bij aan het beter begrijpen en voorspellen van plotse hartstilstand.

Grant deadlines


UM Vidi workshops 2016 and information session June 14.
Click here for more information

Infobijeenkomst ZonMw Doelmatigheid & Goed Gebruik Geneesmiddelen (GGG) - 22 juni 2016
Click here for more information

COST information session - June 23, 2016
Click here for more information

Dutch Data Prize 2016 - Deadline July 1, 2016
Click here for more information

Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists - Deadline August 1, 2016
Click here for more information

Dr. E. Dekker Clinical Established Investigator - Deadline August 29, 2016 12.00 hours
Click here for more information

Dr. E. Dekker Arts vóór aanvang Specialisatie - Deadline August 29, 2016 12.00 hours
Click here for more information
June 10 - Annemie Koster, PhD, Maastricht University Medical Center
"Sedentary Behavior and Cardiometabolic Health - The Maastricht Study"

June 17 - Sven Francque, MD, PhD, University of Antwerp, Belgium
"Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular risk: pathophysiological mechanisms and implications"

June 24 - Frank Ruschitzka, MD, PhD, University Heart Center Zurich, Switzerland
"Birth of a new specialty - the new heart failure doctor"

July 1 - Ron Heeren, PhD, University Medical Center Maastricht
"Mass spectrometry imaging as a diagnostic and prognostic tool for personalized cardiovascular medicine"

July 8 - Rudi Vennekens, PhD, KU Leuven, Belgium
"The TRP-channel CAN, TRPM4, in cardiac contractility and arrhythmias"

July 15 - Stefan Störk, MD, Universitätsklinikum Wurzburg, Germany
"Structures and strategies supporting improved care of heart failure patients in Germany"

Starts at 7.45 am, Academic hospital Maastricht, Meeting room A3-B3, level 3
Breakfast included! Registration not necessary

Click here for an overview of all the CGRM lectures of the second quarter of 2016

Symposia & events

Lecture Daniel Villela - June 9, 2016
Click here for more information

3rd Maastricht Thrombin Summer School - June 16 & 17, 2016
Click here for more informatoin

Pélerin Science Symposium October 5, 2016 – Call for Abstracts deadline June 19, 2016
Click here for more information

Mosa Conference - June 20-21. 2016
Click here for more information

Lecture Daniel Nagin - June 23, 2016
Click here for more information

Symposium Advanced Microscopy and Vital Imaging - June 24, 2016
Click here for more information

Talent Scheme Information Meeting (Veni, Vidi, Vici) - July 1, 2016
Click here for more information

Netherlands Vascular Biology Meeting -  October 5 & 6, 2016
Click here for more information. Abstract deadline: September 5 12.00 hours

20th Annual Meeting of the European Council for Cardiovascular Research (ECCR) - October 14-16, 2016
Click here for more information. Abstract deadline: July 11, 2016

KNAW Agenda

School Council meetings 2016:
- June 27, 12.00-14.00 hours
- October 18, 12.00-14.00 hours

Second International Conference on Cultured Meat - Call for abstracts deadline July 1, 2016

Would you join THE meeting on one of the most controversial subjects of the last years that will transform our world into a better and more sustainable place?

Come and visit “the 2nd international conference on Cultured Meat” to be held in Maastricht, The Netherlands, October 9-11, 2016.

The first edition in 2015 was a big success with top-notch keynote speakers, excellent pitches by young investigators and candid interaction of participants with wildly different backgrounds. 

Maastricht offers a congenial international atmosphere in an old town setting with excellent opportunities for leisure, shopping and food. The following keynote speaker already confirmed: Matthias Lütolf. Check the website for more information regarding abstract submission, registration and speakers. 

Call for abstracts

The organizors strive to create an inspiring but also critical atmosphere discussing Tissue Engineering for Food, in particular Cultured Meat. Therefore, your are enthusiastically welcomed submissions for oral presentation or poster presentation.

Important dates:

Closure submission abstracts: July 1, 2016
Notification: August 1, 2016
Deadline early bird: August 8, 2016
Symposium: October, 9-11, 2016
Academic events

PhD Conferral Tim Peters, Wednesday June 1, 2016, 10.00 hours
Supervisor: Prof. S. Heymans
Co-supervisor: Dr B. Schroen
Title: "Non-coding RNA species in heart failure; regulators of cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis and inflammation"

PhD Conferral Wouter Derks, Friday June 3, 2016, 10.00 hours
Supervisors: Prof. S. Heymans; Prof. E. Lutgens (UvA) 
Co-supervisor: Dr M. van Bilsen
Title: "Inflammation as orchestrator of cardiac disease progression"

PhD Conferral Bart Legein, Thursday June 23, 2016, 10.00 hours
Supervisors: Prof. E.A. Biessen; Prof. E. Lutgens (UvA)
Co-supervisor: Dr L. Temmerman
Title: "Role of dendritic cell subsets in hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis"

PhD Conferral Daniël Twist, Wednesday June 29, 2016, 14.00 hours
Supervisors: Prof. P.W. de Leeuw; Prof. A.A. Kroon
Co-supervisor: Dr A.J.H.M. Houben
Title: "The renin-angiotensin system in the hypertensive kidney; clinical studies in patients with essential hypertension, fibromuscular dysplasia, and the atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis"

Media appearances

Mark Post (Dept. of Physiology) - Des Moines Register (Iowa), 29-05-2016: "Lab-made meat may be on the menu"

Mark Post (Dept. of Physiology) - Dayton Daily News (Ohio), 30-05-2016: "LAB-GROWN FOOD SOON MAY POP UP ON MENUS; Under a microscope, it looks like the real thing. But will consumers buy it?"

Nicolaas Schaper (Dept. Internal Medicine) - States News Service, 03-06-2016:"NICOLAAS C. SCHAPER, MD, PHD, RECEIVES AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION'S 2016 ROGER PECORARO AWARD"

Nicolaas Schaper (Dept. Internal Medicine) - US Official News, 03-06-2016: "Louisiana: Nicolaas C. Schaper, MD, PhD, Receives American Diabetes Association's 2016 Roger Pecoraro Award 
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