June 2016
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Thriller Flashmob in Jane Warner Plaza
Letter from the E.D.
Happy PRIDE! June is here and the neighborhood is bustling with people. Last week was the Silent Film Festival at the Castro Theatre, Frameline opens at the Castro Theatre next Thursday on June 16th and LGBT Pride Weekend is the following weekend!

The CBD's Castro Ambassadors are out volunteering and welcoming visitors to this great neighborhood, stop by and say hi!  Our team of ambassadors is growing all the time, consider joining this great team and meet people from around the world and your own neighborhood!

June 15th the inaugural Castro Bazaar featuring local, San Francisco, artists selling their wares will be in the Jane Warner Plaza from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Stop by after the Farmer's Market and buy a handmade surprise Pride gift for that special someone in our life.     

You'll also be seeing more tables and chairs out in the Jane Warner Plaza and out more often this month. The furniture will be managed and kept clean by our new Plaza Stewards who will begin working in the next few weeks.  

When you're out and about on Pride weekend, notice the LED lights overhead as the colors change for the celebration. 


CBD's Clean Team
Our Clean Team is working very hard to keep the neighborhood extra clean for Pride. Say hi to them when you see them, call/text our dispatch # 415-471-7536, to report cleaning concerns/graffiti in the CBD footprint.

Pit Stop is a Smashing Success

Tourists from around the globe are surprised and delighted to use the free, clean and fresh restroom at Castro & Market. The Pit Stop program, funded by DPW, is a smashing success. The Pit Stop workers are a fantastic addition to the neighborhood, making the Castro more welcoming to all. This program shows the power of people in a uniform acting as stewards or ambassadors and available to help. On May 30th an individual entered the restroom and 10 minutes later they had not come out. The Pit Stop worker knocked on the door, no response, so he entered and found the young man unconscious with five needles laying around him. The worker immediately called 911 and the ambulance arrived in two minutes, saving this young man's life.

The Pit Stop workers are dedicated to their work and to improving the neighborhood. Thank them for their service.

Happy Pride month and see you out in the neighborhood!


Live! in the Castro Upcoming Events 
Events are updated often. Follow us on Facebook.

Jane Warner Plaza is booming with activity this June! Every Saturday & Sunday has an activity. We hope to see you out there!

June 11th @1pm Sundance Saloon  - Enjoy another fun afternoon of outdoor country line dancing in the heart of the Castro.
June 12th @1pm Ps & Qs - The P’s & Q’s play old-timey good-time, acoustic porch music.
June 15th @4pm Castro Bazaar - Handcrafted art made by local artisans.
June 18th @1pm Damfino Players - Sweet, sentimental & hot music from a by-gone era to warm your heart & burn your feet!
June 18th @2pm Real Bad  - REACH event - Event to promote the REACH Pride T-Dance. There will be a DJ, dancing, flaggers and a performance!
June 19th Mary Delave Fine Art 
June 26th @12pm - 
RWF challenges the LGBT and friends community throughout California to collect supplies and donations. Rainbow World Fund has three primary goals – to provide humanitarian aid to communities in need around the world; to create awareness within the LGBT community of the need for these relief efforts; and to change how the world sees LGBT people by putting our highest values and beliefs into action by demonstrating compassion and caring for the world.

The CBD seeks artists and performers to join us in bringing Jane Warner Plaza to life. If you are a musician, dancer, performance artist or community group, we want to hear from you! We are interested in exploring all types of activities, music, dance, lectures, community outreach, interactive art. Email the CBD


Upcoming Community Events / Meetings
Please join Mayor Lee's Fix-It Director Sandra Zuniga and other City officials to discuss quality of life issues. Wednesday June 15th 6:30pm-8pm at the Eureka Valley Recreation Center.
Please help with the Pink Triangle installation. 
Set-up: Sat June 25, 7:30am-10 Commemoration Ceremony Sat. 10:30 . am
Take-down Sun. June 26, 5pm- 8pm Dignitaries and S.F. L/G Freedom Band
Even an hour of help - is a big help ! Info: Patrick Carney (415) 726-4914
Castro/Upper Market CBD Meetings
Please see our website:
for up to date information on the Castro CBD meeting schedule.
  • Board of Directors Meeting: Thursday 6/9/16 6:00 p.m. 501 Castro Street, 2nd Floor
  • Services Committee Meeting: Monday 6/13/16 4:45 p.m. 2355 Market St., Coldwell Banker
  • Finance Committee Meeting: Monday 6/21/16 8:00 a.m. 2355 Market St., Coldwell Banker
  • Land Use Committee Meeting: Monday 6/27/16 9:00 a.m. 2355 Market St., Coldwell Banker
  • Executive Committee Meeting: Tuesday 6/28/16 10:00 a.m. 2355 Market St., Coldwell Banker
  • Services Committee Meeting: Mondy 7/11/16 4:45 -p.m. 2355 Market St., Coldwell Banker
  • Streetscape Committee Meeting: Monday 7/11/16 6:00 p.m. 2355 Market St., Coldwell Banker
All committee meetings are held at 2355 Market St.

All Castro / Upper Market Community Benefit District Meetings are open to the public with public comment taken at every meeting. The meeting agendas are posted on the CBD website 72 hours before every meeting.
Loitering and Camping Information
San Francisco Municipal Police Code 25 "No Trespassing" signs are required for police and other law enforcement officers to take action regarding loitering, sleeping, panhandling, etc. on your premises when an owner's representative is not present, such as late at night. To be fully enforceable and effective and in compliance with City rules, the signs must be signed and bear a current-period date. They must be replaced every six months, at the beginning of January for the first half of the year (use a yellow sign), and at the beginning of July for the second half of the year, (use a green sign). Copies of the signs are available from the CBD Dispatch service,  email the CBD.You can also pick up signs from cooperating merchants in the District, P.O. Plus (584 Castro), or at S.F.P.D. Mission Station (630 Valencia at 17th Street.

Copyright © 2016 Castro CBD, All rights reserved.

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