Summer Newsletter 2016 from Pescatore-Cooper, PLC
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Tony Pescatore
Rachel Cooper

Foreign Reporting

The FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Reporting) filing deadline, June 30, 2016, is fast approaching with no extensions available. For the 2015 calendar year, each U.S. citizen, U.S. resident or US entity (corporation, partnership, trust, or estate) must file U.S. reports on their involvement with certain foreign (non-US) financial accounts if the aggregate maximum amount of all accounts at any time during the year exceeded $10,000 U.S. Beginning with the 2016 calendar year, reporting in 2017, the filing deadline will be April 15th with a six-month extension allowed.  Please contact our office to discuss whether these reporting requirements apply to you. 

Have you Voted?

Please help us continue our ranking by voting for our firm in the Ranking Arizona poll.  It takes just a few minutes to vote!  The voting process has changed and you can now vote every hour, so please pass this along to your friends, family, and colleagues.
To cast your vote:
  1. Click on the Ranking Arizona image above
  2. Click Register/Login and input your email address and password
  3. Click Finance and Professional as the main category on the left side of the page.
  4. Select Accounting Firms as the sub category.
  5. Scroll to Pescatore Cooper, PC and click VOTE.
Thanks in advance for your vote and continued support!


AZ Tax Credits

On May 6, 2016, Governor Ducey signed into law SB 1216 increasing the contribution limits for the Charitable Tax Credit from $200/$400 to $400/$800 for Single/Married Filing Joint retroactive to January 1, 2016. This law also separated the Foster Care Tax Credit from the aforementioned charitable tax credit with contribution limits of $500/$1,000 for Single/Married Filing Joint.  At this time the AZ Department of Revenue has not updated the new contribution levels on its website, but it has published the 2016 lists of Qualified Charitable Organizations and Qualified Foster Care Charitable Organizations

In addition to SB 1216, SB 1217 allows the above contributions to be made on or before April 15th following the close of the taxable year to be applied to either the current or the preceding tax year.



Tax Debt Grounds Travelers

In December 2015 President Barack Obama signed into law the FAST Act (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act). An included provision in this Act requires the IRS to refer seriously delinquent taxpayers to the U.S. State Department for denial or revocation of a passport. The following are the qualifications of a seriously delinquent taxpayer:
  1. Taxpayer owes the IRS over $50,000 (indexed annually for inflation).
  2. A notice of lien must have been filed and all administrative rights exhausted or lapsed or a notice of levy has been filed.
Read more about this new law here. If you are a seriously delinquent taxpayer and would like some assistance, please contact our offices.

IRS Correspondence

Scammers are becoming very clever with their methods of obtaining sensitive tax information.  This is an ongoing battle the IRS is trying to combat.  As a reminder:
  • IRS will not call, drop by, or email - The IRS will not call you or show up at your address unless a letter has first been sent to you regarding a tax question. If you have not received a letter about an IRS issue and you get a phone call or visit from the “IRS” it is most likely a scam. Also, the IRS will not email you, as their email systems are not secure. 
  • If you receive an IRS notice in the mail about taxes due and a proposed adjustment, do not panic and don’t automatically pay the amount due. As you will see the notice states that it is a “proposed adjustment” in which you have at least 30 days to respond.
  • If you receive an IRS letter stating that your return has been chosen to be “audited”, again, don’t panic. Most “audit” letters are computer generated from an IRS Service Center regarding the matching of tax forms the IRS has received with the information reported on the taxpayer’s return. Most of these “audits” can be handled through correspondence and do not require a meeting or telephone call with the IRS.
If you receive a letter and want to make sure it is legitimate, please send a copy of all pages to our office via fax, password protected email, or upload to your client portal on our website. As discussed in our engagement letters, if there is a lengthy analysis required with additional correspondence to be written, there may be an additional fee based on our hourly rates.

Household Employees

Many State’s unemployment funds are severely underfunded and are unable to cover the unprecedented employment benefit claims. In addition, the Federal government is coordinating efforts to combat unpaid employment taxes and the misclassification of workers. The federal government (and most states) do not classify nannies, housekeepers, maids, drivers, caregivers, and other similar employees, as independent contractors. These workers are considered domestic employees subject to the Department of Labor employment rules and payroll taxes. The following are some definitions to keep in mind when hiring a household employee:

  • You have a household employee if you hired someone to do household work where you can control not only what work is done, but how it is done. If the worker is your employee, it doesn't matter whether the work is full time or part time or that you hired the worker through an agency or from a list provided by an agency or association. It also doesn't matter whether you pay the worker on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis, or by the job.
  • If only the worker can control how the work is done, the worker isn't your employee but is self-employed. A self-employed worker usually provides his or her own tools and offers services to the general public in an independent business.
If you would like more information regarding household employees, you can visit the IRS website or call our office to discuss your individual situation.
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